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MCA Syllabus: Subjects, Semester-Wise Syllabus, Books, Entrance Exam Syllabus 2023

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

MCA or Master of Computer Applications is a professional course of 3 years duration, aimed for students who want to enter the field of computers and IT.

The MCA syllabus is inclusive of classroom training and practical training, including subjects such as programming, networking, computer graphics, and much more. MCA Syllabus is divided into 6 semesters.

MCA Syllabus includes advanced training in terms of classroom learning and lab practicals. Apart from this, students are involved in group discussions, seminars, project work, summer training and report writing, which are compulsory in the MCA syllabus.

MCA subjects like Discrete Mathematics, Computer Networks, Operating Systems etc. and practical training is provided to students on the latest programming languages and tools like C Programming, PythonProgramming, JAVA Programming, SQL, and much more.

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MCA Syllabus: Semester Wise

A semester wise breakup of MCA syllabus is given below:

Semester I Semester II
Computer Organisation & Architecture Data Communication & Computer Networks
Business Systems and Applications Information Systems Analysis & Design
Computer Programming with C Data Structures with C
Discrete Mathematical Structure Database Management System I
Business English and Communication Object-Oriented Programming With C++
Micro Programming & Architecture Lab Data structure lab
Programming lab Database lab
Business presentation and language lab Object-Oriented Programming lab (C++)
Semester III Semester IV
Operating Systems and Systems Software Software Engineering & TQM
Unix and Shell Programming Graphics & Multimedia
Intelligent Systems Database Management System II
Statistics and Numerical Techniques Operation Research & Optimisation Techniques
Business Management Environment and Ecology
Management Accounting Software Project Management lab
Unix lab Graphics & Multimedia Lab
Statistics and Numerical Analysis lab Advanced Database lab
Accounting Systems lab -
Semester V Semester VI
Elective 1 (Any one): Distributed database management, Image Processing, Parallel Programming Project Work
Elective 2 (Any one): System Administration and Linux, Windows Programming With VB, Seminar
Elective 3 (Any one): Advanced Unix programming, Object Oriented Programming With Java
Elective 4 (Any one): Compiler Design, E-Commerce
Elective 2 Lab

The MCA syllabus varies from university to university, but the majority of colleges include a compulsory 6 months project training to get industrial experience in the last semester. Based on this, students are judged as per their research work and their performance in the viva.

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MCA Subjects: Electives

Electives are optional subjects that are present with the major subjects in the syllabus. Following is the list of some electives among which one can choose.

Electives 1 Electives 2
Advanced Database Management Systems Operational Research
Numerical and Scientific Computing Distributed Systems
Software Project Management Organizational Behaviour
Multimedia Technologies Advanced Computer Architecture
Mobile Computing Software Quality Management
Microprocessors Digital Signal Processing
Compiler Design

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MCA Subjects

Some of the major topics included in the common MCA subjects are listen below:

