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The PTE Exam Pattern for academic test includes three sections- speaking and writing, reading and listing. In order to complete all the three tasks, candidates would need a maximum of 3 hours. PTE academic pattern for all the sections are divided into different types of questions and time duration based on which each section needs to be solved. Candidates need to know the PTE exam paper pattern for academic test for proving their English language proficiency.

Overview of PTE Exam Pattern 

New pattern of PTE Exam started from November 2021 with changes in the time duration for each section. PTE exam pattern 2021 enables candidates to complete the exam within 3 hours. The time duration for the exam according to the PTE 2021 pattern is 2 hours shorter compared to the PTE exam pattern 2020. The following table would show the difference in the PTE 2020 exam pattern and pattern of PTE exam 2021.

PTE Exam Format PTE Exam Pattern 2020 New Pattern of PTE Exam 2021
Personal Introduction 1 minute No Change
PTE Speaking and Writing Section 77 – 93 minutes 54 – 67 minutes
PTE Reading Section 32 – 41 minutes 29 – 30 minutes
Optional Scheduled Break 10 minutes Removed
PTE Listening Section 45 – 57 minutes

30 – 43 minutes

While the time duration in the PTE Exam pattern 2021 has been reduced, there has been no reduction in the number of questions asked in each section. 

A glance on the PTE pattern for academic has been provided in the table below including the three sections, time duration and the tasks in each section. 

Sections Duration Tasks
Speaking and Writing 54-67 Minutes Personal Introduction
Repeat Sentence
Read aloud
Retell lecture
Describe Image
Summarise written text
Answer short question
Essay (20 minutes)
Reading 29-30 Minutes Reading and Writing- Fill in the blanks
Reading- Filling in the blanks
Multiple choice questions,
choose multiple answers
Multiple choice questions,
choose single answers
Reordering Paragraphs
Listening 30-43 Minutes Summarise spoken text
Fill in the Blanks
Multiple choice questions for
single answers
Multiple choice questions for
multiple answers
Select missing word
Highlight correct summary
Highlight correct words
Write from dictation

PTE Academic Exam Pattern Speaking and Writing

The PTE academic exam pattern has the first section of speaking and writing which requires candidates to follow a particular time duration for each question. With a total time duration of 54-67 minutes, the PTE new exam pattern requires candidates to solve 28-36 questions. Based on the following table, candidates would be able to understand the PTE new pattern 2021 in terms of the expected number of questions for each task in PTE Speaking and Writing.

Tasks No. of Questions Duration for Each Task
Personal Introduction 1 55 seconds
Read aloud 6-7 30-40 seconds
Repeat Sentence 10-12 15 seconds
Retell lecture 3-4 90 seconds
Describe Image 6-7 25 seconds
Answer short question 10-12 20 seconds
Summarise written text 1 sentence summary 10 minutes
Essay 1 essay 20 minutes

PTE Academic Exam Pattern Reading

The PTE Reading section includes different kinds of tasks required to respond to the given questions based on which candidates' reading and writing skills are assessed. The following table elaborates on the PTE academic test pattern for number of questions in each task of the reading section based on the PTE exam pattern 2021. As per the PTE exam paper pattern, candidates would respond to 13-18 questions in this section within 29-30 minutes.

Tasks No. of Questions Duration for each task
Fill in the blanks- Reading and Writing 5-6 300 words of text for reading
Multiple Choice Questions for multiple answers 1-2 300 words of text for reading
Re-order paragraph 2-3 300 words of text for reading
Fill in the blanks- Reading 4-5 300 words of text for reading
Multiple Choice Questions for multiple answers 1-2 300 words of text for reading

PTE Academic Exam Pattern Listening

PTE Listening is the last section in the PTE exam new pattern for which candidates have to complete a total of 8 tasks. Moreover, the PTE pattern for academic in listening has a time duration for 30-43 minutes which candidates need to follow thereby understanding the time allotted to each of the 8 tasks. The following table would help candidates with the same.

Tasks No. of Questions Duration for each task
Summarise spoken text 1-2 60-90 seconds to retain 50-70 words, 10minutes for writing
Multiple choice question with multiple answers 1-2 40-90 seconds to prompt
Fill in the blanks 2-3 30-60 seconds
Highlight correct summary 1-2 30-90 seconds
Multiple choice single answer 1-2 30-60 seconds
Select missing word 1-2 20-70 seconds
Highlight Incorrect word 2-3 15-50 seconds
Write from Dictation 3-4 3-5 seconds

PTE Exam Marks Pattern 

PTE exam marks pattern for Academic Test focuses on the PTE Score which includes assessing all the skills of writing and speaking, reading and listening skills. Candidates need to follow the PTE academic test pattern to understand the different types of tasks included in each section and develop their skills. Focusing on the PTE Practice Papers, candidates can practice effectively focusing on each section and its tasks and follow a three hour structure of taking the test.
Thus, candidates need to follow and be aware of the PTE academic pattern to understand the time duration and the sections involved in the test. With this, candidates appearing for the PTE would be able to prepare for their exam efficiently. 

Score in PTE Academic Exam Pattern 

PTE exam marks pattern for Academic Test focuses on the PTE Score which includes assessing all the skills of writing and speaking, reading and listening skills. Candidates need to follow the PTE academic test pattern to understand the different types of tasks included in each section and develop their skills. Focusing on the PTE Practice Papers, candidates can practice effectively focusing on each section and its tasks and follow a three hour structure of taking the test.

Based on the PTE exam pattern for Academic Test it would be possible for the candidates to be able to understand each section and practice enough to complete each section on the given time duration.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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