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Early Republics Defined Citizens as Only Male Property Owners and GMAT Reading Comprehension

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Reading Passage Question
Early republics defined citizens as only male property owners and excluded all others. Landowning citizens possessed a stake in society; they were public spirited and had the desire and qualifications to participate in decision-making. No one held office for a long period of time, because when citizens rotate in and out of office they avoid corrupting influences. The great Renaissance theorist Niccolo Machiavelli argued in his Discourses on Livy that this public spiritedness promoted virtue the highest ideal a republican citizen could achieve. Rooted in the Latin res publica, the term republic literally means the “public thing.” In the eighteenth century, the American Constitution framers used the word republic, or res publica, to refer to the “common good,” the “public good,” or the “good of all.”

Solution and Explanation

  1. The author incorporates the Latin phrase res publica to what likely purpose?
  1. To show the depth of his knowledge and education.
  2. To show how the founders of America were in thrall to Latin ideas.
  3. To show how the concept of a republic is an ancient ideal.
  4. To prove that America’s founders misunderstood the phrase.
  5. To build a case for a return to the ideals of ancient Rome.

Answer: C
Explanation: The author incorporates the Latin phrase res publica to show how the concept of a republic is an ancient ideal because Latin is a fairly ancient language as it was popular in ancient Rome and is sufficient to show the antiquity of republic as the existence of the word res publica means the concept of republic also existed since ancient times. So, use of a Latin phrase i.e., res publica indicates that the concept of republic is indeed ancient.

  1. Which of the following statements most accurately captures the main point of the passage?
  1. Machiavelli created the idea of a republic.
  2. The word republic comes from the Latin term res publica.
  3. America stole the idea of “a republic.”
  4. The concept of a republic now used in America has been developed for thousands of years.
  5. Many people do not understand the fundamentals of how government works in a republic.

Answer: D
Explanation: The main point of the passage can be most accurately captured as the concept of a republic now used in America has been developed for thousands of years. Because the whole passage concentrates on exploring the different instances and viewpoints on republic from major time periods and famous personalities like Machiavelli. The passage finally ends with a reference of republic in the American Constitution which itself incorporates a Latin phrase to cement America as a republic. All of this points towards the fact that the American ideal of republic has been in development for thousands of years right from Latin speaking Rome to the eighteenth century American Constitution.

  1. According to the passage, why, in early republics, did no citizens hold office for short periods of time?
  1. As landowners, they had other important matters to attend to.
  2. Only male property owners could be citizens.
  3. Shorter terms of office were more compatible with the agrarian lifestyle of the time.
  4. It was difficult to convince people to hold office at all.
  5. It was felt that short terms of office reduced the likelihood of corruption.

Answer: E
Explanation: According to the passage in early republics citizens did hold office for short periods of time because it was felt that short terms of office reduced the likelihood of corruption. It's clearly stated in the passage that no one held office for a long period of time, because when citizens rotate in and out of office, they avoid corrupting influences.

  1. According to the theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, what was the highest idea a republican citizen could achieve?
  1. Virtue
  2. A republic
  3. To be a landowner
  4. The “good of all”
  5. The “public thing”

Answer: A
Explanation: According to the theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, the highest idea a republican citizen could achieve was virtue. It is evident from the passage as it contains a statement to that effect which is: The great Renaissance theorist Niccolò Machiavelli argued in his Discourses on Livy that this public spiritedness promoted virtue the highest ideal a republican citizen could achieve.

  1. Which of the following statements is one the author would most likely agree with?
  1. Niccolò Machiavelli is greatly misunderstood today.
  2. More people should learn to read Latin.
  3. The American republic grew out of a number of historical precedents.
  4. The American republic perfected prior ideas about governing.
  5. It is wrong for only land-holding men to be allowed to vote.

Answer: C
Explanation: The author is most likely to agree with the statement that the American republic grew out of a number of historical precedents. Because the passage in its entirety focuses on several historical precedents regarding republics like Machiavelli and his views on republic, characteristics of early republics, land ownership as a voting criterion etc. The passage concludes with the mention of the eighteenth American Constitution which uses a Latin phrase “res publica” to establish the ideal of republic within America. Which shows the antiquity of the source from which the American ideal of republic is derived. All of this indicates that American idea of republic rests on several historical precedents.

“Early republics defined citizens as only male property owners and”- is a GMAT reading comprehension passage with answers. Candidates need a strong knowledge of English GMAT reading comprehension.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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