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IIT Jammu Course Admissions 2024: Eligibility, Dates, Selection Criteria

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IIT Jammu Admission 2024 Quick Updates

  • IIT Jammu BTech admissions 2024 are based on JEE Advanced score 2024 followed by JoSAA Counselling. JEE Advanced 2024 Exam dates are out. The exam will be conducted on May 26, 2024. The registration for the exam can be done from April 21, 2024 and April 30, 2024 on the official website at jeeadv.ac.in.
  • IIT Jammu MTech admissions are based on GATE Score and GATE 2024 Branch-Wise Exam Date Out @gate2024.iisc.ac.in

IIT Jammu admission to various UG & PG courses is conducted via national-level entrance examinations. B.Tech is the most opted program among all at IIT Jammu with an intake capacity of 240 students. Candidates seeking admission to the flagship B.Tech program at IIT Jammu must clear the JEE Advanced exam and register for the JoSAA counseling for their seat allocation. The total course fee for the 4-year B.Tech program is INR 4.84 Lacs. IIT Jammu Cutoff for the most popular BTech (CSE) program ranges between 3671-5238 rank in the JEE Advanced exam. Check IIT Jammu Cutoff

Apart from the flagship B.Tech program, IIT Jammu offers other courses like M.Tech, a dual degree B.Tech-MBA and MBA (HA & HM). Admission to M.Tech Programme is based on GATE, followed by COAP counseling. IIT Jammu has collaborated with IIM Jammu to offer a dual degree B.Tech-MBA and MBA (HA & HM) program. IIT Jammu BTech students can transit to the MBA program after their 8th semester without any CAT score. Once the entrance exam results are declared, candidates can fill application forms for admission on the official website of IIT Jammu. 

IIT Jammu also offers a Ph.D. program in 2 streams namely Engineering and Science. IIT Jammu admission to the Ph.D. course is finalized on the basis of a Department-Based Test followed by Academic Performance, Work Experience, and Interview. GATE/ NET/ CSIR/ UGC or SLET qualified candidates are also eligible for P.hD. admission. Check IIT Jammu Courses & Fees

Further details regarding IIT Dharwad Admission 2023 such as important dates for registration, the application process, eligibility criteria, entrance exam, counseling process, and cutoff for each course are discussed in the article below:

IIT Jammu Important Dates

Event Dates
JEE Advanced 2023 registration start date April 30, 2023
JEE Advanced 2023 registration last date May 7, 2023
Availability of JEE Advanced 2023 admit card May 29 - June 4, 2023
JEE Advanced 2023 Exam Date June 4, 2023
JEE Advanced 2023 Result June 18, 2023
GATE 2023 Application Form Correction November 8, 2022 to November 14, 2022
GATE 2023 Admit Card Release Date January 9, 2023
GATE 2023 Exam Date February 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2023
GATE 2023 Response Sheet Release February 15, 2023
GATE 2023 Answer Key Release Date February 21, 2023
GATE 2023 Answer Key Challenge Window February 22, 2023 to February 25, 2023
GATE 2023 Result Release Date March 16, 2023
IIT JAM 2023 Exam Date February 12, 2023
Last Date to Apply for PhD March 14, 2023

IIT Jammu B.Tech Admission 2023

IIT Jammu B.Tech is offered in six specializations. For each specialization, IIT Jammu offers 38 seats except Mechanical Engineering, in which 37 seats are offered. The colleges also offer 5, 3, 2 supernumerary seats to female candidates in Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering courses respectively.

IIT Jammu B.Tech Specializations

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering.

IIT Jammu B.Tech Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must have a minimum 75% marks in 10+2 from a recognized board of education OR Candidate in the top 20 percentile in class 12. For SC/ST candidates 10% relaxation is given in the qualifying degree marks, that means 65% is required in class 12. 

