Ques. When will NTA release IIFT 2023 Answer Key?
Ans. IIFT 2023 was conducted on December 18, 2022. IIFT 2023 Answer Key was released on January 9, 2023.
Ques. What credentials are needed to download IIFT Answer Key 2023?
Ans. To download IIFT Answer Key 2023, candidates need to visit the official IIFT NTA website- iift.nta.nic.in, and enter their application number and date of birth details on the login page.
Ques. Can I submit objections against the final IIFT answer key?
Ans. No, candidates cannot challenge the final IIFT answer keys. Objections can be raised only against the preliminary answer keys. It must be noted that no objections are entertained by the authorities after the release of IIFT result and final answer keys.
Ques. What is the importance of IIFT Answer Key in Score Calculation?
Ans. Candidates can use IIFT answer key to calculate their sectional and overall scores by following the marking scheme.
- For every correct answer in VARC, DILR, and QA sections, candidates get a +3.
- For every correct answer in GA, candidates get a +1.5.
- For every incorrect answer, 1/3rd marks are deducted.
Ques. How many objections can I raise against IIFT 2023 Preliminary Answer Keys?
Ans. Candidates can raise as many objections as they want. There is no restriction on the number of answers that can be challenged. However, for each objection against IIFT 2023 Answer Key, candidates will have to pay a separate fee.
Ques. Will I get my money back if my IIFT Answer Key objection is accepted?
Ans. Yes, if your challenge to IIFT Answer Key is accepted, you will be refunded your IIFT Answer Key challenge fee of INR 200 per objection. However, no money will be returned if in case the claim is rejected.
Ques. Can I pay the fees to challenge IIFT 2023 Answer Key offline?
Ans. No, the candidates will have to pay the fees to challenge IIFT 2023 answer key through online mode only. The acceptable modes of online payment are Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI, and Net Banking.
Ques. What is the fee to challenge IIFT 2023 answer key?
Ans. The candidates will have to pay INR 200 per question to raise any query regarding the answer key. If more than 1 objection is raised, then the fee will get multiplied by the number of answer key objections raised.