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OJEE Cutoff 2023 will be released soon for this year’s admission process, OJEE Cutoff is released separately for candidates applying based on JEE Main and OJEE scores. OJEE 2023is expected to be conducted in the 1st week of May 2023, OJEE 2023 Result is expected to be released in the 1st week of June 2023. All colleges accepting OJEE Scores will release their course and category-wise cut off marks soon. It is necessary for the candidates to meet OJEE cutoff 2023 to be eligible to participate in the counselling rounds. For the candidates seeking admission in BAMS and BHMS courses, NEET 2023 Cut off will be considered.

OJEE Expected Cutoff 2023

Expected OJEE Cutoff 2023

Category OJEE Marks OJEE Rank
Unreserved 690-450 1-14059
Other Backward Caste 457-454 14058-14909
Scheduled Caste 451-327 14240- 61231
Scheduled Tribe 451-288 14481-83162
PH- OBC 448-345 15167-61456
PH-SC 321-323 62233-67799
PH-ST 315-302 66314-73737

Factors affecting Cut Off

Factors affecting OJEE Cut Off

The various factors that help to derive OJEE Cut off are given below:

  • Total number of candidates appeared for OJEE 2023
  • Difficulty level for each exam
  • Number of qualified candidates
  • Overall performance of qualified candidates
  • Number of Participating Institutes
  • Number os seats available
  • Previous year cut off trends

OJEE Previous Years Cut Off

OJEE Previous Years Cut Off

Here, we have given the last year cut off released by various institutions for engineering streams. Cut off for this session will be released after the conduction of exam. Till then candidates can check the previous year cut off and get a rough idea about this year cut off.

Institution Name Branch/Stream General Category (Opening & Closing Ranks) SC Category (Opening & Closing Ranks) ST Category (Opening & Closing Ranks)
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Plastic Engineering 107556-700244 373125-387540 780442-1247966
Manufacturing Engineering & Technology 145110-527270 409750-591274 270186-1243987
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering 58996-134530 214881-349747 556872-870933
Electrical Engineering 22578-80116 240097-277610 382038-461986
Mechanical Engineering 22950-53562 165276-207393 194732-351520
Civil Engineering 49961-124472 137276-269943 204302-435188
Textile Engineering 136833-409474 332229-517413 771085-1268820
College of Engineering and Technology, SSC, Bhubaneswar Information Technology 72086-180806 405093-458685 796827-796827
Computer Science and Engineering (SSC) 21681-69479 177287-281423 581490-735486
Bio-Technology (SSC) 172932-303215 506285-506285 623017-781849
Government College of Engineering, Bhawanipatna Computer Science and Engineering 83723-545122 351998-574018 713504-882791
Civil Engineering 167785-451591 475856-498785 454822-746046
Electrical Engineering 222207-464892 395115-499739 502670-923418
Mechanical Engineering 101963-306542 224069-302052 387923-572412
Government College of Engineering, Keorjhar Electrical Engineering 146712-302240 363709-388702 490054-731877
Metallurgical Engineering and Mineral Science 305929-483971 454921-454929 519836-519836
Mining Engineering 115375-339632 296241-296241 369671-515758
Mineral Engineering 411801-604884 533961-533961 963832-963832
Mechanical Engineering 67774-256753 336603-362470 376407-505191
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang Chemical Engineering 74000-357309 458099-540108 795791-1210388
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 64773-405022 476293-538139 645405-1137727
Civil Engineering 156951-225404 258965-335372 468664-590199
Mechanical Engineering 55421-139974 212787-302061 273763-530161
Electrical Engineering 96950-190204 333361-353432 426991-753782
Production Engineering 230724-583063 543405-583518 -

OJEE Cut off 2016

Govt Colleges UR OBC SC ST PH
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Sambalpur 0-111 0-134 0-198 0-212 0-234
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang 45-234 34-267 31-298 22-324 11-345
Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi 98-398 78-434 56-567 45-623 33-675
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar 125-456 97-567 89-678 67-788 46-812
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar 223-560 145-690 111-798 89-887 77-927
Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Kendujhar 289-723 215-856 170-923 145-1223 156-1290
CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar 356-923 289-976 234-1234 212-1456 201-1534
Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur 423-1123 378-1234 456-1456 400-1678 378-1689
Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gunupur 670-1234 589-1349 499-1634 456-1856 444-1890
Gandhi Institute for Technological Advancement, Bhubaneswar 788-1560 623-1768 546-2090 560-2500 456-2500

Read  OJEE Seat Matrix

OJEE MBA Cut off

The various institutes declare different opening and closing ranks for MBA according to the different categories. The table below mentions the previous year OJEE cut off for MBA

