• San Jose State University offers a MPH degree with a specialization in Community Health Education in two formats:
    • On Campus (regular session)
    • Online (through the College of Professional and Global Education, "CPGE").
  • The MPH degree on campus offers students the flexibility to complete their degree in 2 years or more, depending on personal circumstances. And the online option is offered through special session and is a fast-paced, 24-month program of study.  
  • The SJSU MPH Program is well-known for its practice-oriented, community-based training.
  • The 100 hour practicum followed by a full time internship (480 Rec/Rec Mgt and 560 for Rec Therapy) is designed to give the recreation student on-the-job experience.
  • Supervision during the internship is provided by the university and agency. 
  • A Public Health degree provides the foundation for a wide variety of career opportunities, including:

    • Community Health Specialist
    • Health Promotion Coordinator
    • Public Health Policy Officer
    • Health Communications Director
    • Health Educator
    • Epidemiologist
    • Health Information Technology Specialist
    • Health Promotion Program Director
    • Public Health Preparedness Coordinator
    • Health Research and Development Specialist
    • Public Health Program Director
    • Global Health Worker
    • Population Data Scientist
    • Allied Health Professional
    • Health Training Coordinator
    • Environmental Health Director