IIT JAM Syllabus 2023: Check Physics, Chemistry, Economic and Other Subject's Syllabus

    Sachin Gupta Sachin Gupta
    Content Writer

    IIT JAM Syllabus 2023 is released for all 7 subjects- Biotechnology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Mathematical Statistics and Economics. The syllabus is different for each of the seven papers and is updated in the official brochure. IIT JAM 2023 paper pattern is unchanged. The paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A (30 MCQs), B (10 MSQs), and C(20 NAT). In total, candidates have to attempt 60 questions carrying a total of 100 marks. Check IIT JAM 2023 Exam Pattern  

    Economics (EN) was added to IIT JAM in 2021. IIT JAM 2023 will be conducted by IIT Guwahati on February 12, 2023. IIT JAM 2023 Application forms will be available from September 7, 2022. Read the article to know more about the detailed syllabus of each subject. Candidates can start preparing by considering previous year Paper Pattern. Check IIT JAM Preparation Tips

      Table of Contents

      1. IIT JAM Syllabus for Biotechnology BT
        1.1 IIT JAM BT Biology Syllabus
        1.2 IIT JAM BT Chemistry Syllabus
        1.3 IIT JAM BT Mathematics Syllabus
        1.4 IIT JAM BT Physics Syllabus
      2. IIT JAM Syllabus for Chemistry CY
        2.1 Physical Chemistry Syllabus
        2.2 Organic Chemistry Syllabus
        2.3 Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus
      3. IIT JAM Syllabus for Geology GG
      4. IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics MA
      5. IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematical Statistics MS
        5.1 Syllabus for Mathematics
        5.2 Syllabus for Statistics
      6. IIT JAM Syllabus for Physics PH
      7. IIT JAM Syllabus for Economics (EN)
        7.1 Microeconomics Syllabus
        7.2 Macroeconomics Syllabus
        7.3 Statistics for Economics Syllabus
        7.4 Indian Economy Syllabus
        7.5 Mathematics for Economics Syllabus
      8. IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus FAQs

      Biotechnology Syllabus

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Biotechnology BT

      IIT JAM Biotechnology Syllabus (BT) comprises of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics.​

      IIT JAM BT Biology Syllabus

      Biology will have questions prepared from 10+2+3 level. Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. Tabulated below are important topics for the same:

      Names of Chapters
      General BiologyBiochemistry and Physiology
      Basic BiotechnologyMolecular Biology
      Cell BiologyMicrobiology

      Recommended Books

      IIT JAM Biology Books, IIT JAM Recommended Books
      Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
      Essentials: Biology StandardRandy Mcgonegal & Alan Damon
      Physiology and Biochemistry in Modern MedicineJohn James Rickard MacLeod
      Molecular Biology of the GeneJames D.Watson

      IIT JAM BT Chemistry Syllabus

      Chemistry will have questions prepared from 10+2+3 level

      Names of Chapters
      Atomic StructureSynthetic polymers
      Chemistry of Functional Groups--

      IIT JAM BT Mathematics Syllabus

      Mathematics will have questions prepared from 10+2 level

      Sets, Relations and FunctionsMathematical InductionLogarithms
      Complex numbersLinear and Quadratic equationsSequences and Series
      TrigonometryCartesian System of Rectangular CoordinatesStraight lines and Family
      CirclesConic SectionsPermutations and Combinations
      Binomial TheoremExponential and Logarithmic SeriesMathematical Logic
      StatisticsThree Dimensional GeometryVectors
      Matrices and DeterminantsBoolean AlgebraProbability
      Functionslimits and ContinuityDifferentiation
      Application of DerivativesDefinite and Indefinite IntegralsDifferential Equations

      IIT JAM BT Physics Syllabus

      Physics will have questions prepared from 10+2 level. As per the definition, Physics is the natural science that studies matter and its motion and behavior through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force. The important topics are as follows:

