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MHT CET is a Maharashtra State common entrance test for admissions into Engineering, Sciences Pharmacy and other related undergraduate courses. MHT CET Chemistry section comprises of the topics prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education from the class XI and XII subjects such as - Thermodynamics and Energetic, Halogen Derivatives of Alkanes and Arenes, Coordination compounds, Polymers, Electro Chemistry and others.

Class XII th Chemistry topics are given 80% weight in MHT CET 2023 over the 20% weightage of Class XI topics, but a study of both is necessary as the class XI topics form the fundamentals of class XII th topics. In order to ace the MHT CET exam it is highly important that the students begin their preparation at the earliest and stick completely to the MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus provided by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education. Check MHT 2023 CET Exam Pattern

MHT CET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus

MHT CET 2023 Chemistry Syllabus - Class wise

The class-wise Detailed MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus is tabulated below :

Class  Topics covered in Syllabus
Class XI
  1. Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  2. States of Matter - Gases and Liquids
  3. Redox Reactions
  4. Surface Chemistry
  5. Nature of Chemical Bond
  6. Hydrogen
  7. s-Block (Alkali and Alkaline Metals)
  8. Basic Principles and techniques in organic Chemistry 
  9. Alkanes
Class XII
  1. Solid State
  2. Solutions and Colligative Properties
  3. Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic
  4. Electro Chemistry
  5. Chemical Kinetics
  6. General Principles of Isolation of Elements
  7. p-Block Elements
  8. d- Block Elements
  9. f- Block Elements
  10. Coordination compounds
  11. Halogen Derivative of Alkanes and Arenes
  12. Alcohol, Phenol , Ether, ALdehydes, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids
  13. Organic compound containing Nitrogen
  14. Biomolecules
  15. Polymers
  16. Everyday Practical uses of Chemistry

Must Read

Major Topics and Subtopics for MHT CET

Major Topics and Subtopics for MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus

The topics and subtopics that the student should prioritise for the MHT CET 2023 exam are as follows:

Topics  Sub-Topics
Basic Concepts of Chemistry 
  • Mole concept and Molar Mass
  • Empirical and molecular formula
States of Matter
  • Charley’s law, Boyle’s Law,Gay Lussac’s Lav,Avogardo’s Law
  • Gas equations
  • Type of bondings
Redox Reactions
  • Oxidation Number
  • Balancing Redox Reactions
Basic Principles and Techniques in Organic Chemistry 
  • IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds
  • Inductive effect, electromagnetic effect, resonance, hyer congratulation, Homolytic and heterolytic fission of bonds
  • Types of Organic Reactions
Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic
  • FIrst Law of Thermodynamics
  • Basic Thermodynamics equations and Measurement of parameters such as internal energy
  • Hess’s law of constant heat summation
  • combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution
  • Second law of Thermodynamics
  • Third law of thermodynamic 
Solid State 
  • Bonds
  • Packing of atoms in a molecule
  • Point Defects
Solutions and Colligative Properties
  • Colligative Properties
  • Rault’s Law
  • Determination of Molecuular Masses using collegative properties
  • Vant Hoff Factor
  • Redox reaction
  •  Kohlrausch’s La
  • Electrolysis and laws of electrolysis
  • Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells.
Chemical Kinetics
  • Rate of a reaction
  • order and molecularity of a reaction
  • rate law and specific rate constant
p-Block Elements d- Block Elements f- Block Elements
  • Properties and General structure
Alcohol, Phenol , Ether, ALdehydes, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids
  • Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties
Organic compound containing Nitrogen
  • Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of primary secondary and tertiary amines.
  • Cyanides and Isocyanides 
  • Classification – Natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and condensation), copolymerization. Some important polymers: natural and synthetic like polythene, nylon, polyesters, bakelite, rubber.
  •  Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers
Best Books to Cover MHT CET

Best Books to Cover MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus

There are several books available in the market for MHT CET Chemistry syllabus but the, critically acclaimed ones, approved by institutional and students alike are listed below: 

  • NCERT Chemistry Books - Most of the students already have this book as the school textbook. NCERT chemistry books are a great medium to develop fundamental understanding and skills in Chemistry.
  • MHT CET Chemistry by Arihant : Includes solved papers of the previous years too
  • Inorganic Chemistry by OP Tandon - A book than wonderfully explains the concepts of inorganic chemistry as well as details the properties of s,p, d, f block elements in a fun way
  • Organic Chemistry by Himanshu Pandey - For those finding NCERT Organic Chemistry difficult to understand this book is quite beneficial as it uses simple language and day to day examples to illustrate points.
  • Marvel Chemistry MCQs - The book contains only Chemistry MCQs. Almost 500+ MCQs are given in the book to cover every topic and every sub topic.

