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Law Colleges in Patna Based on 2024 Ranking

The best law colleges in Patna are CNLU Patna - Chanakya National Law University, Patna Law College, Bihar Institute of Law, etc. Patna is home to 8 Law colleges which include 2 private and 6 government law colleges. The best law colleges in Patna offer various Law courses like BBA LLB, LLB, LLM, etc. in various specializations. Most of the top Law colleges in Patna are approved by UGC and BCI.

  • CNLU Patna and Bihar Institute of Law - BIL Patna are the best law colleges in Patna. 
  • The University of Patna, Patna Law College, and Amity University Patna are the top 10 law colleges in Patna. Check the top private law colleges in Patna
  • Admissions to the best law colleges in Patna are based on merit and entrance exams. Most colleges offer admission through CLAT scores. 
  • Patna Law College, CNLU Patna, and Patna University are some of the best government law colleges in Patna.  
  • The average fees for Law courses in the top Law colleges in Patna can range between INR 2,000 to INR 3,00,000 annually.
  • Bihar Institute of Law - Patna, CNLU Patna, and Amity University Patna are some of the best LLB colleges in Patna
  • Law colleges in Patna offer high ROI and moderate placement opportunities with an average CTC between INR 3 LPA to INR 7 LPA.

Best LLB Colleges in Patna

There are 8 Law colleges in Patna offering LLB courses. The best LLB colleges in Patna offer LLB programs in various streams including Corporate Law, Cyber Law, etc. Apart from 3-year LLB some colleges also offer 5-year integrated BA LLB/ BBA LLB courses. Check out the table below for the best LLB Colleges in Patna with the number of seat intake.

College/ University Name  Seats Intake 
CNLU Patna- Chanakya National Law University 69+
Bihar Institute of Law - BIL Patna  120+
CUSB Patna - Central University of South Bihar 132+
Patna University 320+
C.M. Law College, Patna 360+
Amity University Patna -
R.P.S. Law College, Patna 300+
College of Commerce, Arts, and Science, Magadh University -

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Rankings

There are a total of 8 law colleges in all of Patna. All of the colleges have been rated high by numerous ranking agencies in the nation. Ratings and rankings are done by the agencies on their set of own parameters. Parameters like placement details, student enrollment figures, faculty details, etc are used to score colleges and then ranked. Some agencies conduct surveys to find out the best colleges in each department.

All eight Patna law colleges are highly rated by the students. Current and past students also have suitable and positive reviews for the colleges. Some of the top law colleges in Patna are Patna Law College, Bihar Institute of Law, Patna University, Chanakya National Law University, etc.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Return on Investment (ROI)

To calculate ROI, the average placement package is divided by the average annual fees of the Institute. The top Law colleges in Patna, such as Patna Law College and Chanakya National Law University - CNLU Patna, provide excellent returns on investment. We have computed the ROI of several leading Law colleges in Patna and ranked them accordingly for your convenience.

College Name  Average Annual Fees  Average Placement Package  ROI* Rank
Patna Law College INR 2,220 INR 6.0 LPA 1
CNLU Patna - Chanakya National Law University INR 10,000 INR 7.59 LPA 2
Bihar Institute Of Law - [BIL], Patna INR 31,400 INR 4.80 LPA 3
Amity University Patna INR 1,27,000 INR 4.0 LPA 4

*ROI= (Average Annual Package/ Average Annual Fee)* 100%

  • Patna Law College turns out to be the best Law college in Patna offering the highest ROI, the average CTC recorded at Patna Law College is INR 6.0 LPA.
  • Chanakya National Law University - CNLU Patna secured 2nd place in the list in terms of ROI followed by Bihar Institute of Law at 3rd place.
  • Amity University Patna is one of the best private Law colleges in Patna offering high ROI and placed at 4th place in terms of ROI.

Top Law College in Patna with Fees

The top Law colleges in Patna offer quality education and high Return on Investment (ROI) at low fees. CNLU Patna- Chanakya National Law University is one of the best Law colleges in Patna and it has a seat intake of 69+ for LLB courses. Tabulated below are the top Law colleges in Patna with fees.

College/ University Name  Average Fees (INR)
Amity University Patna 3,69,000
College of Commerce, Arts, and Science, Magadh University -
Patna University 5,172
Nalanda Open University - NOU Patna 5,500
Bihar Institute Of Law - [BIL], Patna 91,912
CNLU Patna - Chanakya National Law University 7,30,000
Patna Law College 5,668
Patliputra University (PPUP), Patna -

Best Government Law Colleges in Patna

The best Government Law colleges in Patna include some of the most prestigious and top government Law colleges in Bihar. There are a total of 6 Government Law colleges in Patna. Students prefer to pursue courses in government law colleges because of the low fees and high ROI. Tabulated below are the Government Law colleges in Patna with fees.

College/ University Name  Average Fees (INR)
CNLU Patna - Chanakya National Law University 7,30,000
Patna Law College 5,668
Patliputra University -
Nalanda Open University - NOU Patna 5,500
Patna University 5,172
College of Commerce, Arts, and Science, Magadh University -

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Admission Process

There are 8 total colleges offering law programs out of which 5 are public colleges and 3 are private colleges. The chart below demonstrates the private and public colleges in a chart.

top law college in Patna
Source: Official Survey

Admission into all law colleges in Patna is based on merit and entrance exam scores.

