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As per JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern, the paper will be conducted in pen-paper mode. There will be a total of 180 MCQ questions based on the topics studied in the qualifying examination. All the questions will carry one mark each while 0.25 marks will be deducted on account of every incorrect response. Also, Check JKCET 2023 Syllabus

  • The paper will be divided into 3 sections- Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics containing 60 questions each. 
  • The duration of JKCET 2023 will be 3 hours. 

Those aspiring for JKCET 2023 may check out the complete article below that contains JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern.

JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Date of Exam 2nd week of June 2023 
Conducting Body Jammu & Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations(JKBOPEE)
Mode of Exam Pen and Paper Mode
Paper Type Objective
Medium of Exam English
Duration of Exam 3 hours
JKCET Exam Pattern

JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern

JKCET 2023 will be Pen & paper-based test. There will be a single paper comprising 180 objective-type questions. The duration of JKCET 2023 will be 3 hours. JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern will be based on the syllabus of 10+2 prescribed by the Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination. Before appearing for JKCET, candidates must go through the JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern.

Subjects No of Questions
Physics 60
Chemistry 60
Mathematics 60
Total 180
JKCET Marking Scheme

JKCET 2023 Marking Scheme

JKCET 2023 question paper will consist of a total of 180 marks. Each paper will carry 60 marks each. One mark will be awarded to the candidate for each right answer while 0.25 marks will be deducted from his score for each wrong answer.

Subjects No of Questions Marks
Physics 60 60
Chemistry 60 60
Mathematics 60 60
Total 180 180
Weightage of Sections

JKCET 2023 Section Wise Weightage of Topics

The question paper will be based on the JKCET 2023 Syllabus of Intermediate. JKCET 2023 Syllabus comprises of the four subjects that are given below:

Weightage of Physics Syllabus

Topics Marks
Physical world and measurement 2
Kinematics 3
Laws of motion 2
Work, energy and power 2
Motion of system of particles and rigid body 2
Gravitation 2
Properties of bulk matter 2
Thermodynamics 2
Behavior of perfect gas and Kinetic theory 2
Oscillations and waves 4
Electrostatics 4
Current electricity 4
Magnetic effects of current and magnetism 5
Electromagnetic induction and alt. Currents 4
Electromagnetic waves 2
Optics 7
Dual nature of matter and radiation 2
Atoms and nuclei 3
Electronic devices 4
Communication system 2

Weightage of Chemistry Syllabus 

Topics Marks
Chemical arithmetic & atomic structure 3
Chemical equilibrium 4
Chemical kinetics 2
Solutions 2
Chemical thermodynamics 4
Redox reactions and electrochemistry 3
Solid state & states of matter 4
Surface chemistry 2
Periodic properties 2
Chemical bonding and molecular structure 4
Chemistry of representative elements 4
Transition elements including lanthanoids 2
Co-ordination chemistry 4
Nomenclature and basic concepts in organic chemistry 3
Hydrocarbons 3
Organic chemistry based on functional group-i 2
Organic chemistry based on function group-ii 3
Organic chemistry based on functional group-iii 3
Molecules of life 3
Polymers 3

Weightage of Mathematics Syllabus

Topics Marks
Sets, relations, and functions 6
Complex number; linear inequation; linear programming 6
Sequence and series, permutation and combination & binomial theorem 6
Trigonometric and inverse trigonometry functions 6
Matrices and determinants 4
Limit, continuity, and differentiation 8
Integration and differential equations 7
Straight lines and conic sections 5
Statistics and probability 6
Vectors and three-dimensional geometry 6

Important Instructions of JKCET 2023

These are some important instructions for JKCET 2023 Exam that candidates should follow.

  • No candidate will be allowed to appear at the examination center other than that allotted to him/her in the Admit Card.
  • No candidate will be allowed to appear in the examination whose Hall Ticket is not issued by the JKPOBEE.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center/hall after the commencement of the examination.
  • Candidates are advised to bring a valid Photo Identity card(in original) along with their printout of the JKCET 2023 Admit Card on the day of examination.
  • After the invigilator has verified the JKCET 2023 Admit Card of the candidate, he must sign on the attendance sheet in the presence of the invigilator and mention the hall ticket number also.
  • Do not deface, distort, mutilate or damage the OMR Sheet. It should be kept in excellent condition.
  • Any kind of tampering in the OMR Sheet may lead to direct disqualification. 
  • The candidate should follow the instructions given by the invigilators in the examination room
  • Candidates should not indulge in any argument with the invigilators or other staff involved in the examination duty at the examination center. The candidates, who will not follow the instructions, will be treated as Unfair Means and his/her result will not be declared.
  • The candidate should neither talk to each other nor discuss any matter during the examination.
  • The candidate should not disturb other candidates in the examination room and maintain complete silence during the examination.
  • Candidates are not permitted to carry any electronic device and study material at examination hall like (Mobile, Bluetooth, Pager, watch, test series, books, model papers, etc.)
  • The decision of JKPOBEE shall be final in all matters.
JKCET Exam Pattern FAQs

JKCET 2023 Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques. What is the mode to conduct the exam?

Ans. JKCET 2023 will be conducted in offline mode i.e. Computer Based Mode. 

Ques. Who will conduct the examination?

Ans. The examination will be conducted Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (BOPEE).

Ques. How many questions will be asked in the examination?

Ans. Total 180 questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

Ques. How many questions will be asked from each section?

Ans. There will be 60 questions in each Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics section.

Ques. What are the maximum marks of the examination?

Ans. The examination will be conducted for a total of 180 marks.

Ques. What are the marks allocated to each section?

Ans. Each section will comprise questions of 60 marks i.e. one mark for one question.

Ques. What is the duration of the examination?

Ans. The time allowed to solve 180 questions is 3 hours.

Ques. Is there any provision for negative marking?

Ans. For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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