They can address issues at the local or global level, such as unsafe drinking water, air quality, and industrial sustainability. Projects may focus on improvement of materials cycling, resource recovery, public health, and water and air pollution control.
EEE at Purdue is unique and cutting edge in that it educates students in a systems perspective that includes sustainability and industrial ecology. Rather than only considering conventional waste emission treatment, we train our students to approach problems from an integrated perspective that considers both environmental issues and ecological aspects. Our name Environmental and Ecological Engineering highlights this modern approach of EEE relative to similar programs at peer institutions.
Careers in Environmental and Ecological Engineering
Most businesses, industries, all levels of government and many international organizations hire environmental and ecological engineers. Graduates are prepared to enter a wide-range of employment sectors in environmental and ecological engineering fields including the industrial and construction, government, consulting, municipal and public service, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and education sectors. Common career pathways center around:
Water and Watershed Stewardship: Ensuring that engineered systems and ecological systems interact sustainably.