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How many marks in JEE-Mains is required to get admission in Thapar University?

Posted On - Aug 9, 2021
Asked byAmit
2 Answers
Answered by Posted On - Aug 30, 2022
Agnish Mukherjee

If you are a general category student you will need around 60% marks in 10+2 and 70+ marks in JEE Mains in order to get admission at Thapar University. If you have 80% in boards, you will need around 48+ percentile in JEE. 

Thapar University cutoff usually stays lower than the NITs. The institute also has 50% reservation for Panjab domicile students. The cutoff required is lower for students from Panjab. 


Answered by Posted On - Aug 9, 2021
Harsita Sengupta

You can get admission to Thapar University easily depending upon the number of branches and its high-rising fee structure. Thapar accepts JEE scores for admission. 

You need to score at least 50-60% for the branches having higher cut-off such as CSE and ECE. with that you will also need to score more than 80% in your SSC. For Mechanical, Electrical, and EIC a score in the range of 50% will be fine.

For branches like Civil and Chemical marks in the range of 40-50% will be needed. For branches other than core the range varies as they are new. 

So to get a decent branch I would say your target should be 50% in the JEE exam. 
