The requirements of the major enrich, complement, and coordinate departmental offerings with the goals of:

  • providing knowledge of diverse cultures: their social, economic and political interactions and impacts on the world;
  • developing skills for successfully negotiating realities of contemporary societies;
  • fostering values that respect diverse ways of living and deepen commitment to sustainability.

The Global Studies major is interdisciplinary, drawing upon the resources of faculty and departments across the university. The major has three elements. The Foundations requirement introduces a variety of global issues and skills necessary for their analysis. The Language and Culture requirements allow students to develop area expertise in one world region through on-campus coursework and a semester-long study abroad. The Thematic Area focuses student programs on a topic of global importance to allow for an in-depth and multidisciplinary understanding of relevant historical and emerging issues, how they are analyzed and addressed. Students work with an advisor to customize the major curriculum most appropriate to their individual interests and career plans.

This program of study was developed in response to the growing demand for knowledge and skills to successfully navigate concerns at international and global levels. The competencies established through this program are critical for students preparing for careers or further study in a variety of fields including international affairs, public policy, business, law, finance, education, and communications.