• The MS program in physical activity and health offers an opportunity for advanced training in exercise science, physical activity and aging, or physical activity and health promotion alongside faculty who are immersed in the latest research.
  • This program prepares students to translate and apply evidence-based exercise science, fitness and lifestyle behavior change approaches to improve health and well-being and prevent chronic disease across the lifespan.
  • Students in the program develop competencies in research design, statistical methods and the ethical conduct of research studies. They have the opportunity to conduct a mentored research project as part of a thesis, if desired.
  • They also learn to apply theoretical models of behavior change for the development and implementation of interventions to facilitate the adoption and maintenance of physical activity and other health and wellness behaviors.
  • Students develop and demonstrate their knowledge of the causes, risks factors and impact of exercise, physical activity and fitness on the disease process in cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, musculoskeletal health and functional fitness through a critical examination of epidemiological research and exercise intervention studies.
  • The skills and knowledge acquired during the course of training enables each student to develop professional competencies that can be applied to significant problems and issues within the fields of exercise science and health promotion.