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GRE Score Cancelling Options: GRE Scores, ETS GRE Score Review Process, Why and How GRE scores are Questioned?

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ETS, being the conducting authority of GRE has the right of questioning GRE score obtained by the candidates. GRE scores are reviewed and later these GRE scores can be considered to be invalid. This article describes the GRE score validity cases and the reason behind questioning GRE scores.

A Quick Recap of GRE Scores

GRE score range is 130 to 170 for GRE Quant and GRE Verbal. 170 is GRE max score and GRE minimum score here. Cumulatively GRE maximum score is 340 (170 of quant + 170 of verbal) and this is the highest GRE score, a candidate can obtain. Average GRE scores range between 147-155.

With the help of GRE score calculator, the calculation of GRE Quant and GRE Verbal is done.

Check the GRE score chart below to understand GRE scaled score and GRE score percentile.

Scaled Score Verbal Reasoning Percentile Rank Quantitative Reasoning Percentile Rank
170 99 97
169 99 97
168 98 95
167 98 93
166 97 91
165 95 89
164 94 87
163 92 85
162 90 82
161 88 79
160 85 76
159 82 73
158 80 70
157 75 67
156 72 63
155 68 59
154 64 55
153 60 51
152 55 47
151 51 43
150 47 39
149 42 35
148 38 31
147 34 27
146 30 24
145 26 20
144 23 17
143 19 14
142 17 12
141 14 10
140 11 8
139 9 6
138 7 4
137 6 3
136 4 2
135 3 1
134 2 1
133 1 1
132 1
131 1

With the help of GRE scoring grid, the candidates get the what-ifs condition to understand their overall GRE scores.

GRE to GMAT Score Conversion

GRE Score GMAT Score
260 200
262 200
264 200
266 200
268 200
270 220
272 230
274 250
276 270
278 280
280 300
282 320
284 330
286 350
288 370
290 390
292 400
294 420
296 440
298 450
300 470
302 490
304 500
306 520
308 540
310 560
312 570
314 590
316 610
318 620
320 640
322 660
324 670
326 690
328 710
330 730
332 740
334 760
336 780
338 790
340 800

For detailed conversion of GRE and GMAT sectional scores, check GRE To GMAT Score Conversion. The best GRE score is above 155 in both sections and for GMAT, it is above 720.

GRE Score Cancelling Options

The candidates on the response of GRE score questioning, have the following options:

  • Authorize ETS to cancel GRE score and take another GRE without charge – the previous record is removed and score recipients are informed in case scores are previously reported.
  • Allow ETS to cancel GRE score and claim a refund – ETS removes the previous scores and recipients will be informed if previously reported
  • Submit a matter of arbitration (applicable for the candidates of US and US territories only) – ETS will pay the cost of arbitration

The candidates are free to take legal actions but filing the case will not delay the cancellation of GRE score. The next section describes the scenarios behind GRE score cancellation.

Cancellation Procedures

In case, GRE score card gets cancelled, these cannot be reported anymore. GRE fees in these cases will either be refunded or the next test will be free. If scores are not already reported, ETS will not take any action. If GRE scores are reported, recipients will be notified about the cancellation. In this case, GRE score report can no longer be used even as a hardcopy.

Why and how ETS Questions Test Scores?

ETS questions GRE test Scores because they believe the scores to be invalid. Every year thousands of candidates take GRE and these GRE score recipients count on GRE score validity. To be more precise, there are 3 particular scenarios on which ETS questions GRE scores:

  • Inquiry with inconsistencies from the test-takers regarding GRE score validity
  • Complaints of the test center administrators
  • Different information from internal and external sources

As the conducting authority, ETS aims at taking GRE most securely and under the standard conditions, so that the candidates can be scored properly. During the test center GRE, candidates need to prove their identity after arriving at the test center.

It needs mention that until the candidates ensure proper verification, they will not be allowed to take GRE at all. Here, the candidates have to acknowledge that ETS by every means has the right to question and cancel the GRE scores.

So, ETS is free to question and claim the GRE score card of any test-taker as invalid. Here a few factors to remember are:

  • Fairness of the candidates is highly valued and ETS always wants to evaluate all the test-takers by treating them fairly.
  • ETS may release the identity information of the recipient while cancelling or questioning their scores on finding misconduct from the side of the candidate.

During score questioning, ETS does not report the scores to the recipients unless and until the matter is resolved. But, in case of previously reported GRE scores questioning, ETS will not notify recipients until the candidate cancels the scores or resolve the matter.

ETS GRE Score Review Process in Detail - Two-stage Review Process

Some of the vital information catered during the score review process of ETS are:

  • Not worked independently
  • Inconsistent performance based on the performance of previous GRE take
  • Test answers were available to the test-taker during or before the test

In addition to this, ETS considers the following types of comparison as well:

  • The answers of a particular test-taker are the same as another
  • A candidate’s GRE total score or Sectional score is the same as the score of the previous year
  • Unmatched handwriting in the documents
  • Essay or portfolio is the same as a published or unpublished one
  • Unmatched documents on the test day with that of submitted during GRE registration
  • Answers changed which match the responses of another test-taker
  • Mismatched biometric

On having the suspicions that GRE scores of a particular candidate are invalid, ETS first notify the candidate. At this point, the candidates will have options for resolving the matter. To resolve the candidate needs to allow ETS to cancel the questioned GRE score and take GRE again. For this, they will not be charged.

Only with substantial evidence, ETS will cancel the GRE test scores. There are two stages of reviewing the GRE scores:

The Initial Review

Office of Testing Integrity (OTI) first reviews the scores and checks for substantial evidence in support of invalidity. When OTI finds no evidence of invalidity, the review process gets terminated and scores are sent to the recipients – with the notification of “no score validity issues found”.

On finding substantial evidence, OTI notifies the test taker and offers an opportunity to submit information regarding ETS's concerns. After this, OTI refers to the Score Review Summary based on which ETS takes the decision.

About Additional Information

Additional information may raise from

  • Authenticated original documents
  • Disability certificate or doctor's certificate

ETS reviews these to resolve their concerns. But in case, these do not address ETS's questions about GRE score validity, a review of the next stage is done.

Second Stage of Review

The Board of Review - an impartial group of ETS professional staff has a rotating schedule to review purposes. In case, one-panel member concludes "no substantial evidence of invalidity", the review will be terminated for GRE score reporting.

This board considers all the contents of the GRE Score Review Summary along with the information submitted by the candidate. On finding the substantial evidence as invalid, OTI will notify the test taker. ETS offers an option to resolve the matter by cancelling this score and taking the test.

Contact Information of ETS

In terms of advice regarding GRE score review, candidates can consult with a trusted individual from OTI staff members. For more information regarding questioned test scores or score cancellation procedure or score cancelling options, candidates can contact the Office of Testing Integrity (OTI):

Office of Testing Integrity
Educational Testing Service
Princeton, NJ 08541
Phone: 1-800-750-6991 (United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Canada only), 1-609-406-5430 (all other locations)
Fax: 1-609-406-9709
E-mail: TSReturns@ets.org

No matter which exam the candidates are taking, they need to be fair. The conducting body of GRE will always have the authority to question GRE scores whenever they find any discrepancy. So proper GRE preparation is mandatory.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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