The Computer Science Department from the University of South Dakota provides you with a strong foundation in the theory and practice of computer science so you become leaders and innovators in computing technologies. High school students planning to major in computer science should have a solid math background (four years preferred), along with science and humanities courses that promote reasoning and good communication skills.

University of South Dakota's program prepares students for careers as a Systems Programmer, Computer System Analyst, Network and Computer Systems Administrator, or Software Developer in an industrial, scientific or engineering environment, and for further graduate work in computer science. Mathematics and science courses supplement a strong core of computer science courses, enabling students to design and implement software that requires complicated computations, data structures and interfaces.

From personal finances to medical diagnostics, communications to environmental modeling; facets of computer science influence nearly every aspect and are an integral part of our lives today.

New technologies, such as manycore processors, mobile computing and cloud computing are reshaping the landscape of computing, and new challenges are emerging as computer science becomes increasingly multidisciplinary.