If you’re interested in critical issues such as health, the environment, political campaigns, civil rights, international conflict and civil war, and you want to explore how power and resources are allocated in society, you should consider studying political science.Increasingly, pundits, political leaders, and scientists recognize that to solve the world’s big problems it is not enough to simply promote advances in one narrow field such as biology, engineering or finance. Indeed, many of the key innovations needed to solve our greatest challenges already exist; the barriers to success are often political, not technical.As a political science student you will deeply explore the diverse cultures and political institutions of other parts of the world. And you will learn to analyze politics and public policies using analytic techniques such as applied statistics.The Political Science B.A. is designed to accommodate double majors and minors.A complex maze of challenges faces our world today, and most of the problems—economic, environmental, social, or health-related, just to name a few—are interconnected. Although many of the scientific, financial, and technical solutions to these problems already exist, the barriers to fixing them are often political.Studying political science opens up the whole world to you, giving you the tools you need to understand—and move—those barriers.Yes, you can change the world. We’re counting on it.