Are you ready to continue the revolution? In the Electrical Engineering Program from the University of San Diego, you will gain hands-on experience understanding problems, finding solutions, creating models and testing solutions for optimal efficiency for electronic products and parts. Specifically, you will:

  • Gain wide exposure to a wide range of electrical engineering areas such as signals, systems and communications, so that you'll have the foundational knowledge to work as an electrical engineer in many different industries.
  • Work within a team on course projects to apply what you?ve learned in class to a real-world problems.
  • Use modern equipment and software in the faculty-run labs to design, simulate, build and test solutions to electrical problems.
  • Know how to solve actual problems in a sustainable way to save your employer money and the environment.
  • Translate your ideas into something that works in real life so you are prepared for the workplace.

You'll also learn engineering in a liberal arts context as part of your dual BS/BA degree. This well-rounded approach can help you bring knowledge from many areas to solve practical problems.