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LLB Syllabus, Subjects, Semester, 1st Year, Entrance Exam Syllabus, Books

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

LLB Syllabus is designed to train students in various aspects of the law. LLB Syllabus is a 3 year duration curriculum. LLB Subjects are spread over 6 semesters. Some of the subjects of LLB Syllabus include Labor Law, Family Law, Crime, Women & Law, Law of Evidence, Jurisprudence, Human Rights & International Law. Practical Training - Legal Aid etc.

See Also: Full Form of Law Courses

3 year llb syllabus is very different from 5 year LLB Syllabus like BA LLB, BSc LLB, BBA LLB etc. llb 3 year syllabus onlu contains legal subjects and can only be done after a bachelor degree. But 5 year law courses can be done after class 12. 

llb entrance exam syllabus consists of 150 questions. CLAT is the primary LLB Entrance exam thus it is advisable to follow its syllabus. Law Courses are available in various forms and specialisations. The different types of law courses have different duration and different curriculum. LLB Hons Syllabus, LLB Syllabus and MBA Business Law Syllabus is a 3 year course. BA LLB Syllabus is the most common Law Course in India. There are other integrated law curricula like BSc LLB Syllabus.

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India is home to some of the best Law Colleges. Top Law Colleges include National Law School of India University, National Law University, NALSAR University of Law, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur etc. IIT Kharagpur LLB Syllabus is pretty popular with students.

LLB Course Details

LLB Full Form in India Bachelor of Legislative Law (Latin: Legum Baccalaureus)
LLB Duration 3 Years
LLB Eligibility The basic eligibility is to have a graduation degree from a recognized college.
LLB Admission Entrance Based and Merit Based
LLB Subjects Core subjects of this course are Criminal Law, Family Law, International Law, Cyber Law, Corporate Law, etc
LLB Industries LLB holders are open to exploring various industries like Law firms, MNCs, Government Agencies, Judicial Bodies etc
LLB Jobs The job roles offered to these candidates are lawyer, advocate, paralegal, law officer, Legal Associate, Corporate Lawyer, lecturer, etc
LLB Salary The average annual salary of LLB aspirants ranges from INR 4 to 6 LPA.

BA LLB Course Details

  • BA LLB Full Form: Bachelor of Arts in Bachelor of Legislative Law 
  • BA LLB Duration: 5 Years
  • BA LLB Entrance Exams: CLAT, DU LLB, SET SLAT, TS LAWCET  
  • BA LLB Top Colleges: Symbiosis Law College, University of Delhi, NLSIU Bangalore, NLU Delhi etc    
  • BA LLB Jobs: Law Officer, Lawyer, Corporate Lawyer, Lecturer

LLB Syllabus

LLB Syllabus is designed in a way so that every aspect of law can be included in the three-year course of study. Focus is given on the areas like Crime, Labour Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure Code, Legal Writing, etc.

Tabulated below is the semester wise break-up of LLB syllabus that is commonly followed by all Top Universities providing admission into LLB courses

Semester 1 Semester 2
Labor Law Family Laws II
Family Law I Law of Tort & Consumer Protection Act
Crime Constitutional Law
Women & Law Professional Ethics
Semester 3 Semester 4
Law of Evidence Jurisprudence
Human Rights & International Law Practical Training - Legal Aid
Environmental Law Property Law including the transfer of Property Act
Arbitration, Conciliation & Alternative International Economics Law
Semester 5 Semester 6
Civil Procedure Code (CPC) Code of Criminal Procedure
Interpretation of Statutes Company Law
Legal Writing Practical Training - Moot Court
Land Laws including ceiling and other local laws Practical Training II - Drafting
Administrative Law Criminology

See Also:

LLB Optional Subjects

Some of the optional LLB subjects are mentioned as follows:

  • Contract
  • Trust
  • Women & Law
  • Criminology
  • International Economics Law

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LLB Subjects

The curriculum of the LLB course help students to become efficient law graduates. Some of the important subjects are tax law, family law, environmental law, etc. Below are the LLB subjects on a semester basis:

1st Year LLB Syllabus

Semester I Semester II
Family Law I Family Law II
Law of Crimes Law of Contract II
Law of Contract I Constitutional Law II
Constitutional Law I Professional Ethics, Bar Bench Relations and Accountancy for Lawyers
Women and Law (Elective) Law and Media (Elective)
Criminology and Penology (Elective) Election Law (Elective)
RTI and PIL (Elective) Healthcare Law (Elective)