Course Syllabus Subjects/ Topics included
Computer Programming with C Overview of C; Constants, Variables & Data Types; Operators and expressions; Managing input and output operators; Decision-making and branching/Looping; Arrays, handling of character Strings; User-defined functions; Structures and unions; Pointers, file management in C; Dynamic memory allocations in relation to array (Use malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free() ); Overview of Preprocessor statements; Program through Command Line Arguments
Discrete Mathematical Structure Set Theory foundation mapping (bijective, surjective, injective), Relations-equivalence, Poset, Lattice; Mathematical induction, Propositional logic, Logical equivalence; Permutation and combinations; Generating functions, Recurrence relations; Concepts of Graph Theory, sub-graphs, cyclic graphs; Trees, spanning trees, binary trees; Isomorphism, Homomorphism of Graphs; Finite automata – Construction & Conversion of NFA, DFA, State minimization, Mealy M/C, Moore M/C; Definition Of Grammars – Type 0,1,2,3; Fuzzy sets – basic properties
Database Management System Introduction to DBMS, architecture, administration roles, data dictionary; Traditional models, three-level architecture, hierarchical model, network model and relational model; Relational model – definitions and properties, keys integrity rules, relational algebra, joins, set operations; Tuple relational calculus and Domain relational calculus; SQL constructs, PL/SQL,Query; Singled valued functional dependencies; Database design, conceptual, logical and physical models; ER diagram and model, normal forms (1,2,3,BCNF); Storage structure- Sequential, Indexed Sequential; B+ tree – creation, insertion & deletion; Indexing- Primary, Secondary, Multi Level.
Unix and Shell Programming Overview of The UNIX Operating System General Purpose Utilities; File system & Handling ordinary Files; Shell commands & simple programming (Bourne Shell) Vi editor advanced Vi Editor. Basic & More File attributes; Concept of I-Node; Simple filters. grep command; Overview of process; Overview of sed & awk; Overview of TCP/IP networking-basic concept of 4 layers, network class, basic concepts of the applications, subnet.
Software Engineering & TQM Introduction to Software Engineering, Software life cycles - different models; Software Project Management Structured system design; Cost Estimation-COCOMO; Data Oriented Analysis and Design Object Oriented Analysis & Design, Object Oriented modelling; Software quality assurance; Software testing techniques and strategies, test planning, reporting and bug fixing; Test automation, regression testing Software maintenance; Software Complexity & Reliability
Operation Research & Optimisation Techniques Linear Programming-Simplex Method, Duality Method, Assignment Problem, Transportation Problem; Integer Programming-Cutting Plane, Branch & Bound Network Optimisation Models- The shortest path problem, Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm, Maximal Flow Algorithms, PERT/ CPM; Dynamic Programming- Characteristics, Deterministic & Probabilistic Dynamic Programming; Queuing Theory- Basic Structure, Exponential distribution; Game Theory-Two person Zero Sum game, saddle point determination, algebraic method, graphical method etc.; Inventory Control- Determination of EOQ, Components, Deterministic Continuous & Deterministic Periodic Review Models, Stochastic Continuous & Stochastic Periodic Review Models; Sequencing- Two men two machines, Three Men Two Machines
Object Oriented Programming with Java Oops Concept and Introduction to JAVA An overview of Java Data Types - variables and arrays Operators, Control statements; Classes and Objects, Inheritance, String and string buffer, Packages, Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded Programming, Applets, Event handling Abstract Window Toolkit

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MCA Syllabus: Recommended Books

To learn the basics and gain knowledge of common subjects of computer applications, the following books are recommended.

Name of the Book Name of the Author
Computer System Architecture Morris Mano
Management Information System O’Brien
Theory of Computer Science Mishra & Chandrasekharan
Discrete Mathematics With Applications Rosen
Data Communication & Networking Forouzan
Computer Communication Networks Shanmugam & Rajeev
System Analysis & Design Hand Book V.K. Jain, Wiley Dreamtech
Data Structure Using C Radhakrishnan & Srinivasan
Database Management System A.K. Pujari
Operating Systems Galvin & Silverschatz
UNIX: Concepts & Applications Sumitava Das

Admissions to the MCA course generally take place through the entrance exams like NIMCET, IPU CET, JNU MCA Exam, etc. The following points show some details of the pattern of different sections in these exams.

  • Exam Pattern for Mathematics: This section consists of questions of maths of upto high school level, testing a candidate’s basic mathematical ability and skills.
  • Exam Pattern for General English: This section checks the basic understanding of the language and grammar of the candidates.
  • Exam Pattern for Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning: The section of General Ability and Reasoning examines the thinking skills, non-verbal skills, and logical analytics skills of the candidates.
  • Exam Pattern for Computer Awareness: This section checks the basic understanding of computer awareness in the exam testing candidate’s extent of knowledge about computers and their systems.

See: MCA Admission 2023

MCA Syllabus IGNOU

Semester 1 Semester 2
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Data Communication and Computer Networks
Discrete Mathematics Object oriented Analysis and Design
Software Engineering Web Technologies
Professional skills and Ethics Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Security and Cyber Laws OOAD and Web Technologies Lab
DAA and Web Design Lab Computer Network and Data Mining Lab
Software engineering Lab -
Semester 3 Semester 4
AI and Machine Learning Digital Image Processing and computer Vision
Accountancy and Financial Management Mobile Computing
Data Science and Big Data Project
Cloud Computing and IoT -
AI and Machine Learning Lab -
Cloud and Data Science Lab -

MCA Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects of MCA?

Ans. Some of the important subjects for the MCA course are Fundamentals of Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Network Programming, A.I and Applications, etc.

Ques. How many subjects are in MCA?

Ans. There are a total of 30 subjects in the MCA course, which the candidates need to go through during their program.

