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ComparisonBITS Pilani South GoaNITK SurathkalB.Tech Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBE Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

What should I choose: Electronics and Instrumentation in BITS Pilani Goa Campus, Electrical and Electronics in NIT Surathkal?

Posted On - Mar 22, 2021
Asked byYashmeet Grover
2 Answers
Answered by Posted On - Mar 21, 2023
Ankit Chaudhari

To make an informed decision, it's crucial to understand that changing your choice based on the college you get into won't have much impact. You should acknowledge that Electronics and Instrumentation in BITS Pilani Goa Campus and Electrical and Electronics in NIT Surathkal are two distinct engineering streams with different colleges, and both colleges are excellent in their own right.

Your selection of the branch should entirely depend on your interest. If you are intrigued by electrical or electronic circuits or have been fascinated by electricity since childhood, EEE is the perfect fit for you. Conversely, if you have an interest in instruments or daily life gadgets that make our lives more comfortable, you should opt for E&I.

Keep in mind that EEE focuses on circuit design and development, while E&I focuses on circuit implementation in industries or the real world. EEE is a core branch that concentrates on its domain, but E&I combines all other core branches such as Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical, and even Computer Science.

Both EEE and E&I offer excellent job prospects in the market. E&I graduates can work in core fields or software industries. There is a plethora of industries related to electrical and electronics, so EEE also offers ample job opportunities. Therefore, both branches are exceptional in their way. Choose the one that piques your interest and don't sacrifice your area of interest due to college selection.


Answered by Posted On - Mar 22, 2021
Pahoon Biswas

One of my friends was torn between these options a few years back, and he chose Electrical and Electronics in NIT Surathkal.However, you should choose the course that interests you more. Here are some of the facts about the same which may help you make your decision. 

Electrical and Instrumentation:

  • It is an engineering specialization that is only fixed on the theory of measuring instruments and their operations. 
  • However, its utilization is completely associated with the engineering design along with the automated system configuration in several engineering domains like electrical and pneumatic. Thus, the application is completely industry oriented like an automation process in a few manufacturing and chemical plants. 
  • This engineering specialization’s main goal is to improve reliability, productivity, optimization, safety, and stability. 
  • It deals with the device design in measuring the physical quantities like temperature, pressure, and flow. Thus, a good perception of physics is required to make a complete design of instruments; also some extended knowledge of electromagnetic theory is sometimes required. 

Basically, the instrumentation is required for dealing with larger electrical devices in the industry.

Electrical and Electronics:

  • In this engineering stream, the student will learn how to design computer systems and electronic circuits and the knowledge of control system development. 
  • Electronics is an important subject for the performance and control of many electrical machines. This course's main focus is completely on the design and testing of inductors, ICs, resistors, and capacitors. Besides, the student will also learn the basics of mathematics, physics, project management, and computer science. 
  • This engineering stream's sub-disciplines consist of Telecommunications, electronics, power, microelectronics, control, and Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Computers.

So, go through the above points and choose an option that suits you.


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