Aspirants seeking admission to 2 years Full-time MA Program should have the following criteria:-
- Graduation under 10+2+3 pattern with Political Science as an elective subject;
- Graduation under 10+2+3 pattern with any of the allied Subjects of Social Sciences securing at least 50% of marks;
- Graduation under 10+2+3 with 24 Credits in the Core/DSE courses across all six semesters under the CBCS System;
- Graduation under 10+2+3 pattern in any other discipline with 60% marks
In addition to the earlier cited fee, the candidates are required to deposit the following fee in the Directorate of Distance Education at the time of admission in 1st and 3rd Semester as the case may be
- Registration Fee Rs.360/- for the candidates not already registered with the University of Jammu
- Eligibility Fee Rs.880/- for candidates migrating from other Universities
- Smart Card Fee Rs.130/- on-demand basis
- Library Security for those candidates who want to avail the DDE Library facility Rs.785/- Refundable
- Revival of Registration Rs.360/- for the candidates not already registered with the University of Jammu
- Revival Fee Rs.1380/-