Ques. Is MCA difficult?

Ans. The MCA course is a bit challenging. Though for a candidate who has come through BCA in their graduation, MCA will be a bit easier for them.

Ques. Who can study MCA?

Ans. To study the MCA course, candidates generally need to do their graduation in computer application, from a recognized educational institute. It is necessary for the application to have a minimum 50% aggregate marks in their bachelors level.

Ques. Which subject is best in MCA?

Ans. The best subjects in the MCA are

  • Computer Communication Networks
  • Database Management Systems
  • DBMS Lab
  • Statistical Computing
  • A.I and Applications
  • Management Support System, etc.

Ques. Is MCA a 2 year course syllabus?

Ans. Yes. The MCA or Master in Computer Application course lasts for 2 years.

Ques. Does MCA have maths?

Ans. It is not necessary to have mathematics to pursue the MCA course. However, the MCA syllabus does consist of the mathematics subject.

Ques. What is the MCA salary?

Ans. MCA graduates earn a good amount of salary in their career. The salary of a fresher in this field can range from 15,000 to 20,000, and the salary of an experienced candidate having an MCA degree ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 1,30,000.

Ques. What is the age limit for MCA?

Ans. There is no such age limit to pursue the MCA course. There is only one criteria in this case, as candidates can pursue the course after their graduation.

Ques. What are the govt jobs after MCA?

Ans. The top job options after completing the MCA degree are -

  • Consultant
  • IT Officer
  • Programmer
  • Senior System Analyst, etc.

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Answered Questions


Sunita Guha

30 Aug22

Thapar University offers a good MCA program. The institute has a brilliant MCA faculty base. It offers good learning resources, and laboratory facilities to meet the requirement of students. 

Thapar University placement highlights show the average CTC offered to MCA students is around INR 7 LPA. While the highest CTC offered is around INR 8 LPA. TCS, Infosys, and Fidelity are among the major recruiters in the placement drive. 

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Nitin Mishra

15 Jul22

JNU placements for MCA are good. Some of the major recruiters for MCA are Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, etc. Students usually receive an average CTC of around INR 4-5 LPA. While the highest CTC goes up to INR 9-11 LPA. 

But JNU is a research-oriented university. If you want excellent placement in the technical field, it will be better to join the top IIT or NIT. You will get better technological exposure at these institutes. 

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Saswata Guha

05 Apr22

Yes, IGNOU MCA is difficult compared to other ODL courses and even some regular MCA program. The course is demanding with Mathematics, Programming, lab papers, theory papers, various assignments, and projects. 

IGNOU Syllabus MCA 2022 is as follows. 

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 1:

Course code  Title of the course  Total credits
MCS-011 Problem Solving & Programming  3
MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4
MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics  2
MCS-014 System Analysis and Design  3
MCS-015 Communication Skills 2
MCSL-016 Internal Concepts and Web Design  2
MCSL-017 Cand Assembly Language Programming Lab  2

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 2: 

Course code  Title of the course  Total credits
MCS-021 Data and Structures 4
MCS-022 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Systems 4
MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3
MCS-024 Object-Oriented Technologies and Java Programming  3
MCSL-025 Lab (Based on MCS-021, 022, 023, and 024) 4

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 3: 

Course code  Title of the course Total credits
MCS-031 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
MCS-032 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 3
MCS-033 Advanced Discrete Mathematics 2
MCS-34 Software Engineering 3
MCS-035 Accountancy and Financial Management 3
MCSL-036 Lab (Based on MCS-032,034, and 035) 3

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 4:

Course code Title of the course  Total credits
MCS-041 Operating Systems 4
MCS-042 Data Communication and Computer Networks 4
MCS-043 AdvancedDatabase Management Systems 4
MCS-044 Mini Project 4
MCSL-045 Lab (UNIX & Oracle) 2

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 5: 

Course code Title of the course Total credits
MCS-051 Advanced Internet Technologies 3
MCS-052 Principles of Management and Information System 2
MCS-053 Computer Graphics and Multimedia 4
MCSL-054 Lab (Based on MCS-051 & 053) 2
MCSE - 003 MCSE-004 MCSE-011 Elective Courses -  Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management  Numerical and Statistical Computing  Parallel Computing 3

IGNOU MCA Syllabus for Semester 6:

Course code Title of the course  Total credits
MCSP-060 Project 16

Lab attendance is mandatory for MCA. Scoring passing marks in lab examinations will be difficult if you don’t attend labs and practical classes regularly. 

