The ever-evolving digital landscape has fundamentally changed the way businesses reach out, connect and engage with their customers, partners and other stakeholders; data driven marketing and analytics now lie at the heart of 21st century business marketing.

The study of marketing, and sub-disciplines like digital marketing, is grounded in the understanding of customer needs, the environment in which companies operate and their competitors, to develop the most appropriate marketing mix Ð product, price, place, promotion, positioning and so on Ð to satisfy customer needs profitably.ÊÊ

During the Digital Marketing programme offered by the Coventry University, youÕll apply your knowledge in our digital marketing lab, analyse real-life business case studies, work on ÔliveÕ projects and have the opportunity to hear from industry guest speakers. Successful completion provides exemption from the CIM Professional Certificate, as well as one of the three modules of the CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing qualification.ÊÊ

Career prospects

Our course is accredited by the CIM, which means that straight after your degree you can go on to achieve the CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing, significantly enhancing your career prospects.

With appropriate work experience, you would then be eligible for Member status from The Chartered Institute of Marketing and well on the way to Chartered Marketer status, the mark of an up-to-date, qualified and experienced marketing professional.

You will have the support of dedicated Personal Employment Tutors, who are industry trained, and our well-established Employment Unit with an extensive network of employers with a wide range of internship possibilities. The employment unit also supports you with workshops and guidance on the various aspects of the employment process such as preparing your CV, interview practice and mock assessment centres.Ê