The Victimology concentration is relevant for students interested in the scholarly study of crime victims, their treatment in the justice systems, and programs that serve victims. It is useful for those interested in victim advocacy .

Victimology is the study of crime victims. It's a subset of criminology, the study of crime. People who study victimology, or victimization, examine the psychological effects of crimes on the victims, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system and the relationships between victims and offenders.

Victimology and Criminology are the vital scientific studies in criminal analysis that are geared towards up the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. This course outline provides a basic analysis of these two aspects and therefore the role they play within the criminal justice system.

With a host of potential careers in law enforcement, a course in criminal justice gives students a broad understanding of the justice system. In addition, students gain in-depth knowledge about specific components of the system. Some graduates choose to pursue further study, focusing on research, teaching, or law.