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CAT VARC Preparation is incomplete without solving the sample questions. A total of 34 questions are asked from CAT VARC Syllabus in the exam, out of which around 24 questions are asked from Reading Comprehension in the form of sets. As per experecien of CAT test takers, solving RC questions within the allocated time period can only be done improving reading speed. 

The difficulty level of this section is moderate to high. By solving CAT VARC Practice Paper, candidates can improve their efficiency level. Attempting around 14 to 16 questions in the entrance test is considered a good attempt. From the section on reading comprehension, one can attempt 13 to 15 questions. And for the verbal ability section, attempting around 8 questions is ideal to secure a good score in CAT

In the below article, some solved questions for CAT VARC from the previous year are given below. 

Set 1 of Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 1-2: In this section, some sentences are given to form a paragraph. Pick out and arrange those sentences that are not incorrect in terms of grammar and usage comprising spelling, punctuation and logical consistency. And select or mark the correct one. 

Ques. 1. 

A. Usage of verbs in sentences are seen in a write up of an experienced writer 

B. Having said that it is not so easy to write any sentences without using verbs.

C. The reason behind this is to reduce inappropriate words in a sentence and increase the percentage of verbs. 

D. Hence, it is not good advice to use verbs in a sentence; but writers need to use verbs, and it is not good for using extra verbs in a sentence.

  1. ABCD
  2. ACBD
  3. ABDC
  4. DBCA

Correct Answer: B

Ques. 2

A. The age of the oldest fossil grasses is 70 million years, but it has developed quicker than expected time. 

B. Though plants are landing there for 465 million years, no flower has been bloomed for the duration of ⅔ of the time range. 

C. Similar grasses are seen in most recent. 

D. Blooming plants can be seen in the middle of the dinosaur era.

  1. DCBA
  2. BCAD
  3. CADB
  4. BDCA

Correct Answer: D

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Set 2 of Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 3-4: In the below section, a small passage is given. it is required to summarise and pick out the basic idea from the list of options. 


Flexibility plays an important role as speed in the situation where expectations do not remain the same at the drop of a hat. Nevertheless, for the level of efficacy, there are some organizations that have brought together all the relaxation that they can avail from their businesses at the cost of dexterity. By referring to the book “Slack” written by Tom DeMarco, ‘An organization that can accelerate but not change direction is like a car that can speed up but not steer. In the short run, it makes lots of progress in whatever direction it happened to be going. In the long run, it’s just another road wreck.’

What option from the below section point out the basic idea of this paragraph? 

  1. It is the responsibility of an organization that does not have efficiency can get the idea to change well. 

  2. Too little slack in organizations is not good for upheaval like too much slack.

  3. The function of the business can be changed by minimising the slack to zero.

  4. The movement of the process for any business can be sluggish. 

Correct Answer: C


The algorithm can be partly because of the implementation of the process. In the situation when a loan application is rejected by an algorithm or the price is set for booking an airline flight, it is considered formal. But an algorithm is not considered a scientific belief. It can be defined as a system. For instance, a military chain of command. To live the function of a system, expertise, numerical ability and creative work are used. There are some other systems such as some armies who can be trusted than others. For the system like a human artefact but not a mathematical truism.

Which of the following options best summarizes the main idea of the paragraph?

  1. All the algorithms are defined as human fallibility because these are man-made. 
  2. Algorithms can be defined as more than accurate and neutral.
  3. Algorithms are evaluated with scientific diligence because they do not work in a proper way. 
  4. No one can trust the Algorithms because of their encoding ability by which they are able to encode human losses into automated systems.

Correct Answer: A

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Set 3 of Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 5-8: In the below section, a passage is given with some correct works. Fill in the blanks with the proper words that match the sentence. 


Most of the time, mothers are ____________ for origins of behaviour in their pregnancy. ____________, children of a single mother, raised by facing difficulties, ‘outrageous’ does not reflect in the pattern of behaviour, as do those of nuclear families.

  1. appreciated, consequently
  2. berated, therefore
  3. praised, in the same manner
  4. blamed, interestingly enough

Correct Answer: D


To measure any activity regarding electrical in multiple parts of the brain, it is found by the researchers that the people who think that they are happy, actually have more remaining activity in the left prefrontal lobe of their brains than the others. For this reason, a medication for ____________ prefrontal lobe of the brain placed in the left side would be an ____________ treatment for the problem such as clinical depression.

  1. suppressing, ineffective
  2. stimulating, effective
  3. improving, impressive
  4. challenging, practical

Correct Answer: B


________around race, gender and religion sometimes found that has gone beyond ___________ in the circles of academic. The world can be better if we are able to speak without any heavy heart frequently about these things.