LLB 2nd Year Syllabus

Semester III Semester IV
Law of Evidence Jurisprudence
Arbitration, Conciliation, and Alternate Dispute Resolution System Taxation Law
Legal Language Tort and Consumer Protection Act, Motor Vehicle Act
Comparative Laws (Elective) Drafting, Pleading, and Conveyancing
Human Rights and International Law Interpretation of Statutes
Conflict Laws (Elective) Administrative Law
Comparative Laws (Elective) Company Law

LLB 3rd Year Syllabus

Semester V Semester VI
Code of Criminal Procedure Limitation Act Environmental Law
Banking Laws Code of Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Justice Act, and Probation Offenders Act
Property Laws Practical Training and Moot Courts
Banking Laws Land Laws
IPR Labor Laws

BA LLB Syllabus

1st Year
Semester I Semester II
Legal Method History-II
History-I General English-II
Sociology-I Sociology-II
Economics-I Law of Contract-I
Political Science-I Political Science-II
English-I Law of Tort-I
Introduction to Law Economics-II
- Jurisprudence
2nd Year
Semester III Semester IV
Law of Contract-II Constitutional Law-II
Constitutional Law-I Labour Law-I
Sociology-III Family Law-II
Law of Contract-II Environmental Law
Political Science-III Property Law
Family Law-I -
Criminal Law-I -
3rd Year
Semester V Semester VI
Criminal Law-I Conflict Laws
Jurisprudence Intellectual Property Law
Corporate Law-I Company Laws
Public International Law Code of Civil Procedure
Administrative Law Human Rights
Law of Evidence Criminal Law-II
- Corporate Law-II
4th Year
Semester VII Semester VIII
Taxation-I Intellectual Property Rights
Optional Paper-I Optional Paper-IV
Labour Law-II Taxation-II
Optional Paper-II Optional Paper-III
Environmental Law-I Professional Ethics
Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing -
5th Year
Semester IX Semester X
Merger, Acquisition and Competition Laws Law of Equity, Trusts, Suit Evaluation and Registration
Private International Law Moot CourtsInternships
Optional Paper-V International Trade Law
Optional Paper-VI Seminar Paper

DU LLB Syllabus

LL.B I Term LL.B II Term
Jurisprudence- I (Legal Method, Indian Legal System and Basic Theory of Law) Evidence Law (Law of Evidence in India)
Principles of Contract (General Principles) Family Law II (Hindu Law of Joint Family, partition and debts, Gifts Wills, Hindu Succession Act and Muslim- general Principles of Inheritance)
Law of torts (Nature, General Principles, General Defenses, Specific Torts, motor vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Laws.) Law of Crimes- II Criminal Procedure code (General Principles)
Law Of Crimes: Indian Penal Code (Specific Offenses and General principals) Property Law
Family Law- I (Hindu Law of Marriage, Divorce and Dower, Adoption & maintenance, Minority and Guardianship, Acknowledgement of Paternity, Wakfs and Endowment) Public International Law
LL.B. III Term LL.B. IV Term
Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law- II
Code of Civil procedure and Limitation Act Administrative Law
Company Law Labor Law
Special Contracts (partnerships, sale of Goods) Intellectual Property Rights Law- I
Optional Subject- Opt any one of the following:
  • Media Law and Censorship
  • Private International Law
  • Legal philosophy including theory of Justice
  • Law of Crimes- III (Socio- Economic offenses etc)
Optional Subject- Opt any one of the following:
  • Gender Justice & feminist Jurisprudence
  • International Institution
  • Competition Law
  • Legislative Drafting
  • Humanitarian and Refugee Law
LL.B. V Term LL.B. VI Term
Civil procedure Code Professional Ethics, Pleadings, Conveyancing and Moot Courts
Jurisprudence I (Theory of Law) Jurisprudence- II (Concepts)
Optional Subject- Opt any three of the following:
  • Military law
  • Business Regulation
  • Rent Control and Slum Clearance
  • Intellectual Property Law- II (Copyright and Neighboring Rights, Law of Patents, Law of Plant Varieties and Farmers Right, traditional Knowledge, Confidential Information and Integrated Circuits)
  • International Institution
  • International Trade Law
  • Environmental Law
Minor Acts and Supreme Courts Rules (Minor Acts will include the court fees Act, the suit Valuation Act, The stamp Act, and the registration act)
Optional Subject- Opt any two of the following:
  • Interpretation of Statues
  • Negotiable Instruments, Banking and Insurance
  • Legislative Drafting
  • Laws relating to Elections
  • Comparative Law
  • Law of Insolvency
  • Clinical Legal education and Practical Training
  • Human Rights

