The Physical Education Teacher Licensure program is a four year program for students who are seeking Ohio teacher licensure in physical education. Graduates are eligible to sit for the multi-age teacher licensing examinations. The program includes multiple field experiences in a variety of school districts, followed by a full semester of student teaching.

Career Opportunities

The Health and Physical Education and Physical Education licensure concentrations prepare students for a career in teaching physical education. These concentrations prepare students to take the Ohio Assessments for Educators (in Physical Education), successful completion of which with lead to the granting of a teaching license. Many states have reciprocal agreements with Ohio, and so these concentrations can lead to a teaching career nationwide. Kent State University Physical Education graduates are generally successful in the job market, both in and out of the state of Ohio. Graduates from the Physical Activity and Sport Performance concentration will seek employment in many different areas, their choice often related to the selected minor. Career options include, but are not limited to, coaching, youth sport and leadership, recreation facilities, and the leisure industry.