IIT Jammu B.Tech Selection Criteria

The IIT Jammu admission to B.Tech program is done through Joint Entrance Examination - Advanced (JEE-Advanced) rank followed by centralized counselling conducted by JoSAA at the all-India level. For JoSAA Counselling registration, candidates can visit the official website in the third week of June. 

IIT Jammu B.Tech Cutoff 2023 (Expected)

IIT Jammu B.Tech cutoff 2023 will be released soon by JoSAA. Admissions will be granted on the basis of cutoff marks for respective specialization of the BTech program. The cutoff depends on various factors such as rank secured in the JEE Advanced examination, availability of seats, choice filling, reservation criteria, etc. The expected JEE Advanced cutoff 2023 for general category candidates based on JoSAA 2022 round 6 closing ranks is tabulated below:

Courses JEE Advanced Cutoff 2022
Round 6
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering 4602
B.Tech Electrical Engineering 9858
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 13048
BTech Civil Engineering 15805
B.Tech Chemical Engineering 15208
B.Tech Material Science Engineering 16258

Check More: IIT Jammu Cutoff

IIT Jammu M.Tech Admissions 2023

The 2 year IITJammu M.Tech programme is offered in six different specializations. Candidates will be shortlisted for Test/Interview (admission test) in due course, on the basis of concerned examination marks and GATE score. The final selection of candidates for admission will be based on counselling.

IIT Jammu M.Tech Eligibility Criteria

The table below mentions the eligibility required for IIT Jammu admission in M.Tech specializations. 

Specialization Eligibility Criteria
Tunnel Engineering BE/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Earth Science with minimum 65% aggregate or minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10 point scale
Data Science B.Tech/ BE/ M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics
Information Security
Communications and Signal Processing
  • BE/ B.Tech in ECE/ EIE/ EEE/ ETC/ EE with First class throughout in education qualification (5% relaxation in 10th or 12th)
  • 60% marks or CGPA 6.0 on 10 point scale.
Thermal & Energy Systems BE/ B.Tech/ AMIE in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering with a minimum of 65% aggregate or a minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10 point scale
Computer Technology B.Tech/B.E./M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering/ Information Technology/ Information & CommunicationTechnology/ Electronics Engineering/ Mathematics and Statistics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering /Electrical Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics engineering.

NOTE: Candidates having studied B.Tech from an IIT with a minimum CPI/CGPA of 8.0 and a valid GATE score are provided special consideration in IIT Jammu admission in M.Tech.

IIT Jammu M.Tech Selection Criteria

Selection for IIT Jammu admission to M.Tech is on the basis of a valid GATE score. Candidates should have the GATE cutoff higher than the institute set cutoff. Further, shortlisted candidates will be assessed on the basis of a technical round of written test/interview as the principle subsequent criterion.

IIT Jammu MTech Selection Criteria

IIT Jammu selects candidates for final admission based on GATE scores, Marks in 10th, 12th, and Graduation. Each specialization has different percentage set for selection. 

IIT Jammu MTech Selection Criteria
Specialization 10th percentage 12th percentage Graduation percentage GATE Discipline
Communication and Signal processing  65 65 65 EC, EE, IN
Computer Technology 60 60 60 CS, EC, EE, IN, MA, ST
Data Science 65 65 60 CS, EC, MA, ST
Information Security 65 65 60 CS, EC, MA, ST
Thermal and Energy Systems NA NA NA CH, ME, XE
Tunnel Engineering NA NA 60 CE
VLSI and Cyber Physical Systems 65 65 65 ECE, EE, IN

Note: 5% relaxation is given in the percentage for SC and ST category students.

IIT Jammu MTech Cutoff 2023 (Expected)

IIT Jammu GATE Cutoff 2023 will be released soon. The minimum GATE scores required for Computer Technology, Data Science, and Information Security is 550+. For the Communication and Signal processing, the candidate must score 500 marks in the GATE exam. There is no cutoff score released for the Tunnel Engineering course. Aspiring candidates need to have only valid gate score for admission.