The subject wise syllabus for CET 2023 is mentioned below:

Weightage of Important topics in MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus

MHT CET Chemistry syllabus assigns following weightage to the important topics - 

Important Topics Weightage of Marks
Chemical Thermodynamics And Energetics 15%
p-Block Elements – Group 15 To 18 9%
Coordination Compounds 9%
d And f Block Elements 8%
Alcohols, Phenols, And Ethers 8%
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 8%
Solid State 6%
Solutions And Colligative Properties 6%
Chemical Kinetics 5%
Halogen Derivatives Of Alkanes And Arenes 5%
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids 5%
Biomolecules 4%
Polymers 4%
Chemistry In Everyday Life 5%

Must Read

Difficulty Level of MHT CET Chemistry Section

Difficulty Level of MHT CET Chemistry Section

Paper  Overall Difficulty Level of all shifts Frequently Asked Topics
MHT CET 2020 Easy  Chemical Bonding, Polymers, Kinematics
MHT CET 2019 DIfficult Nomenclature of compounds, Molecular mass, Chemical Bonding
MHT CET 2017 Moderate Organic Chemistry, Bonding, SOlid State
MHT CET Chemistry - Most Asked Questions

MHT CET Chemistry - Most Asked Questions from Previous Year Question Papers

Ques Which of the following allotropic form of Sulphur exists in the chair form (MHT CET 2019)


  1. Alpha- Sulphur
  2. Beta- Sulphur
  3. Plastic Sulphur


Ques. What is the approximate charge on 0.05 Mol of electrons? (MHT CET 2018)

  1. 2412.6 C
  2. 965 C
  3. 4825 C
  4. 1003 C

3 One mole of electrons has charge equivalent to 9.65 x 10^4 C

Ques A polymer obtained from monomers Ethylene Glycol and Dimethyl Terephthalate is? (MHT CET 2019)

  1. Nylon 
  2. Terylene
  3. Bakelite
  4. Nylon -6,10


Ques. Two Moles of an ideal gas expand from volume of 15.5 liters to 20 liters against a constant external pressure of 1 atmosphere. The amount of work done is -

  1. - 4.5 J
  2. 2.2 x 10^4 J
  3. -455.8 J
  4. 4.22 J
  1. Use the equation of isobaric process

MHT CET 2023 Chemistry Preparation tips

  • Practice Numerical problems thoroughly : Gas equations, Thermodynamic problems, oxidation deduction and calculation of empirical formula are to[pics that are quite frequently asked and one can only master them only through practise.

  As Pranesh Naik, MHT CET 2006 Topper has said , “Practice till you become perfect”

  • Revise topics : Although revision is necessary for all the topics but few topics such as - s,p,d,f Block elements, Amines, Cyanides, Isocyanides, Alcohol, Phenol , Ether, ALdehydes, Ketone and Carboxylic Acids should be revised on a repeated basis as they are easy to forget. 
  • Maintain a small handbook - A student should maintain a small handbook containing important equations, formulae, facts, properties, methods and only information which he deems useful in a well tabulated format. Special attention should be paid to Polymers, Reduction equations, Unit cell packing and other topics. This would be handy in quickly referencing the facts while discussing or revising.
MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus FAQs

MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus FAQs

Ques. How much weightage is given to class XI Chemistry syllabus in MHT CET Syllabus ?

Ans. Class XI topics are given a weightage of 20% in the Chemistry Section of the exam. Considering that the exam has 40 Questions in the Chemistry Section that would come down to 8 Questions from the XI th Syllabus.

Ques. How much weightage is given to class XII th in MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus?

Ans. Class XII topics are given a weightage of 80% in the Chemistry Section of the exam. Considering that the exam has 40 Questions in the Chemistry Section that would come down to 32 Questions from the XII th Syllabus.

Ques. How was the Chemistry Section in the MHT CET 2020?

Ans. The Chemistry Section of the 2020 exam was overall considered to be easy. Relatively few questions were asked from Organic Chemistry and questions on polymers were prevalent among those which were asked. Most of the questions were based around Chemical bonding and Kinematics. 

Ques. How much weightage does Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers have in the Chemistry Sectection of MHT CET 2023 exam?

Ans. Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers have a cumulative weightage of about 8% in the Chemistry Sectection of MHT CET exam.The important sub topics include - Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties.

Ques. What are the important subtopics in Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic considering the MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus?

Ans. The important sub-topics in the Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetic are - 

  • First Law of Thermodynamics
  • Basic Thermodynamics equations and Measurement of parameters such as internal energy
  • Hess’s law of constant heat summation
  • combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution
  • Second law of Thermodynamics
  • Third law of thermodynamic 

Ques. What are the important subtopics in Organic compounds containing Nitrogen considering the MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus?

Ans. Almost everything in the topic Organic compounds containing Nitrogen is relevant from the exams perspective but the important subtopics are - 

  • Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of primary secondary and tertiary amines.
  • Cyanides and Isocyanides 

Ques. What are some good books for covering MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus?

Ans. Some good books for the exam are 

  • MHT CET Chemistry by Arihant
  • Inorganic Chemistry by OP Tandon
  • Organic Chemistry by Himanshu Pandey

Ques. How was the Chemistry Section in the MHT CET 2020?

Ans. The Chemistry Section of the 2020 exam was overall considered to be difficult .A majority of the questions were process based or calculation based with the Nomenclature of compounds, Molecular mass, Chemical Bonding question being dominant . The questions encompassed a majority of the topics from the MHT CET Chemistry Syllabus

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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