      Physical World and MeasurementElementary Statics and DynamicsKinematics
      Laws of MotionWorkEnergy and Power
      ElectrostaticsCurrent electricityMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
      Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating CurrentElectromagnetic wavesOptics
      Dual Nature of Matter and RadiationsAtomic NucleusSolids and Semiconductor Devices
      Principles of CommunicationMotion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyGravitation
      Mechanics of Solids and FluidsHeat and ThermodynamicsOscillations, Waves

      Chemistry Syllabus

      Must Check: IIT JAM Paper Pattern

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Chemistry CY

      IIT JAM Chemistry Syllabus includes topics like what matter is composed of, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. For this session, the important topics for the chemistry paper are as follows:

      Physical Chemistry Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      Basic Mathematical ConceptsSpectroscopy
      Atomic and Molecular StructureAdsorption
      Theory of GasesChemical Kinetics
      Chemical ThermodynamicsChemical and Phase Equilibria

      Organic Chemistry Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      Basic Concepts in Organic Chemistry and StereochemistryAromatic and Heterocyclic Chemistry
      Organic Reaction Mechanism and Synthetic ApplicationsNatural Products Chemistry
      Qualitative Organic Analysis--

      Inorganic Chemistry Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      Periodic TableAnalytical Chemistry
      Chemical Bonding and Shapes of CompoundsInstrumental Methods of Analysis
      Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)Bioinorganic Chemistry
      Transition Metals (d block)Coordination complexes

      IIT JAM Recommended Books

      IIT JAM Recommended Books
      Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
      Chemistry Higher LevelCatrin Brown and Mike Ford
      Inorganic ChemistryR.L. Dutta and GS De.
      Organic ChemistryJonathan Clyden and Nick Greeves

      Geology Syllabus

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Geology GG

      IIT JAM Geology Syllabus can be read below:

      Names of Chapters
      The Planet EarthApplied Geology
      GeomorphologyEconomic Geology
      Structural GeologyCharacteristic

      Recommended Books

      IIT JAM Recommended Books, IIT JAM Geology Books
      Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
      IIT JAM: MSc Geology Previous Years PaperAjhar Hussain
      GATE Geology & GeophysicsAmaresh Singh & Jitendra Mishra
      An Introduction to GeologyVS Joji

      Mathematics Syllabus

      Check:Subject-Wise IIT JAM Prepration 

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematics MA

      IIT JAM Mathematics Syllabus includes topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change. Listed below are important topics:

      Names of Chapters
      Sequences and Series of Real NumbersReal Analysis
      Series of real numbers, absolute convergence, tests of convergence for series of positive termsRank and inverse of a matrix
      Functions of Two or Three Real VariablesLinear Algebra
      Integral CalculusGroup Theory
      Double and triple integralsVector Calculus
      Differential Equations--

      Mathematics Statistics Syllabus

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Mathematical Statistics MS

      IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics is divided into 2 parts i.e. Mathematics and statistics. 

      Syllabus for Mathematics

      Names of Chapters
      Sequences and SeriesMatrices
      Differential CalculusDouble and triple integrals
      Integral Calculus--

      Syllabus for Statistics

      Names of Chapters
      ProbabilityTesting of Hypotheses
      Random VariablesEstimation
      Standard DistributionsLimit Theorems
      Joint DistributionsSampling distributions

      Recommended Books

      IIT JAM Math Books, IIT JAM Recommended Books
      Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
      Solutions To IIT JAM For Mathematical Statistics (Paperback, Mohd. Arshad, Amit kumar Miishra)Mohd. Arshad, Amit kumar Miishra
      Mathematical Statistics For Iit Jam Complete Study Matrial With Topic Wise Advance Analysis + Model Solved Papers (SPIRAL, SOURAV SIR'S CLASSES) SOURAV SIR'S CLASSES
      Study Material for IIT JAM MathematicsSourav Sir’s Classes