IIT Jammu GATE Score 2023 (Expected)
Specialization General EWS OBC-NCL PWD SC ST
Communication and Signal processing  500 450 540 300 300 300
Computer Technology 560 504 504 367 367 367
Data Science 582 521 521 381 381 381
Information Security 569 511 511 375 375 375
Thermal and Energy Systems 400 200 360 200 200 200
Tunnel Engineering Valid GATE score
VLSI and Cyber Physical Systems 500 450 450 250 250 250

IIT Jammu Dual Degree Admission 2023

IIT Jammu in collaboration with IIM Jammu offers a dual degree program (BTech + MBA). The total duration for the program is 6 years. The initial four years for the B. Tech program and the last two years for the MBA program. The program has been strategically designed to allow students to exit the program after completing the fourth year, as specified in the National Education Policy 2020, Ministry of Education, Government of India. After completing the fourth year, students will have the option of graduating with a B.Tech degree or earning a certificate in management.

IIT Jammu Dual Degree Eligibility Criteria

In terms of age limit, qualifying examinations, and year of appearance in qualifying examinations, eligibility for the dual degree program will be determined by the JEE (Main) and JEE (Advanced).

Eligibility to continue into MBA Program

To continue into the MBA program without taking the CAT, a minimum CGPA of 7 would be required. Any participant with a CGPA of less than 7 at the end of the fourth year must take the mandatory exit after the fourth year. These students, however, may take the CAT in order to gain admission to IIMs.

IIT Jammu Dual Degree Admission Criteria

  • JEE will be used to determine admission to the integrated dual degree program (Advanced).
  • If students achieve a CGPA of 7 or higher in the B.Tech., they will be able to complete both the B.Tech. and the MBA degrees without taking the CAT.

IIT Jammu MBA (HA & HM) Admission 2023

IIT Jammu in collaboration with AIIMS Jammu and IIM Jammu offers MBA in Hospital Administration & Health Care Management. IIM Jammu will offer courses on Management, AIIMS Jammu will offer courses on Hospital Administration and Health Care and IIT Jammu will offer courses Technology. The selection criteria consist of CAT examination, shortlisting of candidates for the Personal Interview (PI), preparation of the merit list based on CAT score, PI score, and Profile score. The total intake capacity for the program is 60 seats.

IIT Jammu MBA (HA & HM) Eligibility Criteria

  • A valid CAT score
  • Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with 50% aggregate marks

IIT Jammu MBA (HA & HM) Selection Criteria

The admission process of IIM Jammu consists of:

  • CAT Examination
  • Shortlisting the candidates for the Personal Interview (PI) process.
  • Preparing the Merit List based on CAT score, PI score, and Profile score. 

The candidates appearing in the CAT examination are required to score a minimum of qualifying scores as set by the institute. The table below shows the CAT cutoff for PI round shortlisting:

For Male Candidates:

Category VARCP DILRP QAP Overall Percentile
General 65 65 65 90
EWS 45 45 45 65
NC-OBC 45 45 45 65
SC 32 32 32 38
ST 25 25 25 35
PwD 25 25 25 35

For Female Candidates:

Category VARCP DILRP QAP Overall Percentile
General 65 65 65 85
EWS 45 45 45 60
NC-OBC 45 45 45 60
SC 32 32 32 35
ST 25 25 25 30
PwD 25 25 25 30

The Admission Committee at IIM Jammu will select the number of candidates who will be called for the Personal Interview (PI) process based on criteria developed for each category. If the actual number of short-listed candidates is less (more) than the required number of candidates to be called for PI category-wise, the overall, as well as the section-wise minimum score will be reduced (increased) to get the desired number of candidates.

