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BCA Subjects & Syllabus 2023: List, Year Wise, Semester, Books, Specializations

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

BCA full form, Bachelor of Computer Applications is an undergraduate course of 3 years that deals with various aspects of computer science and its applications in the real world. BCA Subjects focuses on training individuals for the ever-changing world of IT and Computer applications. BCA subjects involve programming knowledge, developing applications, Analytical Thinking, and creativity.


BCA Course syllabus covers a wide range of BCA subjects such as Introduction to Programming using C, Operating Systems, Computer Graphics & Animation, Programming in Java, Computer Networks, and Database Management Systems. Students can choose BCA specializations according to their interests. Students interested in studying BCA Computer Science Syllabus must choose this specialization, students interested in Data science can choose BCA Data Science Syllabus, and students interested in Data analytics should take BCA Data Analytics Syllabus. Students can also choose BCA Database systems if they are interested in BCA Database System Syllabus

BCA Hons Syllabus consists of 1 major subject which is the specialization subject. The students will have to study all other associated subjects along with the Hons subject. Apart from BCA core subjects, the BCA syllabus also covers several computer languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, etc in all BCA Colleges.

BCA Syllabus 2023

  • BCA subjects include classroom learning, lectures, lab sessions, project work, seminars, group assignments, classroom presentations, and interactions with industry experts. 
  • As a part of the BCA course curriculum, students have to study a set of core courses and two concurrent courses out of which one is a language paper throughout the 6 semesters. Equal emphasis is given to both theory and practical papers.
  • Students are also required to submit a project report in the final year of BCA as part of the BCA course requirement.
  • Apart from gaining computer knowledge, importance is also given to social awareness, communication skills & professionalism to work as a team in maintaining diverse environments for the betterment of society.
  • BCA subjects are also curated for BCA specializations: BCA Data Science and BCA Data Analytics.

BCA Subjects

BCA is a 3-year duration course, divided into six semesters. The core subjects that are taught in every college offering BCA courses are:

Introduction to Programming using C Operating Systems
Computer Graphics & Animation Programming in Java
Computer Networks Database Management Systems

BCA Subjects List

Students must understand the course details of each of the BCA subjects. This will help them understand and prepare. 

Subject Description
Introduction to Programming Using C This paper introduces the programming language C. In this paper, a student learns to understand the logic of a problem and write structured C programs.
Statistics for BCA In this paper, students learn various statistical methods and it prepares students for future courses having quantitative components.
Digital Computer Fundamentals This paper introduces the basic concepts of the functioning of a computer. It helps a student to learn the use of Boolean algebra for performing calculations in various number systems.
Operating Systems This course helps acquire the fundamental knowledge of the operating system components and to know the various operations performed by operating systems.
Data Structures This paper helps a student understand the need for data structure when building an application. It also teaches a student method to calculate and measure the efficiency of a code.
Graph Theory and Linear Programming This course aims at introducing various terminologies of Graph theory and formulation of Linear Programming problems and solving them with graphical methods and simplex methods.
Database Management Systems This paper helps a student learn database concepts and develop skills for the design and implementation of database applications.
Object-oriented Programming using C++ This course helps in understanding the principles behind the object-oriented programming process and its use in the development of small to medium-sized application programs.
Programming in Java This paper helps students acquire skills in using Java programming language and developing small to medium-sized application programs.
Computer Networks This course will help a student understand the various components of a computer network and its functionality.
Computer Graphics and Animation In this paper, a student learns to create objects through 3d modeling, add effects using light and material and create animated frames.
Computer Architecture This course introduces the basic hardware components of a computer and how it has evolved to meet the demands of multi-processing systems.
Multimedia Applications In this paper, students learn the use of the latest image editing tools and animation tools to create and edit images and animation.
Embedded Systems This course focuses on the various concepts of embedded systems and RTOS.

