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BITSAT 2023 Mock Test is an online mode test provided for students that will allow them to practice and attempt the test similar to the actual one. The mock test series will be made available online close to the exam date. Since it is an online exam, being familiar with the proceedings of the exam will prepare the students well for the actual exam. BITSAT 2023 Exam is expected to be conducted in the 3rd week of June 2023 while the official notification is expected in February 2023. Check BITSAT 2023 Exam Dates

Every year lakhs of people dream of being part of the student body at the reputed Birla Institute of Technology and Science. It is one of the first institutes to be conferred with the Institute of Eminence status in 2018. BITSAT 2023 will be a computer-based online test organized by the institute for admission to the Bachelor's program of BITS campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad. Check BITSAT 2023 Exam Pattern 

BITSAT 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Particulars Details
Exam Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test
Conducting institute BITS Pilani
Exam level National
Exam Category Undergraduate
Mode Online
Duration Three hours
Question Type MCQs
Total marks 450
Number of Questions 150
Negative marking 0.25
Official website bitsadmission.com
Admission for Programmes B.E, B.Pharm

How to take BITSAT Mock Test?

How to take the BITSAT Mock Test 2023?

Taking a mock test is very easy and can be figured out by following some quick steps. However candidates should note that mock test will be provided few days before BITSAT 2023 will be conducted. Steps you will need to follow to take up BITS online mock test 2023 are as follows-

  • First, visit the official website of BITSAT 2023
  • The link that will direct the page to mock test will be displayed on the website. Click on it.
  • The mock tests files will be available in zip files which have to be extracted.
  • Click on the START button.
  • Questions from Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English and Logical Reasoning are available in different sections. Students can select the first section they want to attempt.
  • The question format is Multiple-Choice based, and the students have to choose the right option.
  • If the students are not sure about the answer, they can sip the question or mark it for review if they want to revisit the same question or redirect to another section.
  • On clicking the Completed test, scores will be generated based on the right answer, and if there are wrong answers submitted, negative marking will affect your total score.
  • If you wish to reattempt the mock test, then the students can click on the option 'Take me back to the test.'

BITSAT Exam General Instructions

General Instructions for BITSAT 2023

While taking the exam, specific instructions will be laid out before the exam starts officially. Candidates have to make sure they read the instructions carefully before answering the questions.

Some of the instructions given are as follows-

  • The clock will be set at the server, and the time will be displayed at the top right corner of the monitor. The exam will automatically end as time reaches zero. The candidates do not have to submit the examination again.
  • On submitting the test, a page constituting score summary can be seen on the monitor.
  • There is an option for candidates to attempt the twelve additional questions if they have completed answering the mandatory 150 questions if time permits the candidate.
  • If the student has attempted additional questions than he/she cannot correct the earlier attempted 150 questions.
  • If a note stating ‘This is Mandatory Question’ is present beside the question, then the student must know that it is part of the total 150 questions.
  • Coloured question palette can be seen on the right-hand side of the screen. This palette will indicate the questions you have answered, the ones you want to review, some of the questions you may not have visited yet and the questions you have not answered.
  • The arrow- “>” appearing to the left side of the question palette will collapse it by clicking on it. By doing this, you can increase the visibility space of the questions appearing on the monitor. To re-view, the question palette, click on the arrow – "<" again.
  • By pressing on the top and bottom arrow, you can navigate the question area without scrolling.
  • All the questions of the test will be provided in English only.
  • Every correct answer fetches three marks, but every wrong answer will lead to a deduction of one mark from the total score obtained.
  • After reading all the instructions, the student has to check the below-given box to start the test.

Answering a question

  • There is only one correct answer to every question asked.
  • Select one of the options given below the question by clicking on the button of the option to answer the given question.
  • If you think you chose the wrong answer, you can deselect the answer by re-clicking on the button of the option or click on the Clear Response button to reset the answer space.
  • Click on Save and Next to save the answer and attempt the next question.
  • If you wish to review the question for late, then click on the Mark for Review & Next button.

Navigating through different sections

  • The different sections present in the question paper can be seen on the top bar of the screen. To view the questions in a particular section, click on the particular section name. The section you are currently in will be highlighted.
  • There are five secions- Phy: 40, Chem:40, Eng:15, Logical: 10, Math/Bio: 45
  • On clicking the Save and Next of the last question in a particular section, the next section will be displayed automatically.
  • You can navigate through different at any moment in the given time duration as per your wish. There is no time limit for individual sections.
  • Roll over the question to zoom over the image shown on the screen.
  • Summary of every section will be provided as a legend above the question palette.

Navigating to a particular question

  • Click on the question number displayed on the question palette on the right side to navigate to the respective question.
  • By clicking on Save and Next option, you have saved the answer for that particular question.
  • By clicking on Mark for Review & Next, you can review the question for late.