Once the candidates have appeared for the PI round, the final merit list for admission is prepared on the basis of CAT score, PI score, and student profile. The weightage given to each section is given below:

  • CAT score: 40% 
  • PI: 30%
  • Profile: 30%

The bifurcation of marks in the Profile category is divided into Academic Profile, Work Experience, and Diversity (Academic & Gender). Each section is given marks in the following manner:

  • Academic Profile maximum: 9
  • Work Experience maximum: 8
  • Diversity (Academic & Gender) maximum: 13 marks

Offer Acceptance Fee and Withdrawal

A candidate who receives an admission offer from IIM Jammu and accepts the offer within the deadline must send an Offer Acceptance amount of INR 50,000/- along with the Offer Acceptance. If a candidate later decides to withdraw the offer before the withdrawal date specified by the Institute, the Offer Acceptance Amount will be refunded after deducting INR 1,000 in processing fees. If a candidate requests a withdrawal after the Institute's deadline, no refund will be granted. If a candidate enrols in the programme, his or her Offer Acceptance Amount will be deducted from the Term I Fee. If you withdraw from the Program after registering, you will not receive a refund of the Offer Acceptance Amount or the Term Fee.

IIT Jammu Ph.D Admissions 2023

IIT Jammu offers Ph.D programme in 10 different departments Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. 

IIT Jammu admission to Ph.D is classified under two categories- Institute Research candidate (Full Time) and Full Time externally funded students ( UGC, CSIR, GPAT, etc). 

IIT Jammu PhD Eligibility Criteria

For full time IIT Jammu Ph.D admission, candidates must hold any one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology or a Master’s degree by Research in Engineering/ Technology along with a good academic record. 
  • Master’s degree in Science (with a good academic record) and a valid GATE score / UGC/CSIR-JRF/GPAT/ NBHM or equivalent qualification. 
  • Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology with an exceptional academic record and a valid GATE score in the eligible discipline

NOTE: Candidate should have a minimum experience of 2 years (full time) after B.Tech./M.Tech/M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent as on the date of registration.

IIT Jammu PhD Selection Criteria

Candidates seeking IIT Jammu admission in Humanities and Social Sciences subjects should have a valid score in UGC NET.Admission to a Ph.D. program in Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics/HSS requires CSIR/UGC NET/GATE/DST INSPIRE/NBHM qualification. 

For Engineering discipline, GATE qualification is desirable for M.Tech. degree holders, and essential for B.Tech. degree holders with exceptional academic credentials.

Shortlisted candidates will be further assessed on the basis of the interview and the applicant’s research proposal. Candidates can apply for the IIT Jammu Ph.D programme throughout the year however the shortlisting and selection is done twice in a year by each department.


Ques. Can I pursue M.tech in Data Science or Information Security if I have done B.Tech. in IT/ICT?

Ans. Yes, you can pursue an M.Tech Data Science/Information Security if you are having a B. Tech degree in IT/ICT but you must fulfill the eligibility criteria as per the requirements advertised by IIT Jammu

Ques. Will I get a hostel room on arrival at IIT Jammu?

Ans. Yes, a hostel room is provided to all UG students on the date of arrival, after completing the registration process. You can also contact the caretaker office in the hostel after arrival.

Ques. What courses are offered by IIT Jammu for B.Tech?

Ans. The courses offered by IIT Jammu for B.Tech are : 
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Ques. What are the medical benefits/facilities available at IIT Jammu?

Ans. An on-call visiting doctor and a 24-hour ambulance are always available daily at the IIT Jammu campus. These facilities are still expanding with the development of the campus

Ques. Do sim cards of other states work in Jammu?

Ans. Pre-Paid Mobiles from other states do not work in Jammu and Kashmir. There are no public phone booths on the campus. You may bring a postpaid SIM. You can buy a SIM card at Jagti Campus through a stall provided on the day of registration. All you need is your Aadhaar for it.

Ques. Does IIT Jammu provide any educational loan facility?

Ans. No, IIT Jammu doesn’t provide any loan facility. But the documents, as required from the Institute by the Bank from which you desire to take the loan, will be provided after registration

Ques. What amenities will be provided by IIT Jammu for the hostel room?

Ans. The Institute will provide a bed without mattresses, an almirah, a study table, and a chair to each student. There will be a stall by vendors to purchase a mattress, bucket, and mug. Students or parents can also make their arrangements as well.

