Course of Study

The graduate program in special education ensures a core base of knowledge about either students at the elementary level through pre-program requirements (elementary education certification) or students at the secondary level through pre-program requirements (secondary education certification), and an exiting base of knowledge through candidates’ successful completion of designated tasks and passing a written comprehensive examination.Goals of the special education program The graduate program in special education is designed to provide graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work collaboratively with other school professionals to plan, and implement high quality inclusive educational programs for students with mild or moderate disabilities and to evaluate their teaching on an ongoing basis. Graduates of the program will be qualified to work in schools that serve students with disabilities as mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004 (PL 108-446). Students who have teaching experience as general education teachers will broaden their knowledge about students with disabilities and will acquire new skills and knowledge pertaining to the more specialized role of the special educator on the team. As students acquire skills and knowledge about assessment and curriculum for students with disabilities in inclusive settings, they will become strong advocates for quality instructional programs and will assume leadership positions in their schools or districts.