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CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Syllabus 2022: Check CAT VARC Syllabus, Pattern, Imp Topics, Study Material, Question Papers

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Sachin Gupta

Content Writer | Updated On - Jan 9, 2023

CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension syllabus include topics like Jumbled Sentences, Para-completion, Odd Sentences, Reading Comprehension, etc. As per CAT test-takers, the difficulty level of questions asked from CAT VARC syllabus is rated moderate to high. 

  • Based on previous year’s CAT exam analysis for the VARC section, 4 passages comprising 4 questions each of moderate to high difficulty can be expected from Reading Comprehension alone in CAT 2022.
  • Questions from CAT Verbal Ability Syllabus are asked from topics like vocabulary, grammar, verbal reasoning, para jumbles, para completion, etc. Download CAT Previous Year Question Papers 
  • Based on the changes introduced in CAT Exam Pattern in 2021, a total of 24 questions worth 72 marks will be asked from CAT 2022 Syllabus for VARC.
  • As per CAT 2022 VARC marking scheme, 3 marks will be awarded for every correct answer, 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer. Also Check CAT Cut off
  • CAT VARC Preparation should focus on clearing the basic grammar concepts and practicing sectional mock tests and sample papers. Check CAT Preparation Books

Read the article to know more about the important topics in CAT, weightage of topics, study material, and much more. 

Must Read:

CAT VARC Exam Pattern 2022 (Updated)

Section Name Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Allotted Time 40 minutes
Total Number of Questions 24
Number of Reading Comprehension Questions 15-16
Number of Verbal Ability Questions 8-9
Marks Awarded for Each Correct Answer + 3
Negative Marks for Each Wrong Answer -1
Negative Marking for TITA Questions No
Difficulty Level of Questions Moderate to Difficult

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CAT VARC Syllabus 2022

Candidates can check the sectional syllabus of CAT VARC provided in the tables below: 

CAT RC Syllabus

CAT Reading Comprehension Syllabus

  • Current Affairs - Issues affecting social life, foreign relations, governance policies, and schemes such as Triple Talaq, CAA, Covid 19 Pandemic, Clean India Project, migration of citizens from one country to another, worldwide intolerance. 
  • Business and Economics - Global Economic Change, Environmental Economic Growth, Indian Demonetization Effect, Government Waste Expenditure. 
  • Literature - Passages from various books of English literature, essays written by great philosophers and thinkers, different speeches of great personalities like Charles Dickens, Aristotle, Martin Luther King, Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, and Churchill among others.
  • Science and Culture - Transition into the modern world, disappearing society with technological advancement. 
  • Abstract Topics and Fiction - Such passages make the candidates think a lot and put themselves in the shoes of the author before addressing the questions asked because they are opinion-based. 
  • Historical Events - Events leading to social changes such as the French Revolution and the War of Roses. Social changes in Indian Culture and thoughts expressed by various activists are still of great relevance.
  • Mythology - Such passages seek to connect mythological events with the actual social system and answers must be given accordingly.
CAT VA Syllabus

CAT Verbal Ability Syllabus

CAT Verbal Ability Syllabus
Essence of short paragraph/summary Jumbled paragraphs
Odd sentences in jumbled paragraphs Error correction in the verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, and other parts of speech in sentences
Correcting the sequence of sentences in articles such as giving the correct usage of conditional statements, time clauses, reported speech, and passive writing Use of vocabulary in selecting the correct pair of words
Filling in blanks with appropriate vocabulary  Use of vocabulary in RC passages to identify the right synonyms and antonyms
Completing the last statements of paragraphs Critical reasoning
Analogies  Usage of phrasal verbs 
Facts, inference, and judgement Sentence completion
Irrelevant sentences  -

CAT VARC Study Material

Candidates can check the topic wise study material from the links provided below: 

CAT Exam Pattern 2022

Here is the updated CAT Exam Pattern for all sections including CAT VARC: 

CAT Exam Section Total questions Number of MCQs (Negative marking) Number of Non-MCQs (No negative marking)
Section-1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) 24 19 5
Section-2: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) 20 12 8
Section-3: Quantitative Ability (QA) 22 14 8
Total 66 45 21