DU LLB Entrance Exam Syllabus

The syllabus of Delhi University LL.B program has been released on the official website of DU. Candidates preparing for the entrance exam need to visit the official website in order to check the syllabus. The DU LLB entrance syllabus is divided into 4 sections such as analytical abilities, English Language, general knowledge and Legal awareness and aptitude. The entrance exam will have 100 questions each carrying 4 marks. The maximum marks of the entrance exam is 400 and it will be a multiple choice examination.

Tabulated below is the detailed syllabus of DU LL.B. entrance exam section wise for your better reference,

Section A- Analytical Abilities Section B- General Knowledge
Logical and Analytical Reasoning Current Affairs of National and International
Number Systems History
Percentage Political Science
Average Economics and Environment
Time, speed and Distance Geography
Profit Loss Politics
Areas & Mensuration Event dates & Important Dates and names
Venn Diagram Government Policies
Work & time -
Probability -
Sets, Missing Numbers & Series -
Blood Relations -
Statistics Graphs -
Section C- Legal Awareness and Aptitude Section D- English Language Comprehension
Legal Propositions Grammar and Comprehension
Legal maxims Proverbs
Bare Act of the Indian Constitution Synonyms and Antonyms
Conclusions Substitute with one word
Basic knowledge of contract act, Indian Penal Code Correction of sentences and word
Legal Reasoning Spelling check

BBA LLB Syllabus

1st Years
Semester I Semester II
Legal Method Law of Contract - II
Principles of Management Financial Management
Law of Contract - I Law of Torts and Consumer Protection
Managerial Economics Marketing Management
Legal English and Communication Skills Organizational Behavior
2nd Year
Semester III Semester IV
Family Law I Family Law II
Business Environment and Ethical Practices Administrative Law
Constitutional Law I Constitutional Law II
Human Resource Management Strategic Management
Law of Crimes I Law of Crimes II
3rd Year
Semester V Semester VI
Environmental Studies and Environmental Laws Jurisprudence
Code of Civil Procedure Investment and Competition Law
Law of Evidence International Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution Code of Criminal Procedure
Corporate Law Property Law
4th Year
Semester VII Semester VIII
Labour Law I Intellectual Property Rights
Human Rights International Trade Law
Tax Law Labour Law II
Telecommunication Law Indirect Taxes
Law and Emerging Technologies Interpretation of Statutes
Criminology Election Law
5th Year
Semester IX Semester X
Legal Ethics Socio Economic Offences
Land and Real Estate Laws Law, Poverty and Development
Court Crafts International Economic Law
International Humanitarian Law Internship
Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing Forensic Sciences

LLB Entrance Exam Syllabus

CLAT is the most common Entrance Exam for LLB. The CLAT Syllabus and subjects are mentioned below:

English Language Current Affairs
Phrase Replacement Sports
Fill in the Blanks Schemes
Tenses Significant Historical Events
Sentence Sequential Arrangement National & International Affairs
Correcting Incorrect Grammar Sentences Summits & conferences
Error Spotting Science & Technology
Synonyms and Antonyms Awards & Honours
Choose the Correct Sentences Arts & Culture
Active & Passive Voice Foreign Affairs
Spotting Grammatical Errors Current events in India and the World
- Significant Historical Events
Logical Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude
Syllogism Charts, Bars, and Other Graphical Representations
Statement & Inference Caselet D I (Passage Based)
Weakening & Strengthening Arguments Mixed Graphs
Statement & Assumption Elementary Mathematics
Statement & Course of Action Bar Graph
Statement & Arguments Pie Chart
Cause & Effect Table Chart
- Line Graph
Legal Reasoning
Indian Constitution Legal GK
Legal Maxims Tort Law
Important Supreme Court Judgments Legal Matters
Current Affairs International Treaties & Conventions affecting National Legal Framework
Important & Recent Acts and Amendments of the Legislature Contemporary Legal and Moral Issues
Contract Law Moral Philosophical Enquiries
Constitutional Law Public Policy Questions
Criminal Law Environmental Law
Public International Law -

See Also:

