Specializations: Applicants seeking the Master of Arts degree must declare an area of specialization. A specialization may be one predefined by the department or designed in accordance with the applicant’s background and interest. Defined specializations include:Elementary education—advanced study for elementary teachers; the MATCP option is available for students seeking initial certification in elementary teaching.Secondary education—advanced study for secondary teachers of English, history, mathematics, science, and social studies; the MATCP option is available for students seeking initial certification in these areas.All Grades Teachers: Graduate study for all grades teachers (PK-12) Health, Library/Media, Music, Physical Education, and World Language; the MATCP option is available for students seeking initial certification in these areas.Reading education—program leading to advanced certification as reading specialist/consultant. Applicants must hold initial teaching certification in early childhood, elementary, or secondary education. A résumé of experience must be submitted with an application.Adult education—administration; adult literacy; education, training, and management (ETMS); gerontology; training and development; and vocational education.Second Language Education—Students in this program choose from two broad areas of study: English as a Second Language (ESL) or Dual Language Immersion. Students in ESL must choose to prepare either for a certification extension of a previously held teaching certification or for work internationally or in non-school settings.