Thousands of candidates take the PTE exam every year to prove their English proficiency. Universities set quite a high benchmark when it comes to PTE cutoff and therefore every candidate tries their best to score high. PTE preparation includes practicing in a thorough manner and includes different question types. A brief introduction to the PTE reading section will help the candidates know better about the section.
Time: 32 - 40 minutes | ||
PTE Reading & Writing Fill in the blanks | Move words from the box to fill the gaps in the text | Prompt length: 300 words |
PTE Multiple Choice – Single Answer | Select a single answer from the options | Prompt length: 300 words |
PTE Re-order paragraphs | There are text boxes that need to be placed according to the correct order | Prompt Length: 150 words |
PTE Fill in the Blanks | Fill the blanks in the text with correct words | Prompt Length: 80 words |
PTE Multiple Choice – Multiple Answers | Here the candidate needs to select more than 1 answer | Prompt length: 300 words |
Here the candidate will find numerous PTE reading question papers and sample questions that have appeared in the exam through these years.
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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.