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IELTS Academic Reading Score: Reading Score Calculator, Band Score, Marking Criteria

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IELTS academic reading score is credited based on the number of correct attempts made by the test-taker. IELTS academic reading section comprises a total of 40 questions. Candidates are not given any negative marking in this section IELTS of Examination. The band score ranges from 0 to 9 in IELTS academic band score pattern. Test-takers need to be aware that difficult level in IELTS academic reading is higher in comparison to the general reading section. The score that are achieved by candidates out of 40 are then converted into band scores. The band score chart for both IELTS academic reading and IELTS general reading are different.  

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How to Calculate Overall IELTS Band Score?

To evaluate the IELTS score, IELTS reading band score is equated by categorising other three categories of IELTS examination. Mentioned below is a process that will help with understanding the process of IELTS reading band score calculation: 

  1. Reading 6.5 + Writing 5 + Speaking 7 + Listening 6.5 = 25
    Divide 25 by 4 = 6.25
  2. Ends in .25 so round up to the next half band
    Overall band score = 6.5

IELTS Academic Reading Score Calculator

IELTS academic reading and IELTS listenig section have no negative marking criteria in case of an incorrect answer. IELTS band score is the overall median of the individual scores derived in each section. Each correct attempt in IELTS reading section is credited with 1 point which adds up to the overall score in EILTS reading section. The total reading academic score out of 40 is then transformed into the IELTS academic reading band score. Points to be noted about the reading score IELTS academic:

  • The candidate can receive a .5 score like 5.5 or 6.5;
  • A ‘.25’ score will be raised to ‘.5’. for instance, a 6.25 score will be rounded to 6.5;
  • A ‘.75’ score will be rounded to the nearest whole number like – 6.75 will be rounded to 7;
  • A ‘.1’ IELTS academic reading score will be rounded to a score lesser like – 6.1 will become 6.

What is a Good Score in IELTS Reading?

According to IELTS band score descriptors, an IELTS reading score of 8 states the candidate has a very good proficiency level. Scoring an IELTS score of 6 means the candidate is a competent user, but a score of 7 makes them a good user. A good IELTS reading score depends on the cutoff of the university the candidate is planning to take admission to. 

Is IELTS General Reading easier than Academic?

It has been stated by IELTS test-takers that the General Training’s reading section is easier than Academic. It is comparatively less challenging as IELTS academic reading section evaluates the candidates by testing their ability to express ideas, opinions, and also the level of comprehension. The general reading score IELTS can be calculated using different scoring methods. 

Is 6.25 considered as 6.5 in IELTS?

The average scores acquired by the candidates leads to the overall band score. A candidate can consider scoring in whole, for eg. 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 or in a .5 category such as; 5.5, 6.5, 7.5 in each of the sections of the test. 

IELTS Academic Reading Score Conversion

To understand the IELTS academic score band, the conversion from raw score to band score needs to be studied. Below is the table that demonstrates the IELTS reading marking:

IELTS Academic Reading Score Raw Score
5 15
6 23
7 30
8 35

On an average, the general category of IELTS reading band score in academic is IELTS 6.5 and above, and top-ranking universities prefer 7 and above. Candidates, therefore, need to correctly answer 23 to 30 numbers of questions compulsorily.

IELTS Academic Reading Band Score Descriptors

Each IELTS band descriptor refers to a specific performance level. A candidate scoring an 8 has a very good knowledge of English than the one scoring 5 who has modest English knowledge. Below is the Academic IELTS reading band score descriptors:

IELTS Academic Reading Band Score Score Descriptors
Band Score 9 Expert
Band Score 8 Very Good
Band Score 7 Good
Band Score 6 Competent
Band Score 5 Modest
Band Score 4 Limited
Band Score 3 Extremely Limited
Band Score 2 Intermittent
Band Score 1 Non-user
Band Score 0 Did not attempt

Now, to answer the question of whether 6.5 is a good band score or not, we can definitely state a candidate scoring IELTS band 6.5 falls between competent to a good user.

IELTS Academic Reading Band Score 

The IELTS reading score is measured on a band scale of 0 to 9. Scores are credited based on the correct number of attempts made by the candidates. IELTS Band Score 9 suggests that candidates have answered 40 questions correctly. Low reading score justifies candidates’ low proficiency. The IELTS reading assessment carries 1 mark each. The IELTS academic reading test is difficult in comparison to the IELTS GT reading tests.

The following IELTS academic reading score chart defines how the conversion is done based on the accuracy of answers.

No. of correct answers IELTS academic reading band score
40 - 39 9
38 - 37 8.5
36 - 35 8
34 - 33 7.5
32 - 30 7
29 - 27 6.5
26 - 23 6
22 - 19 5.5
18 - 15 5
14 - 13 4.5
12 - 10 4
9 - 8 3.5
7 - 6 3
5 - 4 2.5

IELTS Academic Reading Marking Criteria

The IELTS score of academic reading section is assessed based on task accomplishment, consistency, linguistic competence, and grammatical correctness. It should be noted that to attain a higher IELTS general reading score, candidates need to answer more questions correctly. The reason behind this is, the IELTS academic reading test contains more complex contexts and vocabulary prevalent in academic settings. Therefore, the IELTS general reading band score requires more correct answers to match with the academic. Candidates fulfilling the IELTS reading marking criteria have the ability to acquire higher Band score.

Task Achievement (Task 1) To present accurate information
To provide an overview
To highlight key features or stages
Supporting detail with appropriate data
Task Response (Task 2) To address the task accurately
To provide relevant points that support the answer
To present an opinion when necessary
To provide a conclusion
Coherence and Cohesion To organise information into paragraphs
To present a central idea in each paragraph
To apply range of linking devices
Lexical Resources Use collocations
Avoid errors and spelling mistakes
Use good vocabulary and paraphrase
Grammar Range and Accuracy Use a wide range of sentence structures
Proper use grammar tenses
Proper use of punctuation
Avoid errors

These are a few of the IELTS reading preparation tips which will help the candidates perceive the whole IELTS reading score matter as well as the preparation part to a great extent. Candidates also need to remember that the IELTS band score chart for academic reading and listening follows similar measures of marking.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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