Thirty-three credit hours constitutes a major from . They must include the Program Core courses, 15 credit hours in courses selected from at least three of the participating departments, and MEUR 495. No more than four courses from the Program major may be used to fulfill another major, minor or general education requirement.


Throughout all of the modern centuries, Europe has been central to the cultural, economic, and political development of the entire West, as well as a major force in shaping events and patterns of change in the world beyond the West.?

Today there are numerous signs to indicate that it will continue as one of the world?s several most significant areas far into the future. For a comprehensive understanding of Europe, it is necessary to study it in terms of time and space and to inquire into the major currents detectable in its cultural, economic and political life, past and present.?


Degree, Skills, or Experience Needed for Beginning a Job in this Field:?

The Modern European Studies Program involves the mastery of the skills associated with a liberal arts education and especially involves a broad knowledge of Europe from the 16th Century to the present.

Kinds of Work Available to Graduates:

The Modern European Studies major prepares students either for graduate work or professional work in fields that focus on Europe.

Potential Employers:

This broad, interdisciplinary program will serve as a background for numerous graduate programs or for positions in business, government, educational, journalistic and informational agencies concerned with European affairs and culture.