B.Com LLB Subjects

Semester- I Semester- II
Business Statistics Business Communication
Financial Accounting Economics
Auditing I English- II
English -I Law of Contracts-II
Law of Contract-I Consumer Protection Law
Women and Child Law History of Courts, Legislation and Legal profession in India
Proficiency Environmental Studies
Semester-III Semester-IV
Corporate Accounting Interpretation of Statues
Business Finance Constitutional Law-II
Law of Contracts-III Law of Crimes-II
Constitutional Law-I Law of Evidence
Law of Crimes Law of Tort
Legal language Family Law- I
Foreign Language-I Research methodology
Foreign Language II
Semester- V Semester-VI
Jurisprudence-I Jurisprudence-II
Civil Procedure code-I Civil Procedure code-II
Labor Law-I Labor Law-II
Company Law-I Company Law-II
Criminal Law- I Criminal Law- II
Criminal procedure Code-I Criminal procedure Code-II
Family Law-II Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing
Foreign language-I Moot Court I
Semester-VII Semester-VIII
Public International law Private International law
Property Law Environmental Law
Taxation-I Taxation Law-II
Administration Law Land Laws including Ceiling
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Moot Court-III
Moot Court I
Semester-IX Semester-X
Intellectual Property Rights Criminology and Penology
Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute resolution Systems Project Report and Pre-trial Preparation
Banking and Financial Institutions including Negotiable Instruments Professional Ethics
Seminar II Public Interest Lawyering, legal aid and Paralegal Services
Moot Court-III Seminar IV
Moot Court 

IPU BA LLB Syllabus

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University provides a 5 year BA LLB program for the candidates aiming to pursue LLB from the university. The total duration of the course is 5 years divided into 10 semesters . The syllabus will consist of compulsory subjects as well as elective subjects which the candidate needs to choose in 7th, 8th and 9 th semester. These elective subjects will be chosen by the candidate according to their interests and these papers cover specialized subjects and updated laws. During the program, in 4th , 6th and 8th semester, the candidates need to undergo compulsory summer internship for one month and accordingly the candidate needs to submit the report which will be evaluated by the examiners. Each subject will carry 100 marks out of which a written exam will be conducted of 75 marks and internal assessment of 10 marks and 15 marks for other assignments.

Tabulated below is the detailed syllabus of each semester for your better reference,

First Semester Second Semester
Legal Method Law of Contract-II
Law of Contract- I Law of Torts and Consumer protection
Legal English and Communication Skills History- II
History- I Sociology- II
Sociology- I Political Science- I
Comprehensive Viva Comprehensive Viva
Third Semester Fourth Semester
Family Law- I Family Law- II
Constitutional Law- I Constitutional Law-II
Law of Crimes- I Law of Crimes- II
Economics - I Administrative Law
Political Science- II Economics -II
Comprehensive Viva Comprehensive Viva
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Environmental Studies and Environmental Laws Jurisprudence
Law of Evidence International Law
Corporate Law Property Law
Code of Civil procedure Investment and Competition Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Code of Criminal Procedure
Comprehensive viva and summer Internship Assessment Comprehensive Viva
Seventh Semester Eighth Semester
Labor Law- I Intellectual Property Rights
Taxation Law Labor Law-II
Law and Emerging Technologies Interpretation of Statues
Human Rights International Trade Law
Seminar Paper- I Seminar Paper- II
Comprehensive Viva and Summer Internship Assessment Comprehensive Viva
Ninth Semester Tenth Semester
Legal Ethics and Court Crafts Dissertation
Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing Internship
Land and Real Estate Laws
Seminar Paper- III
Seminar Paper- IV
Comprehensive Viva and Summer Internship Assessment

LAW CET Syllabus

The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test conducts CET entrance exam for 3 year and 5 year LL.B. The syllabus has been released on the official website. Candidates appearing for the entrance exam need to go through the syllabus thoroughly to understand the syllabus and exam pattern. The entrance exam consists of the following sections such as English, Mathematics, General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Legal Knowledge. The total marks of the entrance exam is 150 marks .

