With a B.S. in Textiles, Fashion Merchandising and Design (TMD), you’ll have a full understanding of the global textile and apparel supply chain, from design to the consumer. So while you can focus your degree on a specific part of the supply chain, you will know them all, and you’ll be equipped to communicate with experts in the fashion world outside your area of concentratio.The degree includes a series of professional electives which complement the coursework within the department, so you can easily minor in another discipline, such as business, art or communications. You can also complete a dual degree in TMD and a fashion language (Italian or French), and still finish in four years. Many of our majors study abroad and/or complete internships as part of their study.Fashion Merchandising – In this area you’ll supplement your TMD study with coursework in marketing, management, consumer studies, or art. You’ll study consumer sales of apparel and home furnishings, along with the buying, promotion, and sale of goods and services. When you graduate, your career options will include fashion coordination, sourcing, allocation, buying, and retail management.Apparel Design – In this area you’ll analyze sewn products, and explore apparel production, fashion design, flat pattern and draping. Supplemental coursework will cover fashion merchandising, theater costuming, fashion history and business. Career options include product development, fashion and technical design.Textile Science – This area includes specialized courses in textile performance, detergency, color science and dyeing and finishing, along with several course options in the history of fashion, textiles and furniture. You’ll have a wide range of career options, such as dyeing, finishing, color management and quality control, forensic science, biomedical materials, and military materials.Students with particular goals can design their own series of courses to create a unique degree that will prepare them for careers in interiors, the home sewing industry, theatrical costuming, or museum work.