Ques. When will XLRI release XAT 2023 Exam Dates?
Ans. XLRI has announced XAT 2023 exam date on Aug 8, 2022. XAT 2023 will be conducted in online mode on January 8, 2023.
Ques. When will XAT 2023 Application forms be released by XLRI?
Ans. XAT 2023 Application forms are made available on August 10, 2022 at 12:00 AM. The application window was open till December 11, 2022.
Ques. What is the exam date for XAT 2023?
Ans. XLRI usually conducts XAT exam on the first Sunday of January. However, XAT 2023 is scheduled on the second Sunday of January 2023, i.e., January 8, 2023.
Ques. Will XAT 2023 admit card be released online or via post or courier?
Ans. XAT 2023 Admit Card will be released on the XLRI XAT website on December 26, 2022. The exam conducting authorities will not send the hall ticket via post to any candidate.
Ques. What is the official website for XAT exam?
Ans. The official website for XAT exam is xatonline.in. XLRI publishes all notifications & updates, XAT exam dates, member institutes, and all other information on this official website.
Ques. When will the result be released for XAT 2023?
Ans. XAT 2023 results will be released in the third week of January 2023 on the official website after the closure of the answer key objection window.
Ques. In case of any error during the application form process, can I get the correction facility from the institute?
Ans. No, the university authority will not provide a correction facility to its candidates in case of any error, thus it is advised to fill the form carefully.
Ques. Will XAT 2023 be conducted offline or online?
Ans. XAT 2023 will be conducted in online computer-based mode only. Candidates will have to appear at the designated test centers to take XAT exam.