The programme will lead to completion of Part 2 of the two parts professional programme required by the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM)

Career Opportunities

Job prospects for Bachelor of Architecture graduates includes:

  • As a Governments or Public Architect with the Public Works Department and Statutory Bodies;
  • Corporate/Professional Architect ? running own practice or as partnership or as an employee in a big architectural organization;
  • Project Manager ? managing a development project on behalf of a client;
  • Specialist in the field of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD);
  • Research Officer (with universities, research institutions, NGO?s or private firms);
  • Consultant or Advisor ? to specific projects;
  • Graphic Illustrator;
  • Academician in teaching and lecturing in various architecture and environmental design schools;
  • Developer, Entrepreneur, Contractor, Manufacturer, Software Programmer, Film Director and others.