BCA Course Subjects

The common BCA subjects along with the list of major topics covered are listed in the table below:

BCA Subject Topics/Units included
Introduction to Programming Using C Introduction to Computers and Programming, Introduction to C Control Structures and Arrays Functions and Pointers Structures, Unions and Files Low-Level programming, and C Preprocessor.
Operating Systems Introduction and System Structures, Process Management, Process Synchronization, Deadlock Memory Management File, and I/O system
Computer Graphics and Animation Autodesk 3ds Max, Introducing Objects Creating shapes with Splines Editing Meshes and Creating Complex Objects, Organizing and Editing Objects, Light and Shadow Enhancing Models with materials, Using the Camera Organizing Objects and Scene Management, Understanding Animation Creating Animation, Particles, and Dynamics Rigging for Animation
Programming in Java Introduction Arrays & String Handling Inheritance and Exception, Handling Multithreading and IO package Applets AWT Classes
Computer Networks Physical Layer Digital Transmission, Analog Transmission, Multiplexing Transmission Media, Data Link Layer, Data Link Control Multiple Access, Wired LANs, Wireless LAN, Network Layer Internet Protocol, Address Mapping Protocol, Routing Protocols, Transport Layer Congestion control, and QoS Application Layer and Network Security
Database Management Systems Introduction DBMS Architecture, Data Modelling using Entity-Relationship Model, Index Structures for Files Relational Data Model, Database Design, SQL Transaction Processing Concepts, and Concurrency Control Techniques, Database Administration, Database Recovery, Distributed Databases, Introduction to Advanced Database Concepts

BCA Syllabus

The overview of subjects and topics that you will study across the 6 semesters of the BCA program are as follows:

Semester I Semester II
Hardware Lab (CIA Only) Case Tools Lab (CIA Only)
Creative English Communicative English
Foundational Mathematics Basic Discrete Mathematics
Statistics I For BCA Operating Systems
Digital Computer Fundamentals Data Structures
Introduction To Programming Using C Data Structures Lab
C Programming Lab Visual Programming Lab
PC Software Lab -
Semester III Semester IV
Interpersonal Communication Professional English
Introductory Algebra Financial Management
Financial Accounting Computer Networks
Software Engineering Programming In Java
Database Management Systems Java Programming Lab
Object Oriented Programming Using C++ DBMS Project Lab
C++ Lab Web Technology Lab
Oracle Lab Language Lab(CIA Only)
Domain Lab (Cia Only) -
Semester V Semester VI
Unix Programming Design And Analysis Of Algorithms
OOAD Using UML Client-Server Computing
User Interface Design Computer Architecture
Graphics And Animation Cloud Computing
Python Programming Multimedia Applications
Business Intelligence Introduction To Soft Computing
Unix Lab Advanced Database Management System
Web Designing Project -
Graphics And Animation Lab -
Python Programming Lab -
Business Intelligence Lab -

BCA Subjects Details

The final assessment of students is based on performance in the year/semester-end examinations and internal assessments. An estimation of weightage for internal assessment and year-end examination is given below.

Type of Paper Internal Marks range External Marks range
Theory Paper 25 - 50 50 - 75
Practical Paper 40 - 50 50 - 60

BCA Syllabus: Year Wise

The BCA course includes programming languages like C++ and JAVA, Networking, Fundamentals of Computers, Multimedia Systems, Data Structure, Web-Based Application Development, Etc. Below mentioned is semester-wise subjects for BCA:

BCA First Year Subjects

The BCA First Year Syllabus is mentioned below: 

Semester I Semester II
Fundamentals of IT & Computers Operating Systems and Fundamentals
Digital Electronics Advanced Mathematics
Basic Mathematics Organizational Behaviour
C Language Lab Advanced C Programming Lab
English Communication C Language Advanced Concepts

BCA Second Year Subjects

The BCA 2nd Year Syllabus is mentioned below: 

Semester III Semester IV
Database Management Systems Web Designing
Web-Based Applications Data Structures
Open Source Technology Object-Oriented Programming
DBMS and Web Technology Lab Introduction to Linux
Software Engineering Elective

BCA Third Year Subjects

The BCA 3rd Year Syllabus is mentioned below: 

Semester V Semester VI
Software Engineering – II Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Java and Python Lab Information Security
Java Programming Project/Dissertation
Python Language Application Development
eCommerce and Marketing Elective
Elective -

Subjects of BCA

BCA is available in two major specializations: BCA Data Science and BCA Data Analytics. The syllabus for these two specializations differs from basic BCA subjects as the two of them specifically focus on data science and data analytics and the subjects related to the topic.

