Students in Integrative Biology focus on the disciplines of genetics, physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution. In Integrative Biology, the emphasis is on bringing multiple disciplines to bear on complex scientific questions. Integrative Biology Honors provides preparation suitable for graduate and professional training in biology, as well as for biology careers in the private and public sectors.

From genomics to global change, Integrative Biology seeks to discover the complex interrelationships between organisms and the physical and biological environment in which they live. This major prepares students for careers in medicine and the health professions, research, organisms, and the environment. The School of Integrative Biology also sponsors two minors. 

The Minor in Integrative Biology is designed for students intending to have a career for which a background in integrative biology is complementary, e.g. law, technology, bioinformatics, business, scientific writing, and engineering. The Minor in Ecology and Conservation Biology prepares students for diverse careers, including environmental lawyer, environmental consultant, conservation technician, environmental educator, and environmental engineer.