• Master of Science in Data Science at San Jose State University is a 2 years program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This degree is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in the sciences or engineering, and it provides both mathematical and algorithmic foundational knowledge and practical programming skills for data science careers.
  • Students have to successfully complete 36 units for the program.
  • Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    Students will be able to:

    1. Apply computer science knowledge and tools to assist in performing data science tasks.
    2. Summarize and evaluate statistical and machine learning concepts, models, and techniques.
    3. Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and software to tackle challenging, complex data science tasks.
    4. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, data science concepts, algorithms, and results to a broad audience.
    5. Identify ways in which data scientists can contribute to the cultural and economic well-being of diverse societies in local, national, and global scopes. 

    Culminating Experience (6 units)

    • Both plans(Project or Thesis) require two semesters of enrollment in 6-unit coursework in order to conduct the proposed project or thesis study. 
    • The student must also secure the commitments of two additional members, one of whom must be a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member, to serve as the student’s committee.
    • Topics and committee selections must be approved by the MS Data Science Coordinator.
    • Either plan requires writing a manuscript in a formal format describing original data science research, which is submitted for review by the student’s committee.
    • In addition, the student must successfully pass a comprehensive oral examination by the student’s committee based on the conducted project or thesis study.