  • Some of the accepted exams are CLAT, BILAT, Amity entrance exam, etc.
  • CLAT exam is required for both bachelor’s and master’s programs.
  • Post submitting the entrance exam score, some colleges hold an interview round.

Patna Law College

The Patna Law College is one of the oldest law colleges in Patna. It was established in 1909 and is affiliated to Patna University.

  • Patna Law College has LLB, LLM, and research programs.
  • The three-year-long duration program has an average annual fee of INR 1,889.
  • The LLB program aspirants need to graduate in any stream before applying.
  • Patna Law College admission 2023 was held through the entrance exam conducted by the University.

Bihar Institute of Law

The Bihar Institute of Law is a private institute from Patna that has been approved by the Bar Council of India. The college was established in the year 1984 and is affiliated with Magadh University.

  • The institute offers a three-year and five-year undergraduate law program.
  • Admission to the Bihar Institute of Law is made based on the institute’s entrance exam, BILAT.
  • The average annual fee of the BA LLB Honors program at Bihar Institute of Law is INR 25,544.

Chanakya National Law University

The Chanakya National Law University or CNLU for short is an autonomous university from Patna. It was established in the year 2006 by the Government of Bihar.

  • Applicants can apply to BA LLB, BBA LLB, LLM, LLD, and also research programs at CNLU.
  • Admission into all undergraduate and postgraduate programs is based on the CLAT entrance exam.
  • The average annual fee for the BA LLB Honors program is INR 1,41,700.
  • The average placement package is INR 7,00,000 for the latest placement drive.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Entrance Exam wise

All the law colleges in Patna require an entrance exam score to be admitted into their programs. The details of a couple of the entrance exams are as below.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Accepting CLAT

The Common Law Admission Test or CLAT for short is a national-level entrance test required for admission into undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The exam is conducted by a consortium of National Law Universities.

  • CLAT is required for admission to NLUs and other law institutes.
  • The exam is held once a year and is held in the offline mode.
  • The total duration of the paper is 2 hours and contains both MCQs and objective-type questions.
  • The application fee is 0.25 for every wrong answer.

CLAT is accepted at Chanakya National Law University in Patna.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Placement Wise

All law college graduates go through a placement drive as they are about to graduate. Students find jobs in both the private sector and public sector organizations in the legal department.

The average placement packages of the top colleges in Patna have been demonstrated in the chart below.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: Salary Packages

Source: Official Website

  • The average placement package for the top law colleges in Patna is INR 4,00,000 to INR 7,00,000 lakh per annum.
  • Some of the organizations where students find jobs are ICICI Bank, Quislex, and more.

Students must choose the correct specialization while pursuing Law. The specialization chosen plays a vital role in deciding a career path.

Top Law Colleges in Patna: For Civil Law

Civil law refers to the law protecting the rights of the citizens of a country. Lawyers working in civil law help settle disputes regarding property, family law, contracts, etc. Most law graduates prefer to work in civil law post-graduation. 

Some of the top Law colleges in Patna law for Civil Law specializations are given below:

  • Chanakya National Law University
  • College of Commerce, Arts, and Science
  • Nalanda Open University

Top Law Colleges in Patna: For Human Rights

A human rights lawyer investigates, assesses, and helps fight cases where human rights are violated. Human rights lawyers find jobs in both national and international organizations. 

Some of the top Law colleges in Patna for Human rights are given below:

  • Chanakya National Law University
  • Patliputra University

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Top Law Colleges in Patna: FAQs

Ques. Which is the best college for law in Patna?

Ans. There are 8 top law colleges in Patna. The top colleges are Patna Law College, Bihar Institute of Law, etc. Chanakya National Law College is another best law colleges in Patna

Ques. What are the fees for law in Patna?

Ans. The annual fees for law programs for any college in Patna range from INR 15,000 to INR 1,41,700.

Ques. Which law specialization is the best?

Ans. There are several law specializations including general law programs. There are also human rights, corporate law, civil law, cyber law, and more.

Ques. Which college has the highest CTC in Patna?

Ans. The highest CTC has been recorded from Chanakya National Law University at INR 7,00,000 followed by Patliputra University at INR 5,40,000.

Ques. Which entrance exam is required for law admission in Patna?

Ans. Admission into law programs offering colleges is primarily based on entrance exams. Some accepted entrance exams are CLAT and BILAT.

Ques. Is the Bihar Institute of Law Patna good for law programs?

Ans. Bihar Institute of Law is one of the top law colleges in Patna. It has been highly rated by past and present students alike.

Ques. What is the duration of a full-time law degree?

Ans. A full-time law degree is delivered over three to five years.

Ques. Are there any distance education law colleges?

Ans. There is currently one college in Patna that offers law programs through correspondence format.

Ques. How many public colleges are there offering law programs in Patna?

Ans. There are 3 private law colleges and 5 colleges that are public that offer law programs in Patna.

Ques. Is Amity University the best college for law in Patna?

Ans. Amity University is the oldest university in Patna that offers law programs. Graduates find jobs in some of the top law organizations in the nation.

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