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CutOffThapar PatialaBE Computer Science and Engineering

Can I get in CSE in Thapar University (in any counselling round) with a JEE Mains rank of 47,000?

Posted On - Aug 7, 2021
Asked bySandhya R
1 Answer
Answered by Posted On - Aug 7, 2021
Tamalika Dutta

According to one of my friend's opinions, if you belong to the state Punjab and have completed your studies till class 12 there then you can take a chance for a counseling round. 

But if not there are very less chances with a JEE Mains rank of 47,000 and it seems difficult mostly to the students belonging to the general category. 

The recent cut-off has been indicated below that can give you a reference regarding the JEE Mains rank:

Year/Category General OBC SC
2020 426 106844 155233

From the above table you can clearly get an idea regarding the level of difficulty that a general candidate faces. 

Work hard and score a good percentile score to get admission to one of the leading universities in the country.