Detailed syllabus of LAW CET is tabulated below for your reference,

Section A- Legal Aptitude & reasoning Section B- General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Indian Polity, including Executive, Judiciary and Legislative History (Special reference to modern history and legal history)
Constitution Latest rules and amendments
Law of Torts, Contracts Indian Polity
Law prepositions with Facts Indian Geography
Legal Maxims Current Affairs of National and International importance
Important Judgements Awards and Achievements
Section C- Logical and Analytical Ability Section D- English
Identification of Patterns Vocabulary
Logical Links Synonyms & Antonyms
Arguments and Analogies Analogies
Completing arguments One Word Substitution
Applying principles or rules Sentence Improvement, rearrangement
Understanding the structure English usage errors- common errors, spotting errors,
Relationship and logical conclusions Spelling mistakes, English Comprehension
Section E- Mathematics (for 5 year LL.B)
Topic from class 10th
Profit and Loss
Average Speed and Distance
Venn Diagram
Time and Work

LLB Books

Some of the LLB books to help you understand critical legal topics like Criminal law, Law of Taxation, Arbitration, etc. are mentioned below.

Name of the Book Author
Law of Contract and Specific Relief Dr. Avtar Singh
Introduction to Arbitration Mallika Taly
Company Law Dr. Avtar Singh
Environmental Law Prof. Satish C. Shastri
International Law Dr. Gurdip Singh
Business Law Dr. Avtar Singh
Legal History- Evolution of Indian Legal System Nilakshi Jatar
Banking Law Bimal N. Patel, Dolly Jabal
An Introduction to Tort Law, 2nd ed, 2006, Oxford University Press. Tony Weir

Post successfully completing LLB, ample of opportunities opens up for these graduates in the industries like Law firms, MNCs, Government Agencies, Judicial Bodies etc. Every year top recruiters Khaitan & Co. DSK Legal, Anand & Anand, etc not only hire these candidates for various legal posts but also offer average salaries ranging from INR 4 to 6 Lakhs.

LLB Syllabus FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in LLB?

Ans. Three-year LLB Subjects and Syllabus

Labour Law Family Law
Law of Torts & Consumer Protection Act Constitutional Law
Law of Evidence Arbitration, Conciliation & Alternative
Human Rights & International Law Environmental Law
Property Law Jurisprudence

Ques. Which subject is best for LLB?

Ans. Therefore, as part of the BA LLB course, the candidates study subjects including Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology along with law subjects like Civil Law, Criminal Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, Administrative Law, Corporate Law, Patent Law etc.

Ques. What is the eligibility for LLB?

Ans. The minimum eligibility for joining the LLB course is graduation with 40% in the qualifying examination for the direct admission. By the Entrance exam, the student should be qualified through the cut-off marks for the Admission on Reputed law colleges.

Ques. Is a 3 year LLB good?

Ans. Most of the leading law colleges in India offer both 3 year and 5 year LLB courses. For a law profession aspirant, both degrees are equally coveted and open several career opportunities. Since a 3-year LLB course and a 5-year LLB course are both undergraduate degrees, their career options are quite similar as well.

Ques. What is the LLB age limit?

Ans. The candidates for post-graduation course (LLB), in the general category should not be over 30 while for the reserved category the age limit is 35.

Ques. Is LLB a professional degree?

Ans. LLB is a very high-in-demand professional course these days. The total duration of LLB is three years. LLB can also be done in the form of integrated undergraduate degree courses like BA LLB, BSc LLB, BBA LLB and B.Com LLB. The duration of LLB's integrated undergraduate courses is five years.

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Answered Questions


Indira Banerjee

14 May21

A few years back a friend of mine was in a situation when he had to make a choice between lower ranked NIUs and Bennett University. After much consideration he chooses Bennett. According to him, it was the best choice. He had a great experience at the institute. 

Here is his input about the BBA LLB course at Bennett University. 

  • Faculty- In the School of Law particularly, the faculty appointed is unmatchable even by the top National Law Schools. Bennett has the best faculty with professors holding PhDs from top institutions such as the London School of Economics, and in India, such as IIM’s, NLS Bengaluru, NALSAR Hyderabad. They impart education in the most modern ways.
  • Tech Learning- All the learning is E-learning through modern methods acquired from international universities such as Cornell University, New York, USA. one simply needs pen and paper only during the exams.
  • Association - Bennett University is associated directly with Johnson Cornell University, New York, USA. The teachers from The Partner University visit Bennett University for teaching. Bennett has exchange programs and other international cultural programs with these partner institutes.
  • Law School Events- The Law school in its 1st year of formation conducted various events and even an Intra-Law School Fest with sponsors such as The Times of India, Manupatra, Law Skills, Contrario, etc. The fest involved the participation of Professors as well as Students. 
  • Student Bar Association- The Student Bar Association is a student-run body that takes care of the student’s aspects and the running of the School of Law alongside the administration. There are many clubs and committees under SBA which are managed by student moderators with the members. 
  • Law Library- The BU SOL has a Law Library inaugurated by Shri Ram Jethmalani Ji. The library is vast. In addition to the books and e-books, it contains various law Databases such as West Law.

