McGill University placements are guaranteed to students with good packages irrespective of academic discipline. More than 90% graduate students of McGill University received offer letters from the recruiters within 3 months of graduation. McGill University MBA graduates recorded 94% graduate placement within 3 months after graduation, based on the official report on 100% students. Over 1000 recruiters including ABB, Deloitte, Abbott, KPMG, PwC, IBM, Amazon, McKinsey & Company, GSK, Walmart, UN, Royal Bank of Canada, employed McGill University graduates.

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The average base salary of the employed graduates of McGill University is 83,000 CAD per annum (51.20 lakhs INR). 35% of the employed students who reported salary information reported receiving a signing bonus. The average signing bonus of McGill graduates is 11,212 CAD (6.91 lakhs INR). The mean salary of McGill University MBA graduates is 102,466 CAD per annum (63.21 lakhs INR). MBA graduates of the university secured a signing bonus of 12,692 CAD (7.83 lakhs INR).

McGill exhibits a great startup culture with 400+ active startups operating in 36 nations created by its alumni. The Dobson Center for Entrepreneurship has generated over 8,000 employment till date. McGill University startups have raised more than 1.5 billion CAD, which also demonstrated a 50% increase than last year.
Also Check
: McGill University Student Profiles

McGill University Placements by Profession

Following are the average salaries of graduates securing McGill University placements according to their respective profession:

McGill University Average Salary by Profession
Profession Average Annual Salary (CAD) Equivalent Salary for Indians (INR)
Software Engineer 104,000 64.16 lakhs
Product Manager 100,000 61.69 lakhs
Data Scientist 103,000 63.54 lakhs
Project Manager 76,000 46.88 lakhs
Mechanical Engineer 77,000 47.51 lakhs
Senior Software Engineer 130,000 80.22 lakhs
Marketing Manager 70,000 43.19 lakhs

Check: Average Salary in Canada

McGill University MBA Placements by Industry

The following table constitutes the top industries hiring McGill University MBA graduates, their respective salaries and percentage of students:

Industry Mean Base Salary Per Year (CAD) Percentage of Employed Students
Consulting 117,100 32%
Finance 90,500 23%
Marketing/Business Development 103,000 17%

Check out the percentage of students involved in various industries after graduating with McGill MBA:

McGill MBA Graduate Employment by Industry

McGill University Placements by Location

McGill University provides vast placement opportunities to its students. The university invites giant companies for their placement drives so that students can explore Canada and the World. Companies like Facebook, Google, DHL Supply Chain, Bain & Company, etc., enrolls McGill students.

Check: Rising job vacancies in Canada

The places with maximum employed McGill graduates according to their respective degrees are as follows:

MBA Employment Statistics
Canada International
Montreal Toronto
70% 27% 5%
MMA Employment Statistics
Canada International
Montreal Toronto Rest Of Canada
56% 32% 2% 10%
MMF Employment Statistics
Canada International
Montreal Toronto Rest Of Canada
57% 32% 2% 10%

Also Check: Canada Permanent Residency

McGill University Placements: Internship Program

McGill University provides internships to MBA students for their project studies and corporate growth. Following are the complete internship statistics of McGill University for the year 2021.

  • Students can apply for internships in L’Oreal, Philips Electronics, SAP, Deloitte, Hatch Ltd., Unity technologies, Theta investment, LLC, Nuance Communication Inc., Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), etc.,
  • 100% of full-time McGill MBA students seeking employment secured internships.
  • 97% of students get internship opportunities.
  • The mean base salary of McGill students who received an internship is 4,960 CAD (3.06 lakhs INR).
  • The median base monthly salary is 4,559 CAD (2.81 lakhs INR).

Know More: MBA Jobs in Canada

McGill University Entrepreneurship Program

Entrepreneurship and SMEs are the lifeblood of Canada's economy; thus, McGill University also provides Entrepreneurship programs to its students. Moreover, they allow students to become a part of startups. Approx 10% to 12% of students who completed their graduation were hired for the start-ups. Their average salary range is approx $17,000 to $20,000.

  • 5% to 6% of students were selected for the Canadian startups and the rest of them were placed globally.
  • Technology, Accounting and Marketing we're the major areas for these startup companies.

The McGill Career Planning Service (CaPs) guides students in their career development and search for a permanent, part-time, internship, and project internship. The program offers various workshops, guest sessions, extensive Career Resource planning, one-on-one counseling and advice, etc.

Graduate students are highly sought by giant recruiters during campus drive. Following are the percentage of the students who has secured perfect McGill University placements from recruiters:

  • 81% of art graduates
  • 95% of engineering graduates
  • 91% of medicine graduates
  • 84% of science graduates
  • 92% of all PhD respondents

McGill University placements are granted to almost 100% students keeping the promises every year. Thus the university is ranked #42 in the world in graduate employability ranking, 2022. If you are planning to take admission to one of the universities in Canada and get placement soon after graduation, McGill certainly could be a great choice.