• The program starts in September and is typically completed over a two-year period.
  • The Windsor-Torino exchange program offers a postgraduate level of international engineering education that addresses the challenges and new strategies in the automotive industry.
  • Dual degree program with Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Students accepted into the program will begin with one year of graduate study in Windsor taking courses and working on a research thesis that is defined and supported by FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) North America.
  • Students will then travel to the Politecnico di Torino to complete their Master’s degree with an additional year of study, and their thesis research with the support of Fiat.
  • The entire program is conducted in English.
  • While earning a Master of Applied Science (MASc) degree from the University of Windsor and a Laurea Magistrale degree from the Politecnico di Torino, students will receive solid professional training and the practical experience necessary to work in a competitive global environment—plus live and study in two wonderful countries and work with a large, multi-national automotive company
  • Areas of Study:
    • Vehicle engineering
    • Powertrain engineering
    • Manufacturing and management
    • Virtual product and process engineering