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TANCET Exam saw participation of more than 40,000 candidate in 2021. TANCET exam 2023 is expected to witness a similar trend. TANCET 2023 may also witness competitive cut off based on the number of candidates participating in TANCET exam 2023. To secure admission in one of the participating colleges, one must review TANCET preparation tips that have been presented in this article after analyzing previous years’ trend. Check TANCET paper analysis

TANCET exam 2023 is scheduled to be held in February 25 – 26, 2023. TANCET preparation tips for TANCET exam 2023 in this article would be beneficial to clear TANCET cut off and secure a position in TANCET counselling process.

TANCET Highlights

TANCET Highlights 2023

Particulars Details
Name of exam TANCET  (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test)
Category Entrance exam
Conducting authority Anna University 
Exam duration 2 hours (120 minutes)
Maximum Marks  100
TANCET registration begins from Last week of December 2022 
Exam Dates February 25 – 26, 2023
Availability of Admit cards and Result Release date Third week of February 2023 and March 2023 respectively
Official Website  tancet.annauniv.edu

TANCET Exam Pattern

TANCET Exam Pattern 2023

TANCET exam 2023 will consist of 100 multiple choice questions carrying one mark each. 1/3 marks would be deducted for every wrong answer. Check Detailed TANCET Exam Pattern

The detailed exam pattern are mentioned in below table :

Mode of exam Offline (Pen-Paper based)
Number of subjects 5 (Business Situations, Read Comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude and Numerical Ability, Reasoning, English)
Weightage of each subject 20 marks
Negative Marks ⅓ (One third)
Language of exam English, Tamil


TANCET syllabus (MBA) 2023:

The detailed syllabus for all 5 TANCET sections as per the Anna University is available in the table below :

Section Topics
Quantitative Aptitude and Numerical Ability  Number system, LCM and HCF, Sequence and series, Average, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Partnership, Time, Speed and Distance, Mixture and Alligation, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability, Linear equations, Quadratic equations, Permutation, and Combination, Data Interpretation (Bar graphs, Pie charts, Line graphs, and Tables, etc.)
Reasoning and Logical Ability Analogy, Classification, Number Series, Syllogism, Venn Diagram, Data sufficiency, Calendar, Clock, Mirror image, Water image, Paper Cutting and Folding, Missing Characters, Blood Relations, Direction and Distance, Coding-Decoding, Counting of Figures, etc.
Reading Comprehension Passages, Questions based on RC, Synonyms and Antonyms, One-word substitution, Vocabulary, etc.
General English  English Grammar (Parts of Speech, Active and Passive Voices, Articles, Narration, Tenses, Prepositions, Conjunctions, etc.), Spotting Errors, Cloze test, Sentence Corrections, sentence arrangements, fill in the blanks, etc.
Business Situations Analysis Puzzles and syllogism, Decision-making ability, Binary Logics, Coded Blood relations, Seating arrangements, Business Administration, Leadership quality, Communication Ability, Confidence, etc.

The syllabus of TANCET is so vast but the students can prepare the whole syllabus with the right strategy and planning. Students need to prepare all the sections in a good manner as all sections having equal weightage.

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TANCET Preparation Tips

TANCET Preparation Tips for MBA

Here are some important tips for students to make their preparation well and to crack the exam with a good score.

