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Pranav Goyal is one name that made its mark in the year 2018 by securing the top positions in both JEE Papers. He cleared JEE Main 2018 with an astonishing score of 350, AIR-4 and further proved his mettle by securing AIR I in JEE Advanced 2018 with a score of 317 out of 360. Currently a student of the prestigious IIT Bombay, Pranav shares his overall experience, exam strategies and insights on his life at IIT Bombay in an exclusive interview with Collegedunia.

Pranav Goyal is a scholar of Kishore Vaigyanika Protsahan Yojana, a NTSE scholar, and has also qualified the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO). Among other competitive exams, Pranav Goyal cleared Indian National Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry Olympiads as well with AIR 2 in class 12. Download JEE Main 2021 Previous Year Question Papers

Check out our topper Interview with Pranav Goyal and find out about his preparation strategies for JEE Main and Advanced, the text books he referred, his schedule and much more.

Exclusive Interaction With Topper Pranav Goyal

Collegedunia’s Exclusive Interaction With Topper Pranav Goyal

Ques. Heartiest congratulations for your outstanding performance in JEE Advanced 2018. What was your reaction upon knowing your rank?

Ans. I was very happy knowing my results and my rank. But honestly, it was unbelievable for me.

Ques. From where did you complete your schooling?

Ans. I completed my schooling from Bhavan Vidyalaya Panchkula. I secured 97.2% in board exams.

Ques. From your school days, were you sure that you will do engineering?

Ans. No, earlier till 8th I wanted to become a doctor and later realized that I am not very good in biology. So I changed my mind.

Ques. How did you decide that you will study engineering? Which branch of engineering were you interested in?

Ans. By the end of class 8th, I was sure that MBBS is not the right course for me. Since Physics and Mathematics were my favorite subjects, I decided to pursue engineering. I made up my mind when I was in class 9th that I would do engineering. I pursued Computer Science (CS) in IIT as I was more interested in programming.

Ques. When did you start preparing for JEE Advanced?

Ans. I started preparing for JEE when I was in Class XI. I also gave the National Talent Search Exam, which helped me a lot in preparing for the competitive exam like JEE Main. Maths was my favorite subject since school days itself, so I gave the Maths Olympiad exam as well.

Ques. What was your preparation strategy and how many hours did you devote daily for the preparation of JEE Exams?

Ans. My preparation strategy was quite simple, as my main focus was always to understand the concepts first. Rather than mugging things, I make sure that all the concepts are clear. Regarding memorizing formulae and short tricks, I prefer to do that at the end. My main focus was on Chemistry.

Since I started my preparations for JEE Main and JEE Advanced in Class XI, I have had time to study harder. As far as my study plan is concerned, I was focused on understanding and clearing my concepts. While preparing for the exams, my key focus was on Chemistry.

I start studying in the morning and ensure that I take some short breaks in between my studies. I used to take a lot of short breaks in between my studies and watch television as well. While starting with the preparations, initially I used to spend 6-8 hours when I was in class 11th and kept on increasing my studying time. When I was in class 12th, I used to spend 12-14 hours a day, focusing on my exams.

Ques. What is the difference between your preparation for JEE Advanced and JEE Main?

Ans. While preparing for JEE Advanced, my main focus was on conceptual understanding instead of memorizing, which worked in JEE Main. Since I gave Maths Olympiad as well, it helped me a lot while preparing for JEE Main. 

Must Read

Ques. You have almost completed 2 years of your studies at IIT Bombay, what next?

Ans. Post completing my course, I am planning to do a job rather than going for higher studies. I would do a job for 2-3 years and after that have plans to either start my own business or enhance my father’s business. I am quite clear about my plans. The job prospects at IIT Bombay are good.

Ques. What were your baby steps for JEE Advanced Preparation?