Ques. Can I apply for two M.Tech programs using the same email id and mobile number?

Ans. A candidate can apply for two M.Tech programs if he/she satisfies the eligibility criteria as per IIT Jammu. But the candidate has to apply using a different email id and mobile number. The separate application fee will be charged for the same.

Ques. What to do if a candidate has filled the wrong details in the application form?

Ans. If a candidate has filled the wrong details or uploaded the wrong documents, he/she has to fill a new application form. There will be no refund given to the candidate for the previous application form.

Ques.What courses are offered by IIT Jammu for B.Tech?

Ans.The courses offered by IIT Jammu for B.Tech 2020 are: 

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Ques.Can I get into IIT Jammu B.Tech Program without writing JEE Main?

Ans.No, candidates seeking admission to BTech at IIT Jammu must first pass JEE Main and then JEE Advanced. Candidates for the IIT Jammu BTech program are chosen based on their JEE Advanced scores. JoSAA manages and regulates the counseling process. Multiple rounds of JoSAA Counselling are used to assign seats to candidates. The final seat allocation is based on the college cutoff and the candidate's course and college preferences.

Ques.How can anyone get into IIT Jammu for Ph.D.?

Ans.Candidates for Ph.D. admission to IIT Jammu must have a master's degree in Engineering/ Technology or a master's degree in research in Engineering/ Technology, as well as a good academic record. To be eligible, they must also have a qualifying GATE score.

Ques.Does an IIT graduate get any special consideration for admission to MTech at IIT Jammu?

Ans.Yes, students with a BTech from an IIT and a minimum CPI/CGPA of 8.0 are given priority in the selection process. They must, however, have a GATE score.

Ques.What is the IIT Jammu Admission Process?

Ans.Step by Step process for the IIT Jammu Application process is mentioned below:

  • Visit the official website of IIT Jammu
  • Click on the “Admission” tab
  • Select the course of your choice
  • Register as a new user by filling in the required details
  • Log in with your credentials and fill accurate details in the application form
  • Enter academic qualifications
  • Pay the application fee and submit the application form

Along with this, The candidates also have to register for JoSAA Counselling. 

Ques.Can I pursue MTech from IIT Jammu without GATE score?

Ans.No, students seeking admission to IIT Jammu for MTech must have a valid GATE exam score. According to the official brochure, the institute also conducts a written test and an interview for further selection. In addition, students must have completed their BTech degree in a relevant field.

Ques.What other courses does IIT Jammu offer other than the B.Tech program?

Ans.Aside from the flagship B.Tech program, IIT Jammu also offers M.Tech, a dual degree B.Tech-MBA, and an MBA (HA & HM). GATE is used to determine admission to the M.Tech program, which is then followed by COAP counseling. IIT Jammu has partnered with IIM Jammu to offer a dual degree program in B.Tech-MBA and MBA (HA & HM).

Ques.In Which Stream does IIT Jammu Offer Ph.D.?

Ans.IIT Jammu also has a Ph.D. program in two fields: engineering and science. Admission to the Ph.D. program at IIT Jammu is determined by a Department-Based Test, followed by Academic Performance, Work Experience, and an Interview. Candidates with GATE/ NET/ CSIR/ UGC/ SLET qualifications are also eligible for P.hD. admission.

Ques.What are the Eligibility Criteria for Various Courses offered by IIT Jammu?

Ans.The Eligibility Criteria for Various Courses offered by IIT Jammu are mentioned below:

M.Tech Graduation with 60% + GATE
B.Tech 10+2 with 75% + JEE Advanced
Ph.D. Post Graduation + GATE
MBA Graduation + CAT
M.Sc Graduation

Ques.What is the Fees Structure for Various Courses offered by IIT Jammu?

