The skills and tools required to manage a knowledge organization build upon, but are different from, those required to manage an industrial-era organization. These new skills and tools are found in the emerging domain of Knowledge Management (KM). KM organizations of all types, inall sectors of the economy, face a growing need for knowledge management professionals. In fact, knowledge organizations are created and sustained by KM professionals working side by side with corporate executives, business and subject matter experts. A knowledge organization works smarter at the organizational, the community and the individual level because KM professionals envision and strategically manage the organization's knowledge, design knowledge architectures and build technologies that enable the organization to work smarter, and facilitate KM on a daily basis. Kent State is taking a leadership role in developing standards and competencies that define the field. It offers the only courses that are part of an accredited program, and thus provides a depth and breadth not available elsewhere. students in KM at Kent State get a firm foundation from full-time faculty as well as KM experts currently implementing successful projects through online courses. They learn best practices from their fellow students, many of whom are also professionals working in KM. And through courses or internships, they get real-world, practical experience.