Check CAT 2022 Exam Pattern in detail

Weightage of Important Topics in CAT VARC

VARC Topics Expected Number of Questions
Inferences, Statements, Arguments 2-3
RC Passage 14-16
Synonyms & antonyms 1-2
Para Summary 3-4
Jumbled paragraphs 3-4
Error Correction 1-2
Fill in the blanks 1-2
Analogies 1-2
Vocabulary 3-4
Irrelevant Statements 1-2
Para Completion 1-2
CAT VARC Important Topics

Important Topics in CAT VARC

Topic Name Key Features Expected Number of Questions
Jumbled Paragraphs 5 jumbled sentences are to be arranged in the right order  3 - 4
Summary/Inference of Short Paragraphs Small paragraphs of 4-5 sentences are followed by 4 answer options 3 - 4
Picking the Odd Sentence in a Jumbled Paragraph 5 jumbled sentences from which one odd sentence is to be picked out 3

Type of Topics in Reading Comprehension

Passage Type Key Features  Expected Number of Questions
Long Passage 1 Moderate level Based on facts 6
Long passage 2  Moderate to difficult level Rich in vocabulary and based on literary terms and opinions 6
Long passage 3  Difficult level Based on abstract topics and literature and can contain a tough vocabulary  6
Short passage 1  Moderate to difficult level Based on business, economy or geography 3
Short passage 2 Occasionally difficult level Rich vocabulary and based on historical facts, opinions, future plans 3
Short Passage 3  Difficult level Based on an abstract topic 3

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CAT VARC Preparation Books

Candidates can check the best books for CAT preparation provided in the table below. These books will help you in your preparation. 

CAT VARC Book Author Description
Word Power Made Easy Normal Lewis  ‘Word Power Made Easy’ helps in the improvement of vocabulary. It explains the accurate usage of words. It is categorized into oriented sections and you can review exercises at the end of every chapter. 
Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT Ajay Singh With over 200 passages for preparation, ‘Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT’ is an excellent CAT VARC study material.
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay ‘How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT’ has topic-wise segregation. The material is very comprehensive. It also provides mock tests and analyses of previous years’ papers. 

Newspapers and Magazines for CAT VARC Preparation

CAT VARC Newspaper and Magazines Description
The Hindu It allows you to explore factual, complex, insightful, and challenging content. Read the editorial section every day. 
Times of India/Hindustan Times  It has great language used to help with grammar and vocabulary development. 
The Economic Times  It is a great newspaper to read articles on business and economics twice a week
The New York Times This newspaper can be accessed online through its website with a paid subscription. High-quality content is brought out by this newspaper. Blogs like ‘The Stone’ are must-reads on the website.
The Guardian The Guardian does not require a paid subscription. You can access fascinating reading material for free. 
Frontline  This is a magazine full of details. The reading of brilliant articles highlighting tales from around the world can add tremendous value to your preparation. 
Outlook/India Today/The Week Read from these magazines for very interesting content with high-quality language.
Business Today/Business India Reading from these magazines regularly is sure to help you with CAT VARC
The Economist It is a great online journal that reports on foreign issues of all kinds. There are several articles on politics, economy, culture, fashion, sports, and books. The style of writing can serve as an idea for how you must attempt the CAT VARC section. All articles are almost perfectly grammatical and crisp. 
The Atlantic  They write long-form and well-researched pieces.
Newyorker  Here, you will find an extremely high-quality style of writing on numerous subjects.

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Diffuclty Level of VARC

CAT VARC Previous Year Question Paper Analysis

CAT 2021 VARC question paper was of moderate difficulty with a few tricky questions. The question paper in each of the 3 slots had 19 MCQs and 5 TITA-type questions. RC had the highest weightage with 16 questions in each slot. Candidates can check the slot-wise CAT VARC Paper Analysis for 2021 to get an idea about the difficulty level of VARC question papers. 

