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BITSAT 2023 Exam Centers list is released along with the official brochure. For the 2023 examination, the institute BITSAT exam is scheduled to be held at 61 exam centers. BITS Pilani is going to release the test center allotment for successfully registered candidates after the completion of registration. Candidates can check the allotted seats through the candidate login on the official website. Candidates can choose one of the exam slots at the allotted test center through BITSAT 2023 Slot Booking. All details related to the candidate’s BITSAT exam center, venue, time, date, and slot is going to be mentioned in the respective BITSAT Admit Card 2023

Direct Link to BITSAT 2023 Test Center Allotment (Soon)

BITSAT Exam Centers List

BITSAT Exam Centers 2023

BITS Pilani is going to be conducting BITSAT 2023 in India as well as abroad (Dubai). Candidates who choose a test city in India is going to be able to choose any three cities of their choice, However, if a candidate chooses Dubai as their BITSAT exam center, he/she is not going to be asked for any other center preference and is going to be allotted Dubai center only.

Tabulated below are the names of cities with planned BITSAT exam centers:

1 Agartala 22 Guwahati 43 Nasik
2 Agra 23 Gwalior 44 Noida
3 Ahmedabad 24 Hyderabad Campus of BITS 45 Patna
4 Aizwal 25 Hyderabad City 46 Pilani Campus of BITS
5 Ajmer 26 Indore 47 Pune
6 Allahabad 27 Jabalpur 48 Raipur
7 Aurangabad (Maharashtra) 28 Jaipur 49 Rajahmundry
8 Bangalore 29 Jalandhar 50 Rajkot
9 Bareilly 30 Jammu 51 Ranchi
10 Bhopal 31 Jamshedpur 52 Roorkee
11 Bhubaneswar 32 Jodhpur 53 Shimla
12 Chandigarh 33 Kanpur 54 Siliguri
13 Chennai 34 Kathmandu, Nepal 55 Surat
14 Coimbatore 35 Kolhapur 56 Thiruvananthapuram
15 Delhi 36 Kolkata 57 Tirupati
16 Dibrugarh 37 Lucknow 58 Udaipur
17 Dubai Campus of BITS (International Center) 38 Madurai 59 Vadodara
18 Ghaziabad 39 Mangalore 60 Vijayawada
19 Goa Campus of BITS 40 Mohali 61 Visakhapatnam
20 Gorakhpur 41 Mumbai --
21 Gurgaon 42 Nagpur --

Note: Although candidates fill their preference of BITSAT exam center while filling the application form, BITS Pilani, however, reserves the final right to allocate test centers to candidates. In case of any unforeseen events such as lack of accommodation facilities at a particular center, any technical glitches, etc. the exam conducting authority reserves the right to add or delete any center.

Allotted BITSAT Exam Center

How to check BITSAT Exam Center 2023 Allotted?

After a candidate has successfully filled the application form online, BITS Pilani announces the BITSAT exam center allotted to candidates out of the three chosen cities. This year the allotted exam center is going to be announced on June 2, 2023, after which students is going to be able to complete slot booking and choose the date and slot time of their preference at the particular center. 

The steps involved to check the allotted BITSAT exam center 2023 by BITS Pilani include:  

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of BITSAT
  • Step 2: Click on the link“Click here to check BITSAT 2023 Center Allotted to candidates”.
  • Step 3: Enter all the details- application number, gender, date of birth, and email ID.
  • Step 4: Click on “Proceed” after filling all the details.
  • Step 5: View the final allocated exam venue.

Note: Candidates are required to appear for the test on the designated date and time slot at the allocated exam venue. 

Exam Day Instructions

BITSAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

Candidates are required to follow certain instructions at BITSAT exam center on the day of exam:

  1. All candidates are required to carry BITSAT Admit Card 2023 to the exam center along with a valid photo ID proof. 
  2. Reach the exam center well in advance (preferably an hour before the commencement of examination)
  3. If possible, candidates must visit BITSAT exam center one day before the exam to get an idea about the route and exact location of the center.
  4. Candidates should be seated only at the designated seat in the exam hall.
  5. Those who are appearing for the test at centers in Pilani/Goa/Hyderabad campuses of BITS could get accommodation in hostels on nominal charges.
  6. All BITSAT exam centers are under surveillance of web cameras/CCTVs.
  7. Candidates carrying prohibited objects like mobiles, digital calculators, pagers, textual material, etc. would be debarred from taking part in the examination.
  8. In case of any problem with the system, candidates should immediately inform the exam invigilators present in the hall.
  9. The rough work should be done on the sheet provided at the hall and must be submitted to the invigilator before leaving the exam hall.
  10. Don’t leave the exam hall until the completion of the exam.
  11. The system clock is going to stop automatically after the conclusion of the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

BITSAT Exam Center 2023 FAQs

Ques. Can I change my BITSAT exam center after receiving my admit card?

Ans. No, BITSAT exam center once allocated after the successful submission of the application form cannot be changed. Be careful while choosing it. Candidates can choose a maximum of 3 exam centers at the time of registration. Select the exam centers which are near to your city or home so that you can easily reach your BITSAT exam center on the day of the exam.

Ques. How many BITSAT exam centers 2023 can be selected at the time of form filling?

Ans. Candidates can select a maximum of 3 exam centers at the time of filling BITSAT application form. The exam centers must be selected in the order of preference. Students can check the list of BITSAT exam centers 2023 mentioned above in the 61 planned cities. 

Ques. Along with my BITSAT admit card, what do I need to bring to the examination hall?

Ans. Along with BITSAT admit card candidates need to carry passport size photographs and valid ID proof which can be either:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Pan Card
  • Passport
  • Voter ID etc.

Ques. I reside in Dubai. Can I choose multiple BITSAT exam centers 2023?

Ans. No, candidates who choose Dubai as an exam center is not going to be asked for further center preference and is going to be allotted Dubai center only. However, if the candidate wants to appear for the exam in India, they can choose three exam centers of their preference. All the candidates are advised to fill the preferences very carefully because the exam center once allotted cannot be changed under any circumstances.

Ques. Is there any arrangement made for accommodation when a candidate goes to one of the BITS campuses for the exam?

Ans. Students opting for one of the BITS campuses as their BITSAT exam centers can avail accommodation at the university hostels for nominal charges.

Ques. is going to there be only one BITSAT exam center 2023 per city?

Ans. No, while some cities may have only one exam center, others is going to have multiple centers. The exact list of exam centers and their locations is going to be emailed to the candidates by the exam conducting body.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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