Ans.The Fees Structure for Various Courses offered by IIT Jammu is 

M.Tech ₹1.07 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)
B.Tech ₹1.43 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)
Ph.D. ₹48,500 (1st Year Fees)
MBA ₹6.78 Lakhs (1st Year Fees)
M.Sc ₹82,900 (1st Year Fees)

Ques.What is the JEE Advanced cutoff for IIT Jammu?

Ans.The B.tech Computer science engineering Cutoff for the year 2022 was 4602. Candidates can check the full B.tech cutoff for IIT Jammu here.

Ques.What are the Eligibility Criteria for M.tech Specialization at IIT Jammu?

Ans.IIT Jammu Offers M.tech specialization in 6 Different branches. Eligibility Criteria for the various M.tech specialization are Mentioned below.

Specialization Eligibility Criteria
Tunnel Engineering BE/ B.Tech in Civil Engineering or Earth Science with minimum 65% aggregate or minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10-point scale
Data Science B.Tech/ BE/ M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics
Information Security
Communications and Signal Processing
  • BE/ B.Tech in ECE/ EIE/ EEE/ ETC/ EE with First class throughout in education qualification (5% relaxation in 10th or 12th)
  • 60% marks or CGPA 6.0 on 10 point scale.
Thermal & Energy Systems BE/ B.Tech/ AMIE in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering with a minimum of 65% aggregate or a minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10-point scale
Computer Technology B.Tech/B.E./M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering/ Information Technology/ Information & Communication Technology/ Electronics Engineering/ Mathematics and Statistics/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering /Electrical Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics engineering.

Ques.What are the Necessary Documents for Admission to IIT Jammu?

Ans.The Necessary Documents for Admission to IIT Jammu are mentioned below:

  • Provisional certificate of the qualifying degree
  • Submit the qualifying degree certificate within 15 days of the commencement of the classes
  • Class 10th and 12th mark sheet and certificate 
  • Category certificate (for OBC-NCL / SC / ST as applicable)
  • GATE Score Card
  • Latest passport size photograph and signature

Ques.What is IIT Jammu Ph.D. Selection Criteria?

Ans. Candidates seeking admission to IIT Jammu in Humanities and Social Sciences must have a valid UGC NET score. A CSIR/UGC NET/GATE qualification is required for admission to a Ph.D. program in Chemistry/Mathematics/Physics/HSS. GATE qualification is desirable for M.Tech. degree holders and required for B.Tech. degree holders with exceptional academic credentials in the Engineering discipline. Shortlisted candidates will be evaluated further based on their interview and research proposal. Candidates can apply for the IIT Jammu Ph.D. programme at any time of year, but each department shortlists and selects candidates twice a year.

Ques.In Which different departments do IIT Jammu Offer Ph.D. Program?

Ans.IIT Jammu offers Ph.D. programs in ten different departments, including computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, materials engineering, humanities and social sciences, mathematics, chemistry, and physics.

Admission to Ph.D. programs at IIT Jammu is divided into two categories: Institute Research Candidate (Full Time) and Full Time Externally Funded Students ( UGC, CSIR, GPAT, etc).

Ques.Does IIT Jammu offer MBA in Hospital Administration Program?

Ans.MBA in Hospital Administration & Health Care Management is offered by IIT Jammu in collaboration with AIIMS Jammu and IIM Jammu. IIM Jammu will offer Management courses, AIIMS Jammu will offer Hospital Administration and Health Care courses, and IIT Jammu will offer Technology courses.

Ques.What is IIT Jammu Dual Degree Program?

Ans.In collaboration with IIM Jammu, IIT Jammu offers a dual degree programme (BTech + MBA). The program lasts six years in total. The first four years of the B. Tech program, followed by the last two years of the MBA program.