Ans. When I was in school, I was keener to crack NTSE. While preparing for the same, many of the concepts of class 11 and 12 science also become clear. Once I cracked that exam, I gained confidence that I can crack JEE Main as well. Actually, I believe that the more you start early, the better it is for you.

Ques. How much do you think college faculty matters?

Ans. I believe that along with faculty, the peer group also matters a lot. Teachers no doubt lay a strong foundation, but the students with whom you are preparing also matter a lot.

Ques. From where did you take coaching for JEE and according to you what are the benefits of coaching?

Ans. I joined Sri Chaitanya Institute, Chandigarh and I believe that choosing the right coaching center matters a lot for all the JEE aspirants. The institute helps in offering the right kind of study material and books to the students. Moreover, I got the right kind of studying atmosphere that is a must for any aspirant.

Ques. What role did your coaching center play while helping you with your studies?

Ans. According to me, coaching center played an important role in preparing for JEE Advanced. They helped me a lot. Schools don’t prepare for one for JEE Advanced but might be enough for JEE Main. By joining the correct coaching center, students can get the right exposure, get aware of the recent trends, etc.

Ques. Do you think that mock tests and sample papers helped you during preparations?

Ans. Yes, they do help a lot. During the last few weeks of my preparations, I took many JEE Advanced mock tests and previous year sample papers, which helped a lot in understanding the latest exam pattern. I would suggest that all eth JEE Main aspirants must try solving at least past 10 years of previous years question papers. Practice more previous years’ question papers as it will broaden your understanding and will help in effective time management as well.

Ques. Which books helped you with your JEE preparation?

Ans. For Physics

  • H. C Verma

  • BM Sharma (in class 12th)

Chemistry and Physics Theory

  • Pradeep

  • NCERT (theory ) 12

  • Avisthi

  • Organic- NCERT

  • Avisthi

  • Inoraginc (NCERT) it covers 90% of the syllabus

  • Bygone (for remaining )

Organic Chemistry



  • S L Loney

  • I prepared for Maths Olympiad, so referred to those books as well.

  • Rd Sharma

Also Read Best books for JEE Main 2021 Preparation

Ques. Do you think NCERT books are enough to study?

Ans. NCERT books are good, but some concepts need to be understood in detail, so I referred to the books recommended by my teachers. Also, I don’t strictly follow a book for preparation, I referred to my teachers' suggestions as well.

Ques. How can someone memorize chemistry?

Ans. While preparing for Chemistry, you need to keep your speed high and memorize the same concepts again and again. You must keep revising them from time to time. I use to spend at least one hour daily studying NCERT, especially for chemistry. 

According to Pranav, Chemistry was his strongest subject and he focused on all the concepts of chemistry, rather than trying to mug the reactions. The conceptual clarity of concepts helped Pranav go a long way.

Ques. Do you think timely revision is important in inorganic chemistry?

Ans. Yes, the main purpose of revision is to understand the concepts. Each of the concepts, you studied can be applied individually. While preparing for inorganic chemistry, revising the concepts on times is important. Clear the structure in your mind, as you might observe different patterns each time. 

Must Read

Ques. How to ace in the exam? Any important strategy for Maths?

Ans. For maths, try to solve more questions. For studying Maths, I took graphic calculator, drew that figure to visually understand the stuff. I even gave FIITJEE test which was quite difficult.

Ques. Have you ever got the feeling of left out while preparing for the exams?

Ans. Yes, I remember the case when I was in class 11, till 10 I was good. In my 11th class, my class fellows beat me in every question (even in 12th as well) which was quite shocking for me. But things keep on changing. I studied difficult questions, prepared well, changed my steps, and within a few months’ time, I was able to perform well.

Ques. According to you, optimization and smart studying are important?

Ans. I started studying smartly, my main focus was to clear the concepts. In class 11, students have ample time to prepare for the subjects. So studying smartly is important.

Ques. How to manage writing the exam, as many students have nervous breakdown and fail just because they can’t keep a calm on nerves?