  1. insensitivity, the pale
  2. sensitivity, parody
  3. sensitivity, the pale
  4. insensitivity, reality

Correct Answer: B

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Democracy is considered as better ___________through the ballot box than it actually is via the crowding of main squares, which is a _______________ image, but is considered as a incorrect representation of the “people’s will”

  1. focused, ineffective
  2. affected, moving
  3. effected, powerful
  4. realized, fleeting

Correct Answer: C


It is said that unrestrained free speech is considered good for humanity. The hidden meaning of protecting free speech defines safeguarding speech you __________________; otherwise it’s just _________________, not principle.

  1. like, dogma
  2. don't like, partisanship
  3. don't like, antipathy
  4. like, candor

Correct Answer: B


The relationship of western culture with opulence is ____________ from that in the growing markets.___________ great shows of obtrusive wealth can be defined as crass in the UK, they are fashionable in Russia.

  1. strikingly different, however
  2. not different, just as
  3. marginally different, whilst
  4. starkly different, whereas

Correct Answer: D

Ques. 11

___________ they win over Italy and conquered the Carthaginians, the Romans became one of the most powerful ethnic groups in the Mediterranean. They got the benefit only from the _____________ nature of Mediterranean politics, sometimes got help from local bodies that leads to defeat their enemy residing far away from their place.

  1. though, fractious
  2. after, facetious
  3. once, factious
  4. since, factitious

Correct Answer: D

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Set 4 of Questions

Ques.12 It is __________________ rhetoric that defined the government "shutdown" as destructive. Literally there are only 17% of the federal government was actually closed down because of partisan _______________.

  1. efficacious, discord
  2. specious, disagreement
  3. spurious, comity
  4. facile, agreement

Correct Answer: B

Ques. 13 Connoisseurs ____ sport know an uber moment in the situation when they have observed the one. __________ greatness does not need a quorum, because of the eruption of the stands in Friday on the Centre Court, Roger Federer, a great player who can turn prose into poetry was welcomed by Wimbledon.

  1. into, since
  2. of, while
  3. in, though
  4. on, now

Correct Answer: B

Ques.14 The belief in _______________justice can be defined as the expectation that is defined by the universe to make sure the bad deed is punishable and its virtue is rewarded. _______ being exclusive to the societies which are not modern and the modern society is penetrated by these beliefs on a large scale. 

  1. immanent, far from
  2. inherent, normally
  3. imminent, besides
  4. eminent, not

Correct Answer: A

Ques. 15 Religious belief can be defined as fluid and protean, _________ ideology can be considered as procrustean, enforcing uniformity. Religion can be syncretic ________ ideology is defined as restrictive.

  1. immanent, far from
  2. inherent, normally
  3. imminent, besides
  4. eminent, not

Correct Answer: A

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Ques. 16 For more than half a century, a writer named George Orwell has been appreciated for his act that defines searing honesty. He is never ___________, but he is never __________. As per his thought and word, it as it is and yet says it as the word was not said ever before.

  1. candid, clichéd
  2. recondite, trite
  3. arcane, unorthodox
  4. lucid, singular

Correct Answer: B

Ques. 17 The link between language and cognition is a ___________. ___________, nonlinguistic creature’s concrete reality of thinking exposes against the significance of language. 

  1. can of worms, ironically
  2. grey area, yet
  3. elephant in the room, nevertheless
  4. red herring, indeed

Correct Answer: D

Ques. 18 No parent would ___________ childcare for childhood. ________, looking at the whole world as new through the eye of a child can be explained as the strongest source of encouragement. 

  1. mistake, still

  2. reject, yet

  3. conflate, however

  4. opt, besides

Correct Answer: A

Set 5 of Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 5-8: In the below section, 4 option is given among them one need to select one option that does not fit with the other sentences.

Ques. 19

A. As per Cognitive science, students should develop all the ways of thinking separately by focusing on the mental effort. 

B. Whatever happened in the time when a student spends their time in the classroom, no extra time is added to grow the structure of a long-term memory that is necessary for mastering any subject.

C. A science instructor who is not modern can focus on the knowledge of teaching factual, with some absolute assumption that expert-like ways of thinking about the subject matter that is currently available. 

D. To make sure that all the important things have been extended, it is required for all the teachers to engage their students in thinking deeply about the subject at the proper level and observe that thinking with guidance that is more like an expert.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Correct Answer: B

Ques. 20

A. The word “fundamentalism” can be defined as a symbiotic relationship along with a secularization that is accomplished as cruel, violent and nosy.

B. As defined in the past, wherever secular governments were founded to discrete the religion and politics, an opposing cultural movement has been formed in response by determining to put back the religion into public life.

C. For the developing world, secularization has come up with the colonial rule; And it was seen as a foreign import and also rejected in an unnatural way. 

D. Sometimes secularism which is combative has forced the religion into a brutal response.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Correct Answer: C

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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