BE/B.Tech Admission Link
M.Phil/Ph.D in Arts, M.Phil/Ph.D in Engineering, M.Phil/Ph.D in Science Admission Link
ME/M.Tech Admission Link

IIT Jammu Admission 2025 Dates

Important Events

GATE 2025 Result DateMar 16, 2025
JEE Advanced Registration DatesApr 27, 2025 - May 07, 2025 (Tentative)
JEE Advanced Admit Card DateMay 17, 2025 (Tentative)
JEE Advanced Result DateJun 09, 2025 (Tentative)
JEE-Advanced counselling Jun 10, 2025 (Tentative)
JEE Advanced Exam DateMay 26, 2025 - Aug 22, 2025 (Tentative)

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Answered Questions

IIT Jammu - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITJ]: 9 answered questions


Monique Ghosedas

06 Jul21

Jammu is a very beautiful place and it is completely safe for students and for the people living there. Yes, we do hear some news about violence, attacks, instability but all these happen in Kashmir, near the border area which is very far away from Jammu.

There is a lot of confusion between the people due to lack of media coverage and they think that Jammu is a part of Kashmir but it is not the truth and Jammu is a different city and it is safe for everyone.

It has been more than 25 years almost since any unusual activity happened in Jammu and this states that it is a much safer city. People roam around anytime in the city and its streets are always busy. IIT Jammu is situated in the outskirts of the city Jammu and it is around 300 kilometers away from Kashmir.

Hence, Jammu is a very safe city and IIT Jammu is a completely safe place to study. The campus is very beautiful with amazing scenic spots and you can study peacefully over there.

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Ankita Sinha

27 Mar23

I will highly recommend you against joining IIT Jammu as it lacks the necessary academic environment and facilities required for a rich Engineering course. My aunt is not only a graduate of IIT Kharagpur (Applied Geology) but also is currently working for Schlumberger in the Middle East.

IIT Kharagpur Geophysics is a good option only if you are interested in the field or have no other option. Honestly, the demand for Geophysics is gradually deteriorating and in the upcoming future, it will generate very less revenue and jobs in the oil industry. This definitely does not mean it lacks lucrative opportunities. Someone who is genuinely passionate about Geophysics will always choose this over other branches. 

  • This course comes with excellent exchange opportunities that will allow you to travel during your five years at IIT Kharagpur. 
  • Geophysics offers great opportunities to apply numerical, quantitative, and computational methods to geological investigations.
  • IIT KGP focuses on holistic development and thus has a rich extracurricular culture that helps develop bonds between students of different branches.

This program is not for everyone but it can be the dream branch for some.

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Deepesh Agarwal

02 Jan23

Unlike the general misconception, Jammu is as safe as any other city in India. Only Kashmir is inflicted by riots and has a conflict environment. My sister had no doubts when she made the decision to pursue MBA from IIM Jammu. In fact, even our parents did not worry about her relentlessly. 

As a part, a little concern on their part is justified. But if the riots and conflicts are the reason your parents can rest assured as Jammu is a very safe city.

Moreover, IITs and IIMs are institutes of great national importance. Hence strict regulations are imposed to maintain safety within the campus.

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Sagar Agrawal

29 Jun21

If you want to go to a technical branch then Delhi Technological University (DTU) should be your first choice.

  • DTU has a good placement record, over 300 companies come for recruitment. Its research facility is also good.
  • IIIT Allahabad has a good coding culture where over 110 companies come for campus placement.
  • NIT Kurukshetra has a better placement record than IIT Jammu but IIT Jammu has a name tag with it.

In the following table, you will get basic information about IIIT Allahabad, IIIT Delhi, NIT Kurukshetra, DTU, and IIT Jammu.


IIIT Allahabad

IIIT Delhi

NIT Kurukshetra


IIT Jammu

Average CTC

INR 9-12 LPA



INR 11.17 LPA

INR 12.2 LPA

Highest CTC






Therefore, if you have a choice between IIIT Allahabad, IIIT Delhi, NIT Kurukshetra, DTU, and IIT Jammu then DTU is the best option. IIIT Allahabad and Delhi have good placement too. It is on you which institute you choose for your study.

