The Physics Concentration is a flexible program for students who plan to pursue technical or professional careers in areas requiring a sound grounding in physical science and mathematics. Students can use the concentration to prepare for employment immediately upon graduation or for continuing on to graduate study in a wide variety of fields. Students who are certain that they want to go on to graduate study in physics or in a closely allied field should also consider the LAS Specialized Curriculum in Physics.

In some cases, however, the greater flexibility of the Science and Letters Curriculum may make it a better choice for graduate school preparation for those who want to pursue a combined major and minor, a double major, or double degrees. Students in the concentration must maintain an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 and also a grade point average of at least 2.0 in all required physics and mathematics courses. To be permitted to enroll in advanced physics courses in this concentration a student must maintain at least a 2.0 average in all attempts at science and mathematics courses taken at the University of Illinois.