      Physics Syllabus

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Physics PH

      IIT JAM Physics Syllabus can be read below:

      Names of Chapters
      Mathematical MethodsSimple Oscillators
      Mechanics and General Properties of MatterModern Physics
      Electricity and MagnetismThermodynamics

      Recommended Books

      IIT JAM Physics Books, IIT JAM Recommended Books
      Book NameAuthor/ Publisher
      IIT JAM Physics Solved Papers & Practice SetAtique Hasan
      IIT JAM Theory & Practice BookSushil K Tomar
      IIT JAM Theory & Practice A Comprehensive BookSushil K Tomar

      Economics Syllabus

      Check:Interview with IIT JAM Topper Tapas Jana

      IIT JAM Syllabus for Economics (EN)

      IIT JAM Economics Syllabus is also divided into the various sections. Also, the paper or discipline has been added to IIT JAM from this year. Candidates can check the syllabus below:

      Microeconomics Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      Consumer theoryPublic goods and market failure
      Production, costs with perfectly competitive marketsGame theory
      General equilibrium and welfareMarket structure

      Macroeconomics Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      National Income AccountingGrowth Models
      Behavioral and Technological Functions Inflation and Unemployment
      Business Cycles and Economic ModelsBusiness Cycles and Economic Models (Open Economy)

      Statistics for Economics Syllabus

      Probability theory, Sample spaces and events, Axioms of probability and their properties, conditional probability and Bayes’ rule, independent events
      Random variables and probability distributions, probability distributions, expected values and functions of random variables, properties of commonly used discrete and continuous distributions
      Random sampling, Density and distribution functions for jointly distributed random variables, computing expected values of jointly distributed random variables, covariance and correlation coefficients
      Point and interval estimation, estimation of population parameters using methods of moments and maximum likelihood procedures, properties of estimators, confidence intervals
      Hypothesis testing, distributions of test statistics, testing hypotheses related to population parame- 32 ters, Type I and Type II errors, the power of a test, tests for comparing parameters from two samples

      Indian Economy Syllabus

      Names of Chapters
      Indian economy before 1950India’s labour market
      Planning and Indian developmentPoverty
      Indian economy after 1991Inequalities in social development
      Banking, finance and macroeconomic policies--

      Mathematics for Economics Syllabus

      Names of ChaptersTopics
      Preliminaries and Functions of one real variable

      Integration, differential equations, and difference equations

      Single-variable optimizationLinear programming
      Linear algebraMultivariate optimization
      Functions of several real variables--

      Also Check: IIT JAM Cut off

      IIT JAM 2023 Syllabus FAQs

      Ques: I am planning to appear for IIT JAM 2023. Are there any changes in the syllabus of Mathematical Statistics MS?

      Ans: No changes are expected in the syllabus for now, in case of any changes, it will be updated on the official site. Candidates can go through the syllabus of their subjects provided in the article above. 

      Ques: What is the syllabus of the IIT JAM Economics (EN) paper?

      Ans: The syllabus of Economics is divided into various subjection. The major sections of the syllabus are:

      • Microeconomics
      • Macroeconomics
      • Statistics for Economics
      • Indian Economy
      • Mathematics for Economics

      Ques: From where can I access the detailed syllabus fo IIT JAM 2023 for all seven subjects?

      Ans: You can visit the official website and click on the official brochure. From that brochure, you can check and download the detailed syllabus for all the subjects of IIT JAM. 

      Ques: Is there any sectional weightage of the various sections in the syllabus of the respective subjects?

      Ans: No. There is no sectional weightage provided by the authority regarding the same. Candidates are advised to go through the whole syllabus carefully and prepare well for the exam. No need to refer to the topics other than those mentioned in the official syllabus. 

      Ques: Is the syllabus of IIT JAM based on graduation level?

      Ans: Yes. The syllabus of IIT JAM based on the syllabus of graduation level. Some of the topics are also based on class 12th level. 

      *The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College




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