Institute Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
Berhampur University General 37 2823
SC 137 1303
ST 1854 5359
College of IT and Management Education (Self-Sustained Course) General 47 5465
SC 246 4685
ST 775 4636
Dhenkanal Autonomous College (Public Private Partnership) General 296 4993
SC 693 5148
ST - -
Fakirmohan University, Balasore General 194 1688
SC 623 1909
ST 975 975
Gangadhar Meher College Autonomous (Public Private Partnership) General 157 5073
SC 2394 3144
ST 3193 4477
Utkal University, Vani Vihar General 1 4003
SC 74 294
ST 195 337
Academy of Business Administration General 332 5195
SC 731 4147
ST - -
Institute of Management & Information Technology General 50 1848
SC 169 1483
ST 617 4350
Madhusudan Institute of Co-operative Management General 47 370
SC 214 673
ST 1025 4497
Ajay Binay Institute of Technology General 1516 4835
SC - -
ST - -

Read About OJEE MBA Cutoff

OJEE B.Arch.Cut off

OJEE 2015 Cut off for B.Arch. varies for different categories. The cut off rank for OJEE 2015 for B.Arch. course is as follows:

Institute name Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar General 3870 59480
SC 18695 129107
ST 39332 126671
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang General 12030 131108
SC 107211 125154
ST - -
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla General 5745 87941
SC 11036 73595
ST 46844 123266
Piloo Modi College of Architecture, Cuttack General 3862 129351
SC 101002 104885
ST - -

Read About OJEE B.Arch. Cutoff

OJEE B.Tech Cut off

Different colleges accept different opening and closing ranks for different categories. The cut off details about rank for B.Tech courses is as follows:

Institute Branch/Stream General SC ST
Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Manufacturing Engineering & Technology 145116 527376 409750 591274 270186 1243987
Plastic Engineering 107556 700244 373125 387540 780442 1247966
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Civil Engineering 49961 124472 137276 269943 204302 435188
Electrical Engineering 22578 80116 240097 277610 382038 461986
Instrumentation and Electronics Engineering 58996 134530 214881 349747 556872 870933
Mechanical Engineering 22950 53562 165276 207393 194732 351520
Textile Engineering 136833 409474 332229 517413 771085 1268820
College of Engineering and Technology, SSC, Bhubaneswar Bio-Technology(SSC) 172932 303215 506285 506285 623017 781849
Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 21681 69479 177287 281423 581490 735486
Fashion Technology(SSC) 316015 710646 691461 691461 1251620 1251620
Information Technology(SSC) 72086 180806 405093 458685 796827 796827
Government College of Engineering, Bhawanipatna Civil Engineering 167785 451591 475856 498785 454822 746046
Computer Science and Engineering 83723 545122 351998 574018 713504 882791
Electrical Engineering 222207 464892 395115 499739 502670 923418
Mechanical Engineering 101963 306542 224069 302052 387923 572412
Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar Electrical Engineering 146712 302240 363769 388702 490054 731877
Mechanical Engineering 67774 256753 336603 362470 376407 505191
Metallurgical Engineering and Mineral Science 305929 483971 454929 454929 519836 519836
Mineral Engineering 411861 604884 533961 533961 963832 963832
Mining Engineering 115375 339632 296241 296241 369671 515758
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang Chemical Engineering 74000 357369 458099 540108 795791 1210388
Civil Engineering 156951 225404 258965 335372 468664 590199
Electrical Engineering 96950 190204 333361 353432 426991 753782
Mechanical Engineering 55421 139974 212787 302061 273763 530161
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 64773 405022 476293 538139 645405 1137727
Production Engineering 230724 583063 543405 583518 - -
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, SSC, Sarang Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 91138 229193 327276 493977 729863 1038634
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering(SSC) 187742 283579 527483 549855 946378 1192139
Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur Automobile Engineering 86725 694864 462757 546150 416930 1135773
Civil Engineering 195668 496717 341162 440299 660258 933874
Computer Science and Engineering 145342 391327 507313 569726 869718 1177433
Electrical Engineering 169622 474342 359196 490888 540163 1066471
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 173896 526206 427392 489655 434569 1212429
Mechanical Engineering 117101 264155 310941 399289 379830 786368
Production Engineering 532587 1221122 596347 738645 - -
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla Chemical Engineering 83792 212120 278058 316072 565675 1118756
Civil Engineering 66227 142511 137760 259937 57635 461493
Computer Science and Engineering 23857 61584 190431 211186 372587 547808
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 35104 89080 278292 278292 263975 351679
Electrical Engineering 24106 90585 150324 254177 176123 466107
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 33382 150790 149490 394043 460554 667826
Mechanical Engineering 7714 61049 166177 208813 194427 374243
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 65345 256405 414458 443451 355613 1020530
Production Engineering 112922 202308 331388 370496 694144 951541
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, SSC, Burla Civil Engineering(SSC) 98262 162057 303744 320625 632790 729400
Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 75467 108733 325514 325514 617745 672545
Electrical and Electronics Engineering(SSC) 92284 146529 278656 344706 647715 809001
Information Technology(SSC) 166064 251196 477092 512986 808201 946285
Production Engineering(SSC) 214442 283627 497600 497600 - -

