Ques. Does Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya have hostel facilities?
Ans: No, Hostel facilities are not available. The college does have a guest room, gents and ladies common room. However, you will find affordable living facilities and hotels near to the college premises.
Ques. Does Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya use projector facilities?
Ans. Yes, high-tech video projecting learning is conducted in the classrooms. Linkages with e-learning resources are established by the installation of internet connections & networking with hardware and software support at class-room, professor’s room, and laboratories and especially at the Library.
Ques. I am not able to submit the application fee of Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya offline, is there any other process?
Ans. Yes, you can pay the application fee online also (including Bank Transaction Charge) to the bank account of College (through Debit card/Credit card/ Net banking). Application fee of Rs.200 will be charged for the same.
Ques. Does Sir Gurudas College provide different subject combinations in all the UG courses?
Ans. Yes, subject combinations are available in all courses. You have to select the main core subject in any course along with two elective subjects as side options. You will be assigned a combination code for the same.
Ques. How is the syllabus of Sir Gurudas College divided and how much percentage of attendance is required?
Ans. The syllabus is allocated broadly in two parts- one for the mid-term test and the other for the selection test. A minimum of 75% attendance is required for promotion to the next higher class/semester.