You can’t take the coursework lightly, even if it is a distance learning course. 

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Shrish Tripathi

18 Nov22

In 2011, a Placement Coordination Cell (PCC) was established in BHU to take full responsibility for placements of the entire university (except IIT/IMS).

This body has improved the placement drives at BHU to a large extent. BHU is now visited by reputed firms for recruitment.

As far as CTC is concerned, nearly 18% to 20% of students were placed this year. The highest salary was 4.5 LPA. The lowest salary was 3.5 LPA and the average salary was 4.2 LPA.

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Sekhar Juneja

04 May22

In US, Indian software engineers earn around $60k-$80k in entry-level jobs. After 3-5 years of work experience, the salary amount becomes $90k-$130k. For software engineering professionals with around 5-10 years of experience, the salary package is around $130-$200k. 

Jobs in the Software industry have little to do with the university you graduated from. The international recruiters look for skills. If you have industry-relevant skills, you will receive good placement opportunities. After doing an MCA you can get jobs in US, if you fulfill the skill requirement. 

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Avinash Kohli

10 Oct22

The average package is between 5-7 lacs. In 2017, Amazon offered the highest package of 16 lacs, while many companies offered the lowest package of 4.5 lacs. As a result, if you are an average student, you will have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your worth.

DU MCA has 46 seats in total, and classes are held in the department itself. When compared to the rest of Delhi University, only the North campus provides it.

Axis Bank, Deloitte, ICICI, Infosys, LG Electronics, Nestle, Shopclues.Com, Tata Power, and TCS are among the hiring firms.

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Princeparth Rajpara

28 Oct22

One of my cousins completed an MCA from IGNOU while doing a job. She shared her experience with me. I have summarised it in points for better understanding:

  • The Degree Certificate of IGNOU MCA will enable you to appear for an interview 

  • There are regular classes on weekends. But these classes are only on paper so you can skip them.

  • Students will have to approach self-study only

  • Projects are only formalities and have no real value

  • Institutes that run the MCA IGNOU program offer no help when it comes to getting a job.

  • There is no value of IGNOU MCA in Infosys, TCS, Wipro, etc

Apart from this various advertisements in newspapers specifically mention that IGNOU candidates will not be able to apply. So I will not recommend that you complete an MCA from IGNOU.

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Vikram Saini

28 Dec21

The MCA course in general is a very demanding subject in the IT industry. You need to keep yourself updated with the latest trends in the industry to match proper excellence.

  • In Sanskriti University reputed companies like Infosys, TCS, HCL, Deloitte, etc. frequently visit the campus during placements. 
  • They usually offer students with an average salary package of 4.5-5 LPA. 
  • This also increases to 8-10 LPA depending on the student’s overall academic performance.
  • They have a specific cell for training and placement which helps students to gain proper knowledge for the interview, group discussion, communication and analytical skills, etc. 
  • Students mastering these skills have a better chance to secure a job offer. 
  • Sanskrit University has a 95% placement every year. 
  • Their faculty is highly experienced and will give you the required guidance for doing your best in the field.
  • It is very beneficial to pursue an MCA from Sanskriti University because the MCA students have a huge demand in the IT industry. 
  • They produce industry-ready professionals every year. 

Some of the top IT companies visit the campus include Oracle, TCS, Genpact, IBM, Byju's, Infosys, Wipro, and many others. Therefore it is totally worth it to pursue an MCA degree from Sanskriti University.

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Sushmita Mukharjee

10 Nov21

Hyderabad Central University conducts an entrance examination for student intake into various courses during Feb-March each year. The entrance test is the only way you can get admission into the courses offered by HCU. So, you should keep an eye on the official website for admission notification from Oct-Nov. Once the notification is out, you can apply online. 

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Epshita Roy

11 Nov21

MCA placement at Tezpur University is good. In the recent placement drive, the highest CTC offered was 20 LPA. Around 60% of students from MCA got placement offers. 

CSE department is among the oldest department at TU. Few years back it was declared as the ‘Center of Excellence’ by MHRD for its contributions. The department offers three different courses, i.e. B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA. All the courses are well-reputed. The department organizes various seminars and workshops around the academic year. The faculty members of the department are actively engaged in various research projects.

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