Geology Option.

This option allows students the flexibility to define their own area of concentration within the geosciences. Students selecting this option complete GEO 483—Hydrogeology (4); GEO 480 (4–6) or a GEO elective at the 200-level or above; and an additional GEO elective at the 200-level or above chosen in consultation with their advisor. Example areas of concentration include environmental geology/hydrogeology, sedimentary geology/stratigraphy, and geophysics/tectonics.Geological Oceanography Option. Students completing this option will be well prepared to pursue careers in either conventional geology/earth science or geological oceanography. Students selecting this option complete three upper-level oceanography courses including OCG 301—General Oceanography (3) or OCG 451—Oceanographic Science (3), OCG 440 or 540—Geological Oceanography (4), and an OCG elective taken at the 400-level or above; and a 3-credit senior research project, OCG 493 or 494—Special Problems and Independent Study in Oceanography (3), taken in the Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO), under the direction of a GSO faculty member. Students entering the URI Graduate School of Oceanography from this program will have a significant head start compared with those entering from most other undergraduate institutions