CAT VARC Slot 1 Analysis

Topic Number of Questions Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Reading Comprehension 16 (4+4+4+4) Moderate to Difficult 11-12
Para jumbles 3 Moderate 1-2
Odd-Sentence Out 2 Easy to Moderate 1-2
Summary 3 Moderate 2-3

CAT VARC Slot 2 Analysis

Topic Number of Questions Difficulty Level Good Attempts
Reading Comprehension 16 (4+4+4+4) Moderate to Difficult 10-11
Para jumbles 3 Moderate to Difficult 1-2
Odd-Sentence Out 2 Moderate 1-2
Summary 3 Moderate 2-3
CAT VARC Slot 3 Analysis
Topic No. of Questions Difficulty Level Good Attempt
Reading Comprehension 16 (4+4+4+4) Moderate to Difficult 12-13
Parajumbles 3 Easy to Moderate 2-3
Summary 3 Moderate 1-2
Odd-Sentence Out 2 Easy to Moderate 1-2

Download CAT VARC Question Papers

CAT Exam Slot Number CAT Question Paper with Solution PDFs
Download CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2021
CAT VARC Slot 1 Download
CAT VARC Slot 2 Download
CAT VARC Slot 3 Download
CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2020 
CAT VARC Slot 1 Download
CAT VARC Slot 2 Download 
CAT VARC Slot 3 Download 
CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2019
CAT VARC Slot 1 Download 
CAT VARC Slot 2 Download 
CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2018
CAT VARC Slot 1 Download 
CAT VARC Slot 2 Download
CAT Question Paper & Answer Key 2017
CAT VARC Slot 1 Download
CAT VARC Slot 2 Download

Download more CAT Question Papers

Preparation Tips for CAT Reading Comprehension (RC)

The following tips will be helpful to develop your reading comprehension skills for CAT 2022 - 

  • Pick a passage from a magazine, book, newspaper, or novel every day to understand your Reading Comprehension abilities. 
  • Work on developing your vocabulary by making flashcards of the words that appear new to you while reading. Read these flashcards often. 
  • To boost your vocabulary, enjoy what you read. Do not consider it a relentless chore. 
  • Summarize your readings with clarity. 
  • Interpret the passage aloud when you feel tired. 
  • Reach every part of a given text. Do not skip any parts, however minor they may seem. 
  • Discuss your readings and their interpretations with your friends and have rational debates with the vocabulary learned.

Types of RC Questions Asked in previous year CAT papers

Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Anarchism Investing in renewable energy technologies Travel writing and feminism during colonial times
Migration of Northern Seals Piracy in international trade The need for economic literacy in the general population
Currency of Tang Dynasty Freudian models of aggression Screen time and undercurrents of social class
Grammar/Vocabulary A study of visualization Analysis of human nature

Preparation Tips for CAT Verbal Ability (VA)

The following tips will be helpful to develop your verbal ability - 

  • Read different genres of magazines and books, even those that are out of your comfort zone. This will help you come across many new words. 
  • Try a number of mock tests for VARC to expose yourself to a range of questions that assess your verbal ability. 
  • Use the apt verbal ability study material while preparing for CAT VARC. You will have to look at sample CAT papers and determine the right book according to the syllabus. 
  • To make learning enjoyable, download mobile applications such as Vocabulary Builder, Word by Word, and so on.
  • When you learn new words or phrases, use them in your day-to-day communication with friends or family. It will help you remember the use of those words. 
  • When you get bored with reading, turn to watching movies/TV series and playing word games to grasp more words. 
  • Highlight challenging words from the dictionary and learn their meanings. It is recommended that you keep your dictionary handy when watching films or reading books. 

Read Toppers Preparation Tips:

Mistakes to Avoid while Attempting CAT VARC Section

  • Ignoring details - Ensure that you do not misunderstand the questions. Lay off overconfidence and ensure that you read attentively in order to provide the correct answers. 
  • Spending more time on VA Non-MCQs – It is very common for students to spend a large chunk of their answering time in attempting VA Non-MCQs. Allot a specific time duration for each question and try your best not to exceed it. 
  • Rushing through RC passage readings  – Students often rush the reading of RC passages. This can lead to missing out on important keywords that might be required to give correct answers. Ensure that you read every passage with concentration. 
  • Losing track of sectional time limit  – Do not get very immersed in answering VARC questions and forget the sectional time limit which can cause you to risk the loss of many marks.

Subject Wise CAT Preparation Links:


CAT VARC Syllabus 2022 FAQs

Question: What is CAT verbal ability and reading comprehension?

