GPAT 2023 Exam Pattern will be released along with the official notification in the month of December 2021. However, based on previous year’s GPAT Exam Pattern, the exam will be conducted for the duration of three hours. The students need to attempt 125 questions within the deadline. GPAT 2023 will consist of MCQs related to Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and much more. Check GPAT Recommended Books
In GPAT 2023, for every correct answer, 4 marks are awarded and for every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted. The candidates need to be thorough with GPAT Syllabus before appearing for GPAT 2023. A good preparation strategy is enough to ace GPAT 2023. Check GPAT Preparation Tips
Read the article to know about GPAT Marking Scheme, GPAT Syllabus, GPAT Recommended Books, and much more.
Frequency of exam | Once a year |
Total questions | 125 questions |
Total Marks | 500 |
Marking scheme |
Types of questions | MCQ |
Exam Mode | Computer-Based Online Test |
Duration | 3 hours |
Medium of language | English |
GPAT Exam Date 2023 | Last week of February 2023 |
Herein is tabulated the number of questions and the total marks from GPAT Pharmaceutical Chemistry section 2023.
Particulars | Details |
Total questions | 38 |
Total Marks | 152 |
Herein is tabulated the number of questions and the total marks from GPAT Pharmaceutics section 2023.
Particulars | Details |
Total questions | 38 |
Total Marks | 152 |
Herein is tabulated the number of questions and the total marks from GPAT Pharmacognosy section 2023.
Particulars | Details |
Total questions | 10 |
Total Marks | 40 |
Herein is tabulated the number of questions and the total marks from GPAT Pharmacology section 2023.
Particulars | Details |
Total questions | 28 |
Total Marks | 112 |
Given below is the section-wise distribution of marks for GPAT 2023.
Types of questions | Number of questions | Maximum marks |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 38 | 152 |
Pharmaceutics | 38 | 152 |
Pharmacognosy | 10 | 40 |
Pharmacology | 28 | 112 |
Other subjects | 11 | 44 |
Total | 125 | 500 |
In GPAT 2023, questions are asked from the following topics. The students are advised to go through every topic mentioned before appearing for the exam.
Physical Chemistry | Physical Pharmacy | Organic Chemistry |
Pharmaceutics | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Pharmacology |
Pharmacognosy | Pharmaceutical Analysis | Biochemistry |
Biotechnology | Microbiology | Pathophysiology |
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics | Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics | Human Anatomy and Physiology |
Pharmaceutical Engineering | Pharmaceutical Management | Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence |
Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy | - | - |
Also Check GPAT Syllabus
Given below are the recommended books for GPAT 2023. The students are advised to go through them to further increase their knowledge.
Name of the Book | Author |
Biochemistry | By Lehninger or By Satyanarayan |
Health Education & Community Pharmacy: For First Year Diploma | By N. S. Parmar |
Advance Organic Chemistry: Reaction, Mechanism & Structure | By Jerry March |
Physical Chemistry | By Dr. R. R. Misra |
Pharmaceutics: The Science of Dosage Form Design | By Aulton |
Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis | By B. K. Sarma |
Industrial microbiology | By Cascida |
Textbook of Pharmacognosy | By K. Kokate |
Question: How many times is GPAT 2023 conducted?
Ans. GPAT 2023 is conducted once every year. The students should try to ace the exam on the first attempt. Otherwise, they will have to wait one year to appear for the exam again.
Question: GPAT 2023 consists of how many questions?
Ans. GPAT 2023 consists of a total of 125 questions. The students need to attempt these questions within 3 hours. The students need to maintain their speed right from the beginning to finish the exam within the time limit.
Question: Is there a negative marking in GPAT 2023?
Ans. Yes, there is a negative marking in GPAT 2023. For every correct answer, 4 marks are awarded and for every incorrect answer, one mark is deducted. The students are advised to attempt only those questions in which they are confident.
Question: Is there a sectional limit in GPAT 2023?
Ans. No, there is no sectional limit in GPAT 2023. The students can take as much time as they want to complete the 125 questions. However, they must make sure they wind up their exam before the completion of three hours.
Question: What is the duration of GPAT 2023?
Ans. GPAT 2023 is conducted for three hours. The students are advised to practice a good amount of mock tests before appearing for the exam. This would improve their time management skills and boost their confidence.
Question: Are students supposed to answer questions in any particular order in GPAT 2023?
Ans. No, students are not supposed to answer questions in any particular order in GPAT 2023. They can attempt questions in any order they wish. However, they must make sure that they complete the exam before the completion of three hours.
Question: What is the mode of GPAT 2023?
Ans. GPAT 2023 will be conducted in Computer Based Test. The students need to bring their admit cards to the examination center. Then only they will be allowed to give the exam.
Question: In which medium of language will GPAT 2023 be conducted?
Ans. GPAT 2023 will be conducted in English only. The students are advised to practice a good amount of mock tests before appearing for the exam. This would make them familiar with GPAT Exam Pattern 2023 and boost their confidence.
Question: Will GPAT 2023 contain any descriptive questions?
Ans. No, GPAT 2023 will not contain any descriptive questions. All the questions will be MCQ-based. To get a hold of the exam pattern the students are advised to practice as many previous year question papers as possible.
Question: Is it mandatory to attempt all questions in GPAT 2023?
Ans. No, it is not mandatory to attempt all questions in GPAT 2023. However, the students need to remember that there is a negative marking in the exam. The students are advised to attempt only those questions in which they are confident.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.