Ans. We all feel nervous, and it’s quite natural. It’s okay to be nervous in an exam, but at the same time you must stay focused on your exam. Try to do familiar and easy questions first, rather than sticking to a particular question. If I get stuck in any question, rather than wasting my time, I move to the next question. Another way of doing the paper is to start from the back. Forget difficult and move to the next one.

Specially for JEE Main, you must feel at ease and focused 20 minutes into the exam, since it’s an exam with a longer duration. 

Ques. How do you de-stress yourself during the preparation?

Ans. I like watching television as it acts as a stress buster for me, and sometimes check YouTube as well. I like reading mythological books. However, while preparing extensively for my exams, I was not able to pursue some of my hobbies.

If you stay focused, the total hours you put don't matter much. When I studied, I was not worried about breaks, and when I was on a break, I was not stressed about studies.

Ques. Important piece of unusual advice? Any important tips for aspirants taking the exam in future?

Ans. First there is no alternative for hard work. There is a popular saying that “Hard work beats talent”

Don’t follow your senior’s pattern, rather decide your own pattern. Everyone is different and so is their style. If you focus well, your study hours will not matter.

  • The quality of study matters more than quantity.

  • Remain calm and focused.

  • Brush up your basics and ensure your concepts are strong

  • Take lots of online tests and solve the previous year’s question papers.

Takeaways for JEE Main 2021

Takeaways from the Interaction for JEE Main 2021

  • The concepts asked in Physics and Chemistry are based on the NCERT Textbooks and NCERT Solutions.

  • JEE Main syllabus includes the syllabus from Class 11 and Class 12 Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

  • Clear all the NCERT questions first before referring to other resources.

  • Try to solve the maximum previous year questions. It helps to get a better insight into the questions that can be asked in JEE Main.

  • Make concepts clear from school days. Read More on JEE Main Preparation

  • Coaching is not a necessity for JEE Main, if you focus in your school lectures and stick to your schedule, you will probably make it. 

Takeaways for JEE Advanced 2021

Takeaways from the Interaction for JEE Advanced 2021

  • A well-planned timetable is key to get success in the future

  • Always stay motivated and encouraging.

  • Don’t skip your homework.

  • Practice revising your notes daily

  • Do more practice papers regularly

  • Don’t stick to the difficult questions, rather move to next ones

  • Listen to your teachers and take their suggestions

  • Don’t try to do the same your seniors did, as everyone is different and have their style of studying

  • JEE Main is more about memorizing the concepts while JEE Advanced is about conceptual understanding. 

Life at IIT Bombay

Life at IIT Bombay

Life at IIT Bombay is amazing, energetic and thrilling. The encouraging and welcoming environment is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of IIT Bombay among other IITs. There are numerous co-curricular activities, cultural, social or sports events that are arranged throughout the year for the students to take part.

Location- IIT Bombay is located at a peaceful relaxing place, away from the busy hustle of Mumbai city life. IIT Bombay is located in a small township of Powai, a place which is rich in natural flora and fauna; the campus is located at a place with a hill on one side, the Powai and Vihar lakes on another side.

Clubs- There are numerous clubs that a student can join while studying at IIT Bombay. Some of the clubs that are operating at IIT Bombay include the Quiz Club, Hobbies Club, TechniC, The Scrabble Club, The Speakers Club, HAM club, Astronomy club, Wildlife Club, Swimming Club, Mountaineering Club, etc.

Latest Updates for JEE Main 2021

Latest Updates for JEE Main 2021 

The exam dates for April and May sessions of JEE Main 2021 are yet to be announced. Registration for May session has also been delayed. JAB is conducting JEE Main 2021 in more regional languages.  

Getting admission to renowned engineering institutes like IITs is a dream for many. All the students who are preparing for JEE Main 2021 must pull up their preparation levels as the exams are approaching. The exam dates might observe a delay due to COVID-19.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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