Hope this gives you an idea about the course.

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Alankrita Rajbhar

27 Jul22

If you want a career in litigation, then Allahabad University is a good option. You will get ample time and resources to build required skills. Allahabad High Court and lower courts will assist in clearing your basics and make you a professional. It is a good option for judicial services too. You will be able to manage your preparations, as attendance rules aren’t strict. 

But for corporate sector jobs, Allahabad University isn’t a good option. Very few companies visit the campus placements. 

Allahabad University law degrees are cost-effective compared to NLUs. The total tuition fee for LLB at the university is only INR 2.3 Lakhs. Also, Allahabad isn’t a costly city.

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Saloni Kaushik

29 Sept21

SOL DU is recognized by UGC, so you will be eligible to apply for a regular LLB from Delhi University. The following are the requirements for admission to Delhi University's law school for the LLB degree program.

  • You must have a Graduate/Post-Graduate Degree from the University of Delhi or its equivalent with at least 50% marks if you are from General and Other Backward Classes (OBC). However, the cut-off marks for OBC applicants in the Entrance Test will be up to 10% lower than the marks announced for general candidates.
  • OBC category students are granted a 5% relaxation in the minimum eligibility requirements. 
  • The widows/wards of defense personnel (CW) category are granted a 5% relaxation in the minimum eligibility requirements for general candidates. 
  • Candidates belonging to the physically handicapped (PH) category are granted a relaxation of up to 5% in the minimum eligibility prescribed for general candidates.

You will also need to give an entrance examination if you are applying for this course. I recommend that you contact the relevant university for more information. 

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Sakshi Gupta

29 Sept21

Exams are simple to pass, however gaining necessary information is a little tougher. It's the right technique to make your concepts obvious, mentioning sections and focusing on the bare act. Doing the following would be a lot easier method:

  • Classroom lectures are always the most effective.
  • Making running notes entails writing down what you believe is important.
  • Choose a standard reading book (textbook/reference book) for each subject. 
  • This is the only book you should read if you want to pass your examinations. 
  • An author’s book, often known as a "Commentary," would be beneficial for conceptual clarity as well as legal expertise and terminology.

Presentation is another useful tool. You could present the answer in your own distinct style. Make a clear format for how you'll write your answers. The following is an example of a possible response:

  • A brief introduction (A line or two introducing the answer to the question)
  • The case's/facts questions (if any)
  • Provision of the law (Includes Section, Article, Clause if you know it)
  • The inference made by you (the actual answer that is examined)
  • Jurisprudence (if any)
  • Conclusion

If the issue is for lower marks, your structure can be simplified, but the Section, Article, Clause, and Case law should still be included.

If recalling Sections and other details is tough, focus on the most important ones. When a topic is presented, the rest of the book can be read leisurely with consistent and pertinent references.

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Naveen Yadav

26 Aug22

Maharaja Agrasen (MAIMS IPU) does offer a BBA LLB. It is a 5-year long course offered by the Department of Law. MAIMS IPU BBA LLB has a student intake of 60. Admission to this five-year course is through CLAT (Common Law Aptitude Test). The prerequisite for the course is at least 50% in 10+2. 

MAIMS offers placement support to BBA LLB students. The average CTC for the course is around INR 1-2 LPA. 

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Shikha Singh

05 May21

Amity University, Gwalior, provides two courses in Law. One is BA LLB and another one is B.COM LLB.

Let’s know more about each course separately and what scope of both these programs:

B.A LL.B- 

  • B.A LL.B is an undergraduate program that is of five years duration. This is an integrated course with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law. Its syllabus includes Arts subjects including History, Political Science, Economics, Law, Legislature. 
  • The curriculum of the course is designed in a way that will give you knowledge of the law along with general aptitude. 
  • The scope of B.A LL.B is vast, it gives immense opportunity to students. After obtaining a license from the Bar Council, local, or state, law graduates may also work privately. After some experience, they further promoted to Attorney, Associate Attorney, Solicitor General, etc.
  • After graduating from the University may also go to practice law in District, High, or Supreme Court of India. They can also go for higher studies. They may also make their career as a government lawyer in Defence, Tax and Labour, or as a Public Prosecutor.