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Ashmita Roy

20 May22

All three of these IITs are new and offer similar academics for CSE. IIT Dharwad and IIT Goa are under the mentorship of IIT Bombay. While IIT Jammu is under the mentorship of IIT Delhi. So, you will get to learn from some of the best faculties in the field. 

In terms of placements, IIT Jammu is a little ahead. During IIT Jammu placements 2022, the average package for B.Tech CSE stood around INR 21 LPA. 

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Olivia Roy

11 Jan21

Although IIT Jammu is fairly new, it offers wonderful opportunities in terms of internships, project-based work, full-time jobs, and placements. 


Since the administration is under IIT Delhi, the entire curriculum and structure are designed by the institute. 


  • Most of the faculty members of EE are young and have good research experiences. Many of them have PhDs and PostDocs from reputed IITs and universities abroad. 
  • The faculties at the institute are approachable. If you show interest in research work, they can also include you in their research work. You can also seek help from Ph.D. students.


The institute offers fully-functional and well-designed practical labs for main courses in Electrical Engineering such as Control and Power systems, Analog and Electrical Machines.


  • IIT Jammu had the first placement drive in 2020. According to the placement report the average CTC offered was 8 LPA.
  • The highest placement within the EE branch as of now is 31 LPA by Amazon.


  • You can pursue many projects at IIT Jammu. The lab work includes projects which make up for nearly 20 to 30% of the entire course. 
  • Students can get hands-on practical experience through the Robotics and Electronics club as well. It is easily possible for students to even create their own projects.

Therefore, IIT Jammu is a great place for a program in EE.

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Shreya Ghosh

23 Feb21

Yes, it is definitely safe to go and study at IIM Jammu. Since my friends studied there and being a student of IIT Jammu myself, I can assure you that it is a completely safe environment to pursue your studies.


IIT Jammu

Course Fee

8.88 lakh

Placement Percentage


Highest CTC

18 LPA

Average CTC


Recruiting Companies

Bosch, Havells, Captury, DRDO, HAL, ONGC, etc.

IIT Jammu provides students with all the necessary facilities, it has more or less the same climate as Delhi. It is a peaceful place with cooperative people, they are nice and warm and always helpful. IIT Jammu like other IITs has become the educational hub for Indian citizens.

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Neha Kaur

23 Feb21

As it is already an IIT you should never miss the opportunity. So, yes, it is worth your time and money to study at IIT Jammu. The reason for joining at IIT Jammu is as follows:

  1. Academics:

As it is an IIT institution, all the college authorities make every possible effort to provide best academic facilities in the campus. Even if a professor is absent they allocate IIT Delhi professor to teach students.

  1. Sports and extracurricular activities:

There are various kinds of indoor and outdoor sports and extracurricular activities in the campus. You will get ample amounts of opportunities to participate and be involved in them.

  1. College environment:

The campus has got a gym, various types of cultural clubs for games, sports, music, dance etc. You can participate in all these. There are various kinds of competitions in which you can participate.


IIT Jammu

Course Fee

8.88 lakh

Placement Percentage


Highest CTC

18 LPA

Average CTC


Recruiting Companies

Bosch, Havells, Captury, DRDO, HAL, ONGC, etc.

Overall it is a safer place to study. The staff, teachers and students work very closely in order to make the institution best in India. If you get a chance for admission and you belong to this region then you should never lose the opportunity. 

The college is now the fastest growing IIT in the country. The seats are also increasing and the college is now incorporating other branches as well. The college has got excellent connectivity with the IIT Delhi and they hire mentors from that college as and when required which is a plus point for the college.

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Sunita Ghose

18 May22

IIT Jammu is a good in terms of academics, placements, and extracurricular. The faculties are well-qualified ad experienced. As it is a new IIT, the crowd is less. You can freely join any club and society of your choice. IIT Jammu has Coding Club, Robotics Club, Dance Club, Arts Club, etc. 

The institute has a good placement record. According to IIT Jammu placements 2022 highlights, students received an average CTC of INR 21.5 LPA, while the highest CTC offered was INR 45 LPA.  

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