Read About OJEE B.Tech Cutoff

OJEE M.Pharm Cut off

The opening and closing ranks vary for different categories in various institutes. The table below gives the opening and closing ranks for different colleges offering M.Pharm: 

INSTITUTE Branch GENERAL Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe
Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing
Berhampur University Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance - - - - 25 25
University Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhubaneswar Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 16 273 - - - -
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 49 57 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 29 163 487 487 - -
Pharmacognosy - - - - - -
Pharmacology 13 287 - - - -
College of Pharmaceutical Science, Puri Pharmaceutics 14 492 250 481 - -
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Berhampur Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance 56 322 - - - -
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6 242 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 146 412 - - - -
Dadhichi College of Pharmacy, Cuttack Pharmaceutics 18 477 - - - -
Pharmacology 76 374 104 442 - -
Gayatri College of Pharmacy, Sambalpur Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance 278 16073 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 55 470 - - - -
Pharmacognosy - - - - - -
Pharmacology 10 372 - - - -
Gayatri Institute of Science and Technology,Gunupur Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance 232 232 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 439 439 - - - -
IMT Pharmacy College, Puri Pharmaceutics 62 495 - - - -
Indira Gandhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Science,Bhubaneswar Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance 175 482 277 277 - -
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 454 454 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 44 483 71 71 - -
Pharmaceutics (Drug Regulatory Affairs) 157 457 - - 449 449
Pharmacognosy - - - - - -
Pharmacology 47 469 98 98 356 356
Institute of Pharmacy & Technology, Salipur Pharmaceutical Analysis And Quality Assurance 84 450 - - - -
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 136 310 - - - -
Pharmaceutics 103 460 - - 238 238

Read About OJEE M.Pharm Cutoff

OJEE MCA Cut off

The candidates belonging to different categories must obtain the rank equal to or more than the opening and closing ranks mentioned in the table given below:

Institute name Category Opening Rank Closing Rank
Behrampur University General 96 982
SC 801 913
ST - -
College of Engineering and Technology General 1 123
SC 34 234
ST 102 198
College of IT & Management Education, Bhubaneswar General - -
SC 597 1097
ST 800 1181
Fakirmohan University General - -
SC 1226 1329
ST - -
Gangadhar Meher college Autonomous  General - -
SC 118 118
ST - -
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang General - -
SC 646 1013
ST 829 829
Institute of Information and Management Technology General - -
SC 284 663
ST - -
Kahilkote College Autonomous General 88 1087
SC - -
ST - -
MPC Auto College General 1050 1050
SC - -
ST - -
North Orissa University General 304 1250
SC 1161 1161
ST - -

Read About OJEE MCA Cutoff

OJEE M.Tech Cut off

Various colleges offer different postgraduate courses to the candidates appearing for OJEE 2016. The OJEE 2015 Cut off list for the postgraduate courses is given below:

Institute Branch General Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe
Opening Closing Opening Closing Opening Closing
Berhampur University Computer Science 140 2842
Electronic Information Systems 911 2996 1483 1483 2290 2290
Heat Power and Thermal Engineering 75 240 - - - -
BPUT, Rourkela, Odisha Computer Science and Engineering 95 2711 2521 2521 - -
Machine Design 512 2972 - - - -
Power Electronics and Drives 20 1591 2414 2414 - -
Power Systems Engineering 104 906 1095 1095 - -
Production Engg. & Operational Management 664 2967 - - - -
Signal Processing & Communication 119 3133 - - - -
Structural Engineering 788 2817 138 675 - -
VLSI & Embedded System 4 1274 1243 1243 - -
Water Resource Engg. & Management 2308 3167 2907 2907 - -
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Plastic Engineering 2 2782 132 1039 -
Polymer Nanotechnology 106 3089 2542 2542 - -
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Architecture and Town Planning 18 1230 - - - -
Bio-Technology 69 2803 - - - -
Computer Science and Engineering 1 125 1285 1401 - -
Design and Dynamics 3 1048 2225 2225 - -
Electronics & Communication Engineering 6 358 79 1287 2869 2869
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 30 1158 1597 1597 - -
Energy System Engineering 65 764 146.1 577 - -
Geotechnical Engineering 43 1452 299 1787
Industrial Engg.& Management 12 1385 1719 1719 - -
Information Technology 10 846 - - - -
Power Electronics and Drives 5 143 147 256 1647 1647
Power Systems Engineering 7 87 - - 225 644
Signal Processing Engineering 11 1008 151 278 - -
Structural Engineering 38 642 130 928 2373 2483
Textile chemical processing 1120 1120 - - - -
Thermal Engineering 14 584 2985 3157 629 629
Water Resource Engineering 159 1932 145 1697 1651 2565
College of IT & Management Education (CIME), BBSR Computer Science and Engineering 206 2969 2665 2665 - -
F. M. University, Balasore Computer Science 12 2898 - - - -
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang Computer Science and Engineering 11 1529 2504 2504 2901 2901
Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering 26 1843 1485 1485 - -
Geotechnical Engineering 1570 2872 1776 2762 2915 2915
Mechanical Systems Design 16 2253 - - 1897 1897
Metallurgical & Materials Engg 15 2421 1169 1169 - -
Power Electronics and Drives 91 485 148 148 - -
Power Systems Engineering 18 240 277 277 931 2087
Production Engineering 494 2132 150 150 - -
Structural Engineering 758 2028 1995 2399 2260 2260
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang PT Environmental Science and Engineering(PT) 362 2797 289 289 - -
Industrial Power Control & Drives(PT) 13 2560 - - - -
Institute of Management & Information Technology, Cuttack Computer Science and Engineering 203 3027 - - - -
Information Technology 1827 2998 - - - -
Parala Maharaj Engg. College, Berhampur, (PMEC) Mechanical Systems Design 477 2852 - - - -

Read About OJEE  PGAT Cutoff

OJEE LE B.Tech Cut off

OJEE 2016 offers admissions in lateral entry engineering courses. The table below mentions the OJEE 2015 Cut off for L.E B.Tech.:

Institute Branch Opening Rank Closing Rank
Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar Manufacturing Engineering & Technology 95 7097
Plastic Engineering 2657 17079
College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar ARCHITECTURE 993 12838
Civil Engineering 2 347
Electrical Engineering 4 243
Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 388 1697
Mechanical Engineering 14 422
Textile Engineering 1357 5409
College of Engineering and Technology, Self Sustaining, Bhubaneswar Bio-Technology(SSC) 2969 13732
Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 206 3808
Fashion Technology(SSC) 10627 10627
Information Technology(SSC) 4113 10074
Government College of Engineering , Kalahandi, Bhawanipatna Civil Engineering 461 1096
Computer Science and Engineering 4083 16650
Electrical Engineering 248 561
Mechanical Engineering 575 1497
Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, Degree Stream Electrical Engineering 203 377
Mechanical Engineering 431 771
Metallurgical Engineering 116 8050
Mineral Engineering 8752 17564
Mining Engineering 36 480
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang Chemical Engineering 637 4798
Civil Engineering 16 607
Electrical Engineering 102 346
Mechanical Engineering 196 540
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 74 5364
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Self Sustaining, Sarang Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 412 11760
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering(SSC) 1885 2831
Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur Civil Engineering 310 901
Computer Science and Engineering 120 5413
Electrical Engineering 299 442
Mechanical Engineering 261 1199
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla Civil Engineering 7 326
Computer Science and Engineering 181 1059
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 286
Electrical Engineering 5 197
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 8 1771
Mechanical Engineering 3 406
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 166 8459
Production Engineering 846 2200
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Self Sustaining, Burla ARCHITECTURE
Civil Engineering(SSC) 380 778
Computer Science and Engineering(SSC) 1780 4650
Electrical and Electronics Engineering(SSC) 296 489
Information Technology(SSC) 1695 13872
Production Engineering(SSC) 2298 4118

OJEE Result

OJEE 2023 Result

OJEE 2023 results will be available in Online mode only. Candidates will have to enter their roll number and date of birth to check their scorecard. The scorecard contains personal details of the candidates like Name, roll number, date of birth, marks obtained in each subject, qualifying status, total aggregate marks, OJEE paper details, etc. The candidates are offered admission in various colleges/institutions, on the basis of the rank secured by each of the candidates in the entrance examination. Candidates securing the minimum category and course wise cut off marks will be eligible to participate in OJEE Counselling.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.

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