  • B.COM LL.Bis an undergraduate program which is of five years duration, run by Amity University, Gwalior. This is an integrated course with a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law. Its syllabus includes Cost Accounting, Principle of Auditing, Market study, Corporate Tax, Micro-Macro Economics, Principles of Auditing, Law, Legislature.
  • The curriculum of the B.COM LL.B is designed in a way that it gives students knowledge of both practical and theory. Students go through moot court exercises and practices. 
  • The scope of B.COM LL.B has immense opportunity for students. After obtaining a license from the Bar Council of India, State Council of India, law graduates may work privately, or practiceinDistrict, High, or Supreme Court of India. They can also go work higher studies or practice under law firms. 
  • Law graduates can also work in government sectors, defense, Constitution and Labour department, consultancy, politics, or as a public prosecutor. 

Therefore, doing a Law degree from Amity University, Gwalior, is a good option. If you are thinking to join the university then go ahead with it. 

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Vijay Mishra, 

30 Oct21

Once you enroll yourself for any law course with KSLU, you will have to complete the course within the prescribed time by the university. 

For example, if you are in the 3 years course of LLB then you will be given +3 years to finish the course (i.e, 3+3). If you surpass the time you will have to enroll for the fresh batch.

Otherwise, you can also keep the course going and be enrolled, take a year's break, and get back. But it is difficult to catch up with the academics considering a break since they take time to follow up. 

Also, it is heard in rumors that KSLUs evaluation system is unfair and has left students in much agony.

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Anuj Gulati

22 Apr22

Bharati Vidyapeeth New Law College is better for a BBA LLB. The college is reputed and well-known all across the country. BVP fees are less. The BBA LLB course cost around INR 1.78 Lakhs. There are 120 Govt. aided seats. These seats have fees of around INR 40k per annum. 

It also has a good placement record. Students of this college have got placements in High Courts of India, Indian Army Judiciary, Supreme Court of India, and top corporate firms. 

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Somdatta Satpati

12 Jan21

According to my fellow classmates at Amity University Raipur, they have integrated law courses offered by the University that are reliable as well as flexible. It is one of the best private universities in Raipur and elsewhere.




Total Fee



Entrance Mode



Hostel fee



Eligibility Criteria –

  • To get admitted to BA LLB or BBA LLB at Amity University, Raipur, you need to clear 10+2. 
  • The student needs to score a minimum of 50% in their Class 12.
  • Students who obtain 80% or more in their Class 12 are exempted from the admission process.

Students can fill in the application form online if they are eligible. An application fee of 1,100/- is to be paid. A form number and Password will be generated. With the help of this you can track your form and check if you have been selected or not. If admitted, download the Admission letter and pay the fee through the link provided.

Amity University, Raipur is one of the excellent colleges in Chhattisgarh, and it offers good education and proper placements. It is a 5 year course, the final 2 years will be dedicated solely to complete LLB.

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Arunima Patil

17 Oct20

Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune, and Chandigarh University are well-known colleges of India and are well ranked. Bharati Vidyapeeth is ranked 38 for BBA by India Today 2019, whereas Chandigarh University is accredited by NAAC ‘A’ Grade.

Both the colleges provide good placements under the course BBA LLB. However, if a college has to be chosen, one can look at their placements for the course BBA LLB in the academic year 2019.


Bharati Vidyapeeth

Chandigarh university

Highest CTC

12 LPA


Average CTC



Lowest CTC



Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune-

  • It provides a 90% placement rate.

  • The top recruiters include Amazon, Fidelity, ITC, India bulls, Fin serve, Justdial, Indusland bank, Yes bank, Axis bank, Naukri.com, and Quick heal.

The placements offered in this college are on par with other colleges. Apart from the placements, the college has a good faculty with the majority of the teachers having a Ph.D. degree in their respective fields.

Chandigarh University-

It provides a brilliant placement opportunity to its students, many top companies visit the college.

  • In the year 2019, the college had a placement record of 85%.

  • Some of the top companies that recruit the students include Amazon, Apollo, Dell, Bajaj Allianz, Google, Geico, HCL, HP, and Genpact.

Chandigarh University is very famous for its placements, even in the Covid-19 times, the college has offered over 80% of placements in various fields. The faculty of this college is student-friendly.

Therefore, if one has to choose the college solely upon the facts of the placements, they can refer to the table mentioned above and choose the college.

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