Why take BITSAT 2023 Mock test?

  • By taking BITSAT mock tests, students will be placed in the same situation as the actual exam and feel the nervousness before taking the exam. By going through these motions, students can embrace their emotions well and develop the confidence to face the exam.
  • By taking the mock test, students will get an idea about their preparation for the exam. From the scores obtained, the student will know the areas he/she has done well and the areas that need extra preparation.
  • While being prepared for the exam is winning half the battle, acing the exam by answering the questions in the stipulated time is equally a challenge. By familiarizing yourself with the type of questions asked and the time one takes in answering different questions; the student can formulate a plan to tackle the actual exam and complete it.
  • To take up any difficult exam, revision plays a crucial role. Multiple attempts of mock tests will boost your preparation level and help you revise well in the faux setting of the admission test.

BITSAT Unofficial Mock Tests

Besides the official mock tests provided by BITSAT, candidates can attempt the mock test series provided online by various websites or institutes. Some of the best ones are as follows-

  • My PAT
  • TCY Online
  • Doprep tests
  • Tests by Arihant BITSAT guide [Offline]

BITSAT Example ques from papers

Example questions from BITSAT question papers

BITSAT Previous Year Mathematics Section

  1. Value of tan 81֯-tan 63֯-tan 27֯+tan 9֯ is equal to
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  2. The function 2x3 -3x – 12 + 4 has
    1. two maxima
    2. two minima
    3. one maximum and one minimum
    4. two maxima and no minima

BITSAT Previous Year Physics Section

  1. A coil of inductance 300 mH and resistance 2: is connected to a source of voltage 2 V. The current reaches half of its steady-state value in
    1. 0.1 s
    2. 0.05 s
    3. 0.3 s
    4. 0.15 s
  2. A long, hollow conducting cylinder is kept coaxially inside another long, hollow conducting cylinder of larger radius. Both the cylinders are initially electrically neutral.
    1. A potential difference appears between the two cylinders when a charge density is given to the cylinder.
    2. A potential difference appears between two cylinders when a charge density is given to the outer cylinder.
    3. No potential difference appears between the two cylinders when a uniform line charge is kept along the axis of the cylinders.
    4. No potential difference appears between the two cylinders when the same charge density is given to both the cylinders.

BITSAT Previous Year Chemistry Section

  1. Which of the following represents the Schotten-Baumann reaction?
    1. formation of amides from amines and acid chlorides/ NaOH
    2. formation of amines from amides and LiAlH4
    3. formation of amines from amides and Br2 /NaOH
    4. formation of amides from oxime and H2 SO4
  2. Which of the following can repeatedly soften on heating?
    (i) Polystyrene (ii) Melamine (iii) Polyesters (iv) Polyethylene (v) Neoprene
    1. (i) and (iii)
    2. (i) and (iv)
    3. (iii), (iv) and (v)
    4. (ii) and (iv)

BITSAT Previous Year English Section

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below the passage.

Our country is facing a severe environmental crisis. If it is not tackled on a war footing, it will certainly lead to socio-economic and ecological disaster, which will seriously affect the lives of millions of people, especially the poor. Government data usually understate the extent of environmental destruction. The recent satellite data have revealed that India is losing millions of hectares of forest every year, which is many times more than the annual rate of deforestation put out by the forest department.

  1. If India’s environmental problem is not dealt with urgently, it will-
    1. create problems of poverty
    2. ruin the ecology of the country
    3. lead to war
    4. make people unemployed
  2. The latest data regarding loss of forests have been collected by-
    1. environmentalists
    2. satellites
    3. Indian farmers
    4. State government

BITSAT Previous Year Reasoning Section

Read the following statement and answer the following questions.

Six books A, B, C, D, E and F are placed side by side. C, B and E have yellow covers, and other books have a green cover. Only D and F are new books, and the rest are old. A, C and D are law reports, and others are Gazetteers.

  1. Which book is a new law report with a green cover?
    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D
  2. Which is the old volume of a Gazetteer?
    1. E
    2. C
    3. F
    4. D
  3. Which green covered Gazetteer is a new book?
    1. E
    2. B
    3. F
    4. D
  4. Which two books are old Gazetteers with the yellow cover?
    1. B and C
    2. B and F
    3. B and E
    4. E and F
  5. Which is the old yellow covered law report?
    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. D

Mock tests are considered to be the most crucial aspect of BITSAT preparation. There are loads of mock tests out there for candidates to choose, but taking the right tests is very important. By taking more mock tests, you will gain confidence and speed in facing the difficult questions set by BITSAT. Do not take easy mock tests as it will not serve any purpose in the preparation. Mock tests are mirrors of your preparation. Prepare well and ace the mock tests.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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