Ans. CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension is one of the 3 sections of CAT exam. Verbal Ability tests your vocabulary and sentence-formation abilities. Reading Comprehension involves the interpretation of sentences and finding answers to questions that are asked from passages.

Ques. How much time is required to prepare for CAT VARC? 

Ans. For CAT VARC preparation, candidates have to give at least 2 hours every day starting 3-4 months before the exam date. If this is your weakest section, give more time to it and prioritize preparation for CAT VARC. It is essential to solve sample papers to check level of preparedness.

Question: Which topic has the maximum weightage in CAT VARC?

Ans. Reading Comprehension (RC) accounts for the maximum weightage in CAT VARC with about 70% of the total questions. Last year, out of a total of 24 questions in CAT VARC, 16 MCQs were asked from RC passages.

Question: What are the best books to prepare for CAT VARC?

Ans. The best books to prepare for CAT VARC are - 

  • ‘Word Power Made Easy’ by Norman Lewis 
  • ‘Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT’ by Ajay Singh 
  • ‘How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT’ by Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay

Question: Is ‘Word Power Made Easy’ good for CAT VARC preparation?

Ans. Yes, ‘Word Power Made Easy’ by Norman Lewis is one of the most recommended books to prepare for CAT VARC. It can greatly help in improving your vocabulary. 

Question: How to prepare for Verbal Ability?

Ans. To prepare well for CAT VA, one should follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Read well-articulated content regularly to grasp good grammar and vocabulary. 
  • Refer to 1-2 good books by Arun Sharma or Norman Lewis for practicing questions.
  • Solve sectional and overall mock tests and sample papers

Question: What are the most important topics of CAT Verbal Ability Syllabus?

Ans. The most important topics of CAT verbal ability syllabus are para jumbles, Summary/Inference of Short Paragraph, and Picking the Odd Sentence in a Jumbled Paragraph. 

Question: How many questions should I attempt to get a 95+ percentile in VARC?

Ans. Although it depends on the level of difficulty of the exam; based on the previous year's exam analysis, to get a 95+ percentile in VARC, you need to attempt 19-21 questions with 95% accuracy. 

Question: Where can I find the best VARC preparation resources online?

Ans. The best online resources for VARC preparation include online study channels and coaching institutes like Unacademy, BYJUs, Career Launcher, T.I.M.E, IMS India, and more. Apart from these, you can also refer to e-books and e-newspapers to improve your online reading skills.

Ques. Is there any sectional time limit for the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section in CAT 2022?

Ans. Yes, the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section in CAT 2022 exam has a sectional time limit of 40 minutes. In fact, each of the sections of CAT exam- VARC, DILR, and QA has a sectional time limit of 40 minutes.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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Answered Questions


Abhiraj Mahera

21 Apr 22

If you are aiming for old IIMs such as IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow, you will need to score above 99 percentile in CAT. For IIMs and other top-tier B-Schools in India, the CAT cutoff stays above 90 percentile. 

If you have a good profile, and 99+ CAT score, you can expect to get calls from old IIMs, XLRI, JBIMS, IIFT, FMS, etc.

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Trisha Dasgupta

21 Apr 22

Here are some of the things that you will realize after appearing for the CAT examination.

  • Spend the first few minutes going over the papers before diving in. Browse through the problems and start with the ones that you know you can solve in one go.  CAT prioritizes solving not sequence.
  • If you aren’t sure about an answer, leave it. Concentrate on other problems. You shouldn’t spend more than 2-3 minutes on a single problem. 
  • Don’t use the elimination method, if you can solve the problem in less than 1 minute. Do rough work thoroughly. Don’t answer any questions, just by guessing. 
  • There will be a few lengthy questions. Try to ignore these. Even CAT toppers don’t score the full marks. 

CAT doesn’t test your knowledge. The only thing matters are how much you score. So, try to attempt as many questions as you can correctly. 

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Sohini Gupta

27 Apr 22

Take a look at the below table to know what CAT score will fetch what CAT percentile, for 2022.

Percentile  Score VA-RC Score DI-LR Score QA Overall Score 
90% 29 1 26 72
95% 32 20 29 81

In 2021, for 90 percentile the required score was 59 and for 95 percentile the required score was 72. 

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