  1. Time Management - Time management is important to crack any exam. Students should make a proper plan and divide the time for all the sections. During the preparation of the exam, students should practice questions by observing the time limit, it helps students to manage time in the exam hall to cover all the questions. Solve the easy questions first to give more time to tough questions. The students can solve all the questions only if they manage time in the examination hall. So practice should be good to solve all the questions within the given time limit.
  2. Clear your Concepts - For any exam the clarity of concept is necessary to perform well. Students should read the reference books to clear their basics and concepts. Practice formulae, numerical, rules, theorems, laws, short tricks, Vocabulary, etc. regularly to enhance your understanding of questions and their approach to solve them. If you brush up on your basic concepts and understanding you can solve the questions easily in the given time limit and score well.
  3. Mark your strength and weakness - During preparation analyze your strength and weakness in all the sections is important. The better way to identify your strength and weakness is to solve previous year's question papers and attempt mock tests. After identifying your strength and weakness make a proper plan of study, give more time to your weaker section and minimum time to strong. After strengthening your weak portions practice more related questions of this portion to increase your score.
  4. Mock Tests - Mock test is the only way to check your preparation level. It gives an idea of the actual exam to students. Analyze your performance and score in mock tests and make a proper plan to increase your score in a particular weak section. But students should follow only relevant mock tests as per their exam pattern and syllabus. Don't lose your confidence level after attempting mock tests. Practice more relevant questions to enhance your score in the exam.
  5. Maintain speed and accuracy - Maintaining speed and accuracy is important to score the highest marks in the exam. Practice more questions regularly to improve your accuracy and speed. Make attention to negative marking and solve only those questions for which you are confident. Sometimes more attempts of questions decrease your score and rank. Work on the calculation to increase your speed and accuracy. You can use short tricks and methods to maintain speed.
  6. Revision - Revision is important to cover all the sections properly. Glance formulae, questions, and theorem regularly are important to score well. You should revise handwritten short notes and reference books to increase your score. Without proper revision, students cannot prepare all the sections properly.
  7. Don't study irrelevant topics - You should prepare only as per the level of your exam. Study only relevant and important topics to perform well in the exam. Don't give time to irrelevant questions which are generally not asked in the exam. Analyze syllabus and previous year papers well and then study accordingly. Sometimes students give more time to practice such tough questions which are not important for the exam, it makes your time waste. You must follow only relevant questions and test series to score good marks.
  8. Be Confident - Students should maintain their confidence level during exam preparation. Confidence is important to prepare in a better way without stress. If you have confidence then you can chase your competitors easily. Students should focus on quality study rather than quantity. Lack of confidence affects your preparation and score.
  9. Follow the expert's guidance - Students must follow the experts and their guidance during preparation. The experts can guide aspirants in a better way to students that can help to make them perform their good. Students can attend the seminar and counseling program during preparation.
  10. Follow Best resources - There are various sources if exam preparation is available at present but students should select and follow the best resource of preparation as per their choice. Some students like online learning but some of them like offline classroom learning. It depends on the students, they can follow online as well as offline resources for their preparation. The selection of good resources also plays an important role to score well in the exam.

You can surely score well in TANCET 2023 by following these tips.


Best Books for TANCET Preparation 2023:

Name of Book Author / Publication
TANCET Data Interpretation Analysis Ashok Gupta
Quantitative Aptitude and Numerical Ability Dr. R.S. Agarwal
TANCET General English Dr. B.B. Jain
Logical and Analytical Reasoning A.K. Gupta 
Descriptive General English S.P. Bakshi
Compendium General English Dr. B. B. Jain 
 Master Reasoning Arihant Publication
Reasoning Test (Verbal and Non- Verbal) Dr. M.B. Lal and A.K. Singh
General English Lucent
TANCET Quantitative Aptitude S.N. Jha 

Other than this students can follow the top e-learning platforms like unacademy, Testbook, Vedantu, BYJU's, etc. for better preparation. TANCET (MBA) 2021 exam day guidelines : Students should need to prepare mentally and physically on exam day. Students must be confident with their preparation to perform well in the TANCET test. Here are some useful points which are followed by students on the day of exam :

                            Do's                               Don'ts
Students must reach the examination center at least one hour before the start of the exam. Electronic gazettes like smartphones, watches, calculators, cameras, etc. are not allowed inside the examination hall.
Students must carry admit card with a photo and identity proof at the examination center. Follow all the exam instructions as mentioned on the admit card. Students take transparent water bottles and prescribed medicine (if required). Don't reach the examination center late. check the entry time mentioned in the admit card carefully.


Benefits of qualifying TANCET :

There are several benefits to students after qualifying TANCET exam. Some of the important benefits are mentioned below :

  • Students can secure their seats in top Colleges/Institutes of Tamil Nadu.
  • Based on the TANCET scorecard students can get scholarships from SRM University, Shri Nandhanam Group of Institution, Sona College of Technology, Sankara Institute of Management, etc.
  • Chance to secure admission in MBA program from reputed college to get good placement and career opportunities.
  • Students can get many benefits from government schemes using the TANCET scorecard.

TANCET 2023 Preparation FAQs

Ques. How many questions will TANCET Exam 2023 have?

Ans. TANCET Exam 2023 will have 100 questions.

Ques. How will the University score the attempts?

Ans. The University will award 1 mark for every correct answer and deduct 1/3 mark for every wrong answer.

Ques. Can I take TANCET 2023 exam in my local language?

Ans. A candidate can only take TANCET 2023 exam either in English or in Tamil.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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Answered Questions


Piyush Marwah

03 Dec 22

There is no passing grade. It is determined by the cut-off point. The TANCET cut-off is determined by the following factors:

  • Availability of seats

  • Total number of applicants for TANCET

  • Total number of test participants

  • The exam's level of difficulty.

TANCET requires a score of 60-65 to achieve the 99%ile. The TANCET percentile score is calculated using the following formula:

Percentile Score on the TANCET: (Y/N)*100

In this case, Y represents the total number of test takers with a lower score. Whereas N denotes the total number of candidates who took the TANCET exam. A candidate who received a 97 percent score performed better than 97 percent of TANCET 2023 test-takers.

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