BCA Data Science Subjects

BCA Data Science is a specialization course of BCA that focuses on DBMS, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Python, Mathematics, and similar subjects.

Semester I Semester II
Cultural Education 1 Cultural Education 2
Communicative English Language Paper 2
Language 1 Professional Communication
Discrete Mathematics Statistics and Probability
Environmental Science and Sustainability Database Management System 
Computer Essentials for Data Science Data Structure and Algorithm
Computational Thinking and Programming in C Operating System
Computational Thinking and Programming in C Lab Database Management System Lab
- Data Structures Lab
Semester III Semester IV
Life Skills 1 Life Skills 2
Essential of Data Collection Ethics Introduction to Data Mining
Descriptive Statistics Python Programming
Computer Networks Open Elective A*
Object Oriented Programming using C++ Introduction to Java and Web Programming
Software Engineering Python Programming Lab
Scripting Technologies Lab Elective A
Practical Exposure to Data Collection Lab Java Programming Lab
- -
Semester V Semester VI
Data Modelling and Visualization Big Data Analytics
R Programming for Data Sciences Information and Data Security
Machine Learning Natural Language Processing
Elective B Elective C
Introduction to Parallel Programming and Data Optimization Big Data Analytics Lab
Open Elective B* Project
Introduction to Parallel Programming Lab -
Fundamentals of Machine Learning Lab -
Minor Project -

BCA Data Analytics Subjects

BCA Data Analytics is a specialization course of BCA that focuses on subjects such as computer simulation, decision analysis, predictive modeling, data mining, artificial intelligence, and applications in finance, marketing, supply chain, information systems, and economics.

Semester I Semester II
English for Professionals Mathematics for Data Scientists -- II
Mathematics for Data Scientists - I Object Oriented Programming using Java
Communication skills Data Structures and Algorithms
Computer Architecture & Organization Probability & Statistics - I
Programming in C Excel for Data Scientists (Tool Based)
Operating System Introduction to Data Science
Programming in C Lab Object Oriented Programming using Java Lab
Operating System Lab Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
Semester III Semester IV
Reasoning and Thinking Inferential Statistics
Software Engineering Data Manipulation Using PL / SQL Programming
Database Management Systems Big Data Analytics (Tool Based)
Probability & Statistics - II Machine Learning Algorithms - I (Tool Based)
Computer Networks Exploratory Data Analysis (Tool Based)
Scientific Programming Using R (Tool Based) Business Communication and Presentation Skills / Professional Ethics
Database Management Systems Lab Inferential Statistics Lab
Software Engineering Lab Data Manipulation Using PL / SQL Programming Lab
Semester V Semester VI
Times Series Analysis Elective - III
Cloud Computing Project and Viva-Voce
Machine Learning Algorithms - II (Tool Based) List of Electives:
Data Visualization (Tool Based) Elective – I (Any One)
Elective – I Internet of Things
Elective – II Artificial Intelligence
Times Series Analysis Lab Neural Networks
Cloud Computing Lab -
Elective – III (Any One) Elective – II (Any One)
Data Science Project Management Natural Language Processing
Data Science Industry Use Cases Reinforcement Learning
Advance in Data Science Real-Time Data Processing

BCA Books and Course Material

The table mentions some of the best BCA books that are referred by students and teachers to teach the subjects in the BCA course curriculum.

Name of the Book Name of the Author
A Textbook on C: Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Problem Solving Karthikeyan
The C Programming Language Brian W Kernighan
Data Structure Using C A K Sharma
Operating System Concepts Avi Silberschatz and Peter Galvin
Design of the Unix Operating Systems Maurice Bach
Software Engineering Ian Sommerville
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology  Grigore Rosu and Jose Meseguer
Fundamentals of Numerical Computation G Alefeld and R Grigorieff
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Booch

IGNOU BCA Subjects

Semester I Semester II
Foundation course in English-2 Accountancy-1
Mathematics Communication Skills
Business Organization Problem Solving and Programming
Computer Basics and PC Software Lab Discrete Mathematics
Computer Basics and PC Software Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
- C Language Programming Lab
- Assembly Language Programming Lab
Semester III Semester IV
Data and File Structures Statistical Techniques
Introduction to Database Management Systems Fundamentals of Computer Networks
Programming in C++ Object-Oriented Technologies and Java Programming
Systems Analysis and Design Internet Concepts and Web Design
C++ Programming Lab Introduction to Algorithm Design
Data and File Structures Lab Statistical Techniques Lab
DBMS Lab Java Programming Lab
- Algorithm Design Lab
Semester V Semester VI
Introduction to Software Engineering E-Commerce
Network Programming and Administration Project
Business Communication Operating System Concepts and Networking Management
Web Programming Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Lab
Network Programming and Administration Lab -
Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques -
Web Programming Lab -
Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab -


BCA is a 3-year bachelor’s degree in Computer Applications offered by MAKAUT Kolkata.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Digital Electronics Computer Architecture And System Software
Environment Studies Software Engineering
C Programming Data Structure With C
Mathematical Computation Advance Mathematical Computation
Pc Software English Language And Communication
Programming Lab (C/ Pascal) Data Structure Lab Using C
Pc Software Lab Business Presentation And Language Lab
Total Credit: 18 Total Credit: 23
Semester 3 Semester 4
Object-oriented Programming With C++ Database Management System
Gui Programming With .Net Programming With Java
Computer Graphics Computer Networking
Mathematics Computing Numerical Analysis
Management And Accounting Database Lab
Programming Lab With C++ Programming Lab With Java
Programming Lab With .Net Soft Skill Development
Web Technology Lab -
Total Credit: 20 Total Credit: 22
Semester 5 Semester 6
Cybersecurity Python Programming
Unix And Shell Programming Artificial Intelligence
Management And Accounting E-Commerce
Minor Project Web Technology With Php Mysql Advanced Dbms With Plsql Digital Marketing
Linux Lab Values And Ethics Of The Profession
Industrial Training A Major Project With Viva Voice
Total Credit: 21 Total Credit: 16

BCA Syllabus IPU

BCA Subjects from IPU is mentioned in the table below: 

Semester I Semester II
Mathematics – I Mathematics – II
Technical Communication Principles of Management
Introduction to Programming Language using C Digital Electronics
Introduction to Computers & IT Data Structure Using C
Physics Database Management System
Communication Skills Cyber Ethics
Semester III Semester IV
Mathematics – III Mathematics – IV
Computer Architecture Web Technologies
Front End Design Tool VB.Net Java Programming
Principles of Accounting Software Engineering
Object Oriented Programming using C++ Computer Networks
Semester V Semester VI
Operating System Data Ware Housing & Data Mining
Computer Graphics Mobile Computing
E-Commerce Linux Environment
Electives Electives

Bangalore University BCA Syllabus

BCA Syllabus in Bangalore University is mentioned below
Semester I Semester II
Indian Language Indian Language
English Data structures
Problem Solving Techniques using C English
Digital Electronics Numerical and Statistical Methods
Discrete Mathematics Database Management System
C Programming Lab Data Structures Lab
Foundation Course Foundation Course
Digital Electronics Lab DBMS Lab
Semester III Semester IV
Indian Language Indian Language
Object Oriented Programming using C++ Visual Programming
English English
Financial Accounting and Management Operation Research
Operating System Unix Shell programming
C++ Lab Visual Programming Lab
Accounting Package Lab Skill Development Course
Foundation Course UNIX Lab
Semester V Semester VI
Data Communication and Networks Theory of Computation
Software Engineering System Programming
Java Programming Cryptography and Network Security
Computer Architecture Web Programming
Microprocessor and Assembly Language Skill Development Course
Skill Development Course -
Project -

BCA Syllabus CCSU

BCA Subjects in CCSU is mentioned below
Semester I Semester II
Mathematics –I (MATHS) Mathematics II (MATHS)
Programming Principle & Algorithm (PPA) C Programming (C Prog) Organization
Computer Fundamental & Office Automation (CFOA) Behavior (OB) Digital Electronics & Computer Organization (DECO)
Principle of Management (POM) Financial Accounting & Management (FAM)
Business Communication (BC) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of C Programming
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Office Automation -
Computer Laboratory & Practical Work of C Programming -
Semester III Semester IV
Object Oriented Programming Using C++ (C++) Computer Graphics & Multimedia Application (CGMA)
Data Structure Using C & C++ (DSC) Operating System (OS)
Computer Architecture & Assembly Language (CAAL) Software Engineering (SE)
Business Economics (BE) Optimization Techniques (OT)
Elements of Statistics (EL) Mathematics-III (MATHS)
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of OOPS Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of CGMA
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DS -
Semester V Semester VI
Introduction to DBMS Computer Network Security
Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design Information System: Analysis Design & Implementation
Computer Network E-Commerce
Numerical Methods Knowledge Management
Minor Project Major Project
Viva-Voice on Summer Training Presentation/Seminar based on Major Project
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of DBMS -
Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of Java Programming & Dynamic Webpage Design -

BCA Syllabus MDU

BCA Subjects in MDU is mentioned below
Semester I Semester II
Computer Fundamentals and Programming Data and File Structure
Mathematics-I Structured Systems Analysis
Mathematics-II Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
Business Practices Digital Electronics
Practical Practical
Semester III Semester IV
Computer System Architecture Operating Systems Organization and UNIX
Algorithms & Advanced Data Structure Software Engineering
Micro-Processors & Assembly Language Object Oriented Design and Programming
Data Base Systems Financial Accounting
Practical Practical
Semester V Semester VI
Data Communication and Networks Network & Internet Technologies 4 80 20 3 and Applications BCA-307 4 80 20 3 BCA-308 4 80 20 3 BCA-309 Management Information System 4 80 20 3 BCA-310
Computer Graphics Scientific and Statistical Computing.
Principles of Visual and Windows Programming Multimedia Information Systems
Java Programming & Internet Applications Management Information System
Practical Practical

BCA Syllabus Calicut University

BCA Subjects in Calicut University is mentioned below
Semester I Semester II
Common English Common English
Common English Common English
Languages other than English Literature in Languages other than English
Computer Fundamentals & HTML Problem Solving using C
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Applications Programming Laboratory I: HTML and Programming in C
Discrete Mathematics Financial and Management Accounting
- Operations Research
Semester III Semester IV
Python Programming Data Communication and Optical Fibers
Sensors and Transducers Microprocessors-Architecture and Programming
Data Structures using C Database Management System and RDBMS
Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods Programming Laboratory II: Data Structures and RDBMS
Theory of Computation E-Commerce
- Computer Graphics
Semester V Semester VI
Computer Organization and Architecture Android Programming
Java Programming Operating Systems
Web Programming Using PHP Computer Networks
Principles of Software Engineering Programming Laboratory III: Java and PHP Programming
Open Course Programming Laboratory IV: Android and Linux shell Programming
Industrial Visit Project Work Elective Course
- Industrial Visit & Project Work

Madras University Syllabus For BCA

BCA Subjects in Madras University is mentioned below
Semester I Semester II
Tamil or other languages Mathematics – I
English English
Fundamentals of Digital Computers Programming in C
Practical – I: PC Software Lab Practical – II: Programming in C Lab
Mathematics – I Mathematics – II
Semester III Semester IV
Programming in C++ and Data Structures Programming in Java
Microprocessors and their Applications Computer Graphics
Numerical and Statistical Methods Operating System
Practical-III: Programming in C++ using Data structures Cost and Management Accounting
Financial Accounting Practical-IV: Java Programming Lab
Semester V Semester VI
Database Management System Web Technology
Resource Management Techniques Software Testing
Software Engineering Multimedia Systems
Visual Programming Data Communication and Net Working
Practical-V: RDBMS Lab Practical-VI: Web Application Lab
Environmental Studies Value Education

BCA Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What is the syllabus for BCA in the first year?

Ans. In the first year, topics like Hardware Lab, Case Tools Lab, Creative English, Communicative English, Foundational Mathematics, Basic Discrete Mathematics, Operating Systems, Digital Computer Fundamentals, Data Structures, and Introduction To Programming Using C are covered.

Ques. What is the toughest part of the BCA syllabus? 

Ans. There is nothing tough in the BCA syllabus, you just need to study the subjects properly with more focus on the practicals and labs.

Ques. What are the subjects in BCA?

Ans. The core subjects in the BCA syllabus are:

  • Introduction to Programming using C
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Graphics & Animation
  • Programming in Java
  • Computer Networks
  • Database Management Systems

Ques. How many subjects are there in the BCA syllabus?

Ans. BCA subjects are divided into a 3-year course curriculum which is taught in 6 semesters.

Ques. Does the BCA syllabus contain Physics?

Ans. No, the BCA syllabus does not contain physics. Only you have to study physics in classes 11 and 12 in order to be eligible for BCA.

Ques. Is the BCA syllabus full of Maths?

Ans. No, the BCA syllabus just contains basic maths of class 10+2 so that you can learn about programming and computer science with little more clarity.

Ask your question

Answered Questions


Rahul Kumar

19 Oct22

One of my friends was pursuing BCA from IGNOU. He shared that initially he did not take the course seriously. He believed that distance learning is extremely easy and does not require effort. But as per his experience, this course is no joke despite being distance learning. BCA is a technical or IT field. You can't just write anything and attain marks like many other subjects. 

He further shared a few tips that might help you pass the IGNOU BCA exam:

  • You will have to start working hard right from your first year. Set your goal as 80-90%. Only then will you get around 50-60%.

  • Try to pass each and every subject in your first attempt.

  • Don't leave any questions unanswered in your exams.

  • Read study materials provided by IGNOU.

  • Solve the past 5-6 years' question papers thoroughly. This will be a big help.

If you follow the tips sincerely, you will get good marks in your BCA exams.

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Snighda Roy

28 Oct22

My brother's friend completed his BCA from IGNOU. Recounting his experience, he told me that it was very difficult to adapt to the self-learning environment. He failed consecutively in all three semesters in the beginning. He was on the verge of giving up.

He realized that the study material provided by IGNOU is actually designed for self-study. He made notes, researched and practised a lot and he was able to complete both BCA and MCA. He said that it was self-study that helped me achieve my goal. 

If you want to get good marks in IGNOU you have to focus on your self-study sessions more than anything.

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Anuja Sinha

12 Jul22

VIPS Delhi is a decent option for pursuing a BCA program. The placements are good companies like, Wipro, Infosys, etc. visit the campus placements. VIPS placement highlights show the average CTC for BCA to be around INR 3-4 LPA. 

Here are some other institutes in Delhi that offer BCA. 

Institute  BCA Course fee
Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Delhi  INR 1.05 Lakhs
GGSIPU Delhi INR 2.59 Lakhs
Jamia Hamdard INR 3.45 Lakhs
Maharaja Surajmal Institute INR 2.59 Lakhs

Other than VIPS, you can consider one of these institutes for a BCA.

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Aditi Sharma

22 Mar23

If you are considering pursuing BCA, Chandigarh University is an excellent option to consider. The university has established ties with several foreign universities and reputed companies, which facilitates higher education abroad and good placements for their students, respectively. Chandigarh University provides a great academic exposure to its students and is also accredited with NAAC A+ rating.

Chandigarh University has separate departments for different courses. The University Institute of Computing (UIC) department is considered the best department in Chandigarh University. The UIC department boasts of special labs, such as Microsoft Azur lab, Redhat lab, Android development lab, and many more. These labs are equipped with advanced technologies that help students gain practical knowledge and skills required for the industry.

Chandigarh University has a great track record of placements. In the previous year, the university witnessed over 2000+ placements, which was a significant achievement. With excellent industry linkages, reputed companies visit the campus for recruitment drives regularly. Additionally, the university offers extensive training and placement opportunities to its students to help them prepare for the placement process.

In conclusion, Chandigarh University is an excellent option for pursuing BCA. It offers a world-class academic experience, practical exposure, and excellent placement opportunities. Consider Chandigarh University as a potential destination for BCA and achieve your career goals.

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Nikita Rai,

22 Nov21

The cutoff for a BCA at Holkar Science College is approximately 85-90% in the first list. This will be followed by the second and third lists, if students from the first list do not join the college. The second list the cut off will be around 80% and for the third list it will be around 70-75%. This is for the general category students.

Students who belong to the SC or ST category will have the cut off around 60-65%.

If you wish to do BCA from Holkar Science College then it is suggested that you change your decision. Holkar Science College is not quite good for BCA, as the course started recently and is relatively new. It does not hold much experience. If you want to study here then opt for a B.Sc. than a BCA.

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Aditi Banerjee

22 Mar23

Candidates who want to pursue BCA from MSU Baroda can apply online with the required information. Eligible candidates need to appear for the entrance test conducted by the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Admission is based on the marks obtained in the entrance test.

Admission to the B. Com (Honors) is done on the basis of the merit of the aggregate marks secured by students in 12th (H.S.S.C.) Examination.

So, B.Com does not require any specific entrance exam while BCA does.

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Himani Singh

28 Dec21

Sanskriti University is one of the best universities in Uttar Pradesh. They are known to provide quality education, this helps in the overall development of the student. 

When considering BCA, it might not be the best of the institutions offering it, but due to its rapid improvement in providing students the best has made its mark among everyone. 

So, If you are planning for BCA you can definitely choose Sanskriti. It has well-equipped labs, a library, and an eco-friendly environment for the students. Not only studies, but It also has a diverse culture of people so you will get a whole new experience here. 

Categories BCA at Sanskriti University
Placement Percentage  85%
Highest CTC 7-9 LPA
Average CTC 4.5 LPA
Recruiting Companies Wipro, HCL, etc.

Thus you will never regret your choice of selecting Sanskriti University for your career ahead.

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Natasha Shome

30 Nov21

BCA at Bangalore University is not a good option for your career. Here are some reasons to support this statement:

  • The BCA syllabus it follows is outdated. 
  • You will be learning about things which will have no practical use in your career.
  • The faculty members are also not enthusiastic about teaching new topics.
  • Same projects are given to the students every year.
  • Securing a job after graduating with a BCA is tough. 
  • Because the jobs you will be applying for will require your skills and knowledge about the subject. 
  • If you are not updated with the changing trends of the industry, it will become tough to secure a job.

It is suggested that you go for an MCA after completing BCA to get better job opportunities. Also try for VTU rather than BU because they are said to provide better education.

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Nishchal Parachar

13 Feb23

My friend was in Amity Noida and her sister was in IMS. So I think from their experiences I am eligible to answer your question and clear your doubts.

I would suggest you go for Amity only if you can afford a lot of money and your time. These are the important prerequisites for joining Amity Noida.

You have to invest your time fully as an American. The classes are held from morning 9:15 to 5:15 evening which is almost a whole day. You cannot sit for exams if you haven’t fulfilled your 75% criteria. When my friend compares this with her sister's college she found out that classes in IMS ended as early as 2 pm and you had the rest of the day to yourself which helped you work on other areas.

Apart from time, you have to spend a lot of money to study in Amity. The fees are as high as spring 90k per semester and a middle-class family is usually unable to afford such a high sum of money.

Apart from this, IMS Ghaziabad does not have a foreign language option whereas in Amity you are required to choose a foreign language and those who cannot cope with it face a setback in their results. However, this point may be a strong point for those who are interested in foreign languages and want to start a career in the same.

Overall Amity is a college where you can experience your college life to the fullest and yet face slight disadvantages.

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Shruti Sen

12 Jan22

There are many reasons as to why BCA will be a good subject to pursue at Poornima University (PU). 

  • Students here are given proper practical training which is essential to know before joining the industry.
  • The student crowd is very competitive.
  • They have a dedicated training and placement cell. They conduct industry visits, seminars, internships, etc. for the enhancement of the student’s knowledge.
  • The faculty members are supportive and include seasoned professionals to energetic youths.
Categories BCA at PU
Course Fee INR 2.51 lakh
Placement Percentage 90%
Highest CTC 21 LPA
Average CTC 5.5 LPA
Recruiting Companies Infosys, Accenture, Wipro, HCL, etc.

Overall PU helps develop a student’s personality. They are well trained to blend into the corporate world. Interested students are also encouraged to